Illustrated key to the tribes of subfamilia Ichneumoninae and genera of the tribe Platylabini of world fauna (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae)
A. M
Linzer biologische Beiträge
journal article
Cratichneumon unificatus
(Plate 13)
Cratichneumon unificatus
- Zool. Journ.
(5): 601-602,
. F e m a l e
F l a g e l l u m: Filiform, with 23 segments, strongly thickened to the apex, practically not narrowed beyond middle; first segment from lateral only 1,2 times longer than width at apex, already segment 3 square from lateral, from segment 13 slightly flattened ventrally; white annulus on segments 6-11(12). Flagellum 1,7 times shorter than the front wing and 2 times shorter than body length.
H e a d: Head contour from front slightly narrowed downwards, only just transversal, only 1,1 times wider than length; genae long, from front 2,7 times shorter height of eye; head contour from above stout, transversal, 1,5 times wider than length, slightly roundly narrowed backwards behind eyes; front surface from side strongly convex, forming with frontal surface almost right angle. Vertex from lateral roundly sloping to occipital carina; temples long, 1,5 times shorter than longitudinal diameter of an eye at the middle, from side strongly broadened toward mandible base; occipital carina sharp all round, from above deeply impressed but not reach level of eyes and hind ocelli; hypostomal carina only just visible from lateral at lower part, meeting with occipital carina before mandible base; malar space 1,3 times longer than the mandible base width; mandibles long and wide, evenly narrowed from base to apex, upper tooth considerably longer than lower, teeth situated in the same plane and separated by slight notch; clypeus slightly convex, transverse, 2,6 times wider than length, with straight and sharp front margin and oblique lateral margins, separated from face by slight impression; clypeal foveae small, deep, round; labrum not protrude from under clypeus; middle field of face slightly elevated, triangular, in middle equal to lateral fields; antennal cavities deeply impressed, reach borders of eyes and far not reach level of front ocellus, laterally above antennal fossae without tubercles and with sharp tooth between antennal fossae; margins of antennal fossae slightly elevated above face surface; ocelli small, flat, diameter of lateral ocellus 1,5 times less than distance from ocellus to eye; ocellar triangle only just elevated. Surface of clypeus smooth, shining with sparse superficial punctures, frons between front ocellus and antennal cavities densely superficially-punctured; temples strongly shining with sparse punctures.
T h o r a x: Collar of pronotum long with rounded front margin (from above); transverse furrow of pronotum very shallow, not interrupted by keel; pronotal ridge not swol- len; epomiae sharp; pronotal base gradually curved with moderately acute apex. Mesonotum only just convex, wider than length, laterally bordered by deep groove; notauli practically absent; axillary tongue not developed; middle lobe of mesonotum rather densely superficially-punctured, without microsculpture, lateral lobes with more sparse, smoothed punctures; subalarum high, thin, sharp; speculum shining, smoothly wrinklypunctured; area of mesopleural fovea broadly, but not deeply impressed; mesopleural suture straight, deep, practically not interrupted by ribs; mesopleurae longitudinally wrinkly-punctured without microsculpture; mesopleurae at bottom without sharp bend; sternauli in form of deep impression in front third; scutellum flat, smooth, shining, with sparse shallow punctures, laterally not carinated; postscutellum strongly shining. Hind margin of metanotum with broad triangle projections opposite lateral longitudinal carinae. Length of horizontal part of propodeum equal to length of area posteromedia in middle; carinae of propodeum sharp, with exception of costulae and slightly expressed carina, limiting basal area from behind; area superomedia elongated, narrowed anteriad; basal area long with strong longitudinal wrinkles, crossing basal furrow of propodeum; spiracles of propodeum long, slit-shaped; area posteroexterna and third pleural area not divided by distinct keel. Surface of propodeum wrinkly-punctured, without microsculpture and with rough sculpture, metapleurae densely punctured by big punctures.
L e g s: Strong; hind coxae with slight scopa. Claws thin, in middle sharply curved.
W i n g s: Areolet pentagonal, asymmetrical, external vein of apex shorter than internal; stigma light; radial cell broad, radius almost straight, curved only at apex; nervulus very slightly postfurcal; ramulus only just marked; all veins dark; external branches of medial and cubital veins unsclerotized in form of slight trace; radius of hind wing strongly unsclerotized; membrane of wing hyaline. Front wing в 1,8 times longer than length of flagellum and 1,2 times shorter than body length.
A b d o m e n:Oxypygous, from above longish-oval, apical tergites not hidden; second tergite transversal, at apex 1,4 times wider than length; sheath of ovipositor only just visible protrude. First tergite from lateral with gradual bend between petiolus and postpetiolus; petiolus not flattened at base, from lateral sharply bordered by carinae and indistinctly sculpturated between them by smoothed ribs; from above petiolus gradually broadened to triangle postpetiolus; middle field of postpetiolus expressed slightly, its surface slightly-wrinkled, with some superficial punctures at apex and at lateral corners. Gastrocoeli superficial, thyridia only just marked; lunulae in form of only just visible trace; tergites 2-3 densely punctured, without microsculpture. Hypopygium compressed from sides.
C o l o r a t i o n: Scapus and flagellum to white annulus light-ferruginous. Head and thorax entirely black. Scutellum entirely pale-yellow. Apex of postpetiolus, tergites 2-3 completely, 4th at base and sternites light-ferruginous; petiolus and tergite
4 in
most part darkened, tergites 5-7 completely black. All legs, including coxae, of basic color; hind femora at apex and hind tibiae at apex and at base darkened; tibiae of all legs from outside with large white spots; spot on hind tibiae occupy almost third of its length.
S i z e: Body length: 5,5; flagellum: 2,8; front wing:
4,7 mm
M a l e. Unknown.