Four new diarthrophallid mites (Acari, Mesostigmata, Diarthrophallidae) from tropical Africa Author Haitlinger, Ryszard text Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum (Entomology) 2001 2001-12-17 10 - 11 169 177 journal article 7781787 Malasudis korae n.sp. Material examined Holotype female (figs 18-24), Madagascar , ?Ambrotalasy , from undetermined Passalidae ; MIZPAS . Diagnosis M. korae is similar to M. tribulus . It can be separated by: 1) nude rami of tectum, 2) postgenital setae placed on apron, 3) the presence of five pairs of ultralong setae on dorsal plate, 4) longer setae dl (314to 205), d2 (358 to 236) also longer setae of series m, 5) longer macrosetae on Ge I, III , IV (92 to 78, 100 to 86, 108 to 90, respectively). DESCRIPTION Dorsal plate covers almost entire dorsum except posterior area of opisthosoma and lateral margins of idiosoma. This plate in its posterior part is narrow and bears five pairs of ultralong barbed setae. One pair of ultralong setae beyond the plate. All dorsal setae are long but among them setae d2 are the longest and m3 are the shortest (fig. 18). Ventrum with relatively narrow sternoventral plate, especially between coxae IV . The first sternalae longer than the remaining ones. Short postgenital setae placed near posterior margin of the plate. Anal plate has almost straight anterior border and two ultralong setae (fig. 19).Epigynial plate oval. Tectum with three slender rami somewhat longer than middle ramus, all slightly fringed (fig. 20). Malae externae (corniculi) relatively long and slender. Malae internae delicate (fig. 24). Genu and femur of leg I each with long barbed seta. Terminala over twice longer than subterminala (fig. 21). Leg II with one barbed macroseta on femur (fig. 22). Legs III-IV each have one barbed macroseta on genu and two barbed macrosetae on femur (fig. 23). Palps have one barbed macroseta on femora. Measurements are given in Tab. I . Remarks Malasudis korae n. sp. is similar to M. echinopus SCHUSTER & SUMMERS , M. arii n. sp. and M. vernae n. sp. It can be separated from M. echinopus by: 1) the presence of five pairs of ultralong setae on dorsal setae (in M. echinopus three pairs), 2) tectum without bifurcate middle ramus, 3) shorter epigynial plate (136 to 181),4) longer dl (314 to 82) and the remaining setae of series d and m; from M. arii n. sp. by: 1) tectum without bifurcate middle ramus, 2) only five pairs of dorsal setae (in M. arii six pairs), 3) longer setae of series m and d, 4) longer macrosetae on Ge I (92 to 70), Ge III (100 to 56), Ge IV (108 to 56—60); from M. vernae n. sp. by: 1) tectum without bifurcate middle ramus, 2) macrosetae on femur IV subequal in length (128 to 100 in M. vernae 88-102 to 30-40), longer setae on dorsal plate (for example d2 358 to 236—292). Etymlogy The name of the species has been derived from the name Kora.