A review of the genus Actenoncus Chaudoir (Coleoptera: Caraboidea: Orthogoniini) Author Tian, Ming-Yi Author Deuve, Thierry text Zootaxa 2009 2135 57 64 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.188480 5b802eb4-0eb4-482b-8735-04ab224f8ee1 1175-5326 188480 Actenoncus ater (Castelnau) ( Figs. 1 , 5 and 8 ) Lebia ater : Castelnau, 1835: 48 Actenoncus atratus : Chaudoir, 1871 : 126 Actenoncus ater : Chaudoir, 1878 : 7 ; Andrewes, 1930 : 9 ; Csiki, 1932 : 1592 ; Lorenz, 2005 : 392 Diagnosis. Medium to large, body more convex, dark brown to black, surface smooth and impunctate, right mandible without median tooth, labrum slightly emarginated at frontal margin, elytral striae shallow, with punctures isolated, abdominal ventrite VII more or less emarginated at apical margin in male. Length: 14.5–17.0 mm, width: 6.5–7.2 mm . Dark brown to black except for femora reddish brown. Habitus as in Fig. 1 . Surface smooth, glabrous and impunctate. Microsculptural meshes densely isodiametric on elytra, but faint or somewhat transverse on head and pronotum. Head as long as wide, eyes very large and extraordinary prominent, frons and vertex convex, frontal impressions very deep, but rather narrow and rather long compared to other members of Actenoncus ; clypeus bisetose, surface quite even; labrum with frontal margin slightly emarginated; mandibles rather short, right mandible without median tooth; palpi stout, subcylindrical, maxillary palpomere 3 as long as 4, both glabrous, except palpomere 3 with two or three short setae at apex; labial palpomere 2 slightly longer than 3; labial palpomere 2 bisetose at subapex in inner margin; ligula small and narrow, bisetose at apex; mentum without median tooth, asetose, submentum with a pair of setae; palpiger unisetose; antennae extending beyond basal one-fifth of elytra; antennomeres 1 and 4 subequal, slightly longer than 3, and twice as long as 2. Pronotum transverse, PW/PL=1.7–1.8, disc strongly convex; sides evenly expanded, widest at a little before middle, lateral expanded margins well defined, wide and flat, hardly reflexed; fore and hind angles rounded; basal margin distinctly produced backwards in median portion; both fore and hind transversal impressions distinct, basal foveae large and deep, connected to expanded margins. Elytra elongate ovate, EL/EW=1.7–1.75, strongly convex, widest a little behind middle, base unbordered; sides slightly expanded in middle portion and hardly paralleled; apex broadly truncate, outer angles rounded, slightly but distinctly contracted near inner angle, making a denticle; striae shallow, punctures isolated; intervals flat, smooth and without setiferous pore. Prosternal process unbordered at apex. Hind tarsomere 4 bilobed at apex. Abdominal ventrite VII with two pairs (in female), three or four (in male) pairs of setae, that of male distinctly or shallowly emarginated at apical margin ( Fig. 5 ). Male genitalia. Median lobe of aedeagus stout, apical portion somewhat bent, blunt (or rather sharp in one specimen) at apex in profile, the apical lamella very short, broad (or rather pointed) at apex ( Fig. 8 ). Distribution. Indonesia and Thailand (after Csiki, 1932 ). Materials examined. 1 female , the holotype of A. atratus Chaudoir , “ ater Castelnau , Java, Coll. Dejean”, “Ex-Musaeo Mniszech”, “ atratus Chaud. , actena Dej.” ( MNHN ); 1 male , “Java”, “Janson, Acq. 1884” ( MNHN ); 2 males 1 female , “Java, Mts. Kawie, Pasoeroean”, “Museum Paris, Ex. Coll. M. Maindron, Coll. G. Babault, 1930” ( MNHN , except a male in SCAU ); 1 female : “W. Sumatra Prov., Kenici, Seblat N. P., 24 km NE Tapan: Muara Sako- E env., 2.05 S / 101.15 E , 400–550 m , Dembicky leg, 4–18. III. 2003 ” ( NHMB ); 1 female , “Java, Bajaekidrel, Temocyoeroch ss/ol, Jan. 1934 , leg. Blom”, and “Coll. Dr. D. Mac Gillarry” ( ZMAN ).