Annotated catalogue of type specimens of flatfishes (Osteichthyes: Pleuronectiformes) in the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia Author Voronina, Elena P. Author Volkova, Galina A. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-11-08 4695 3 253 282 journal article 24934 10.11646/zootaxa.4695.3.2 72e5bd66-b8bf-4267-b245-a766bcfbfcd0 1175-5326 3532561 D0C300D2-777A-4B16-8EED-1CEA2DEB38EF Solea fasciata Basilewsky, 1855 Nouv. Mem. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou , 10: 261 Current status: Uncertain Type : ZIN 5273 Shantung [ Shandong ], China . Lost in Second World War . No evidence exists that type specimens of 13 species and subspecies described from Russian waters were ever deposited in the ZIN collection. Among these are: Pleuronectes glacialis Pallas, 1776 from the Kara Bay, Arctic Ocean; Pleuronectes asper Pallas, 1814 , Pleuronectes cicatricosus Pallas, 1814 , Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus Pallas, 1814 and Pleuronectes stellatus Pallas, 1814 from the Far East Seas; Pleuronectes luscus Pallas, 1814 , Pleuronectes maeoticus Pallas, 1814 and Pleuronectes nasutus Pallas, 1814 from the Black Sea; Glyptocephalus ostroumowi Pavlenko, 1910 ( 5 specimens ) and Limanda angustirostris var. maculosa Pavlenko, 1910 ( 2 specimens ) from Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan ; Pleuronectes flesus nat. caninensis Suvorov, 1929 ( 14 specimens ) and Pleuronectes glacialis nat. caninensis Suvorov, 1929 ( 19 specimens ) from Cheshskaya Bay, Barents Sea, and Liopsetta glacialis knipowitschi Essipov, 1939 from the Kara Sea.