Acanthocephalans Of The Genus Centrorhynchus (Palaeacanthocephala, Centrorhynchydae) From Birds Of Ukraine With The Description Of A New Species Author Lisitsyna, O. I. Author Greben, O. B. text Vestnik Zoologii 2015 2015-06-01 49 3 195 210 journal article 10.1515/vzoo-2015-0022 2073-2333 6452328 Centrorhynchus magnus Fukui , 1922 Syn. Centrorhynchus microrchis Fukui , 1929 . D e s c r i p t i o n (by Fukui , 1929 from Petrochenko, 1958 ). Trunk cylindrical, anterior third or quarter slightly widened. Female 32–42 mm long, 700–1000 wide; male 20–26 mm long, 600–800 wide. Proboscis rather long; proboscis anterior part almost cylindrical, in male 680–750 long, 350–400 wide, in female 650–770 long, 350–490 wide; proboscis posterior part conical and the same long as the anterior. Males with 38–40 longitudinal rows in anterior part and 40–42 in posterior part. Female’s number rows greater than male’s by two. Each longitudinal row with 26–27 hooks, 15–17 large and with roots, 9–11 withоut roots. Female’s proboscis receptacle 550–1650 long. Limnisci cylindrical, almost twice longer than proboscis receptacle (1000–3000); extended to anterior testis. Testes ellipsoidal, 970–1220 long. Cement glands 4, cylindrical. Eggs elongate-oval, without polar prolongation of fertilization membrane, 35–48 × 16–20. Fig. 4. Centrorhynchus spinosus from Falco tinnunculus : A — proboscis, {; B — hooks of a longitudinal row, {; C — egg; D — hooks of a longitudinal row, {. Рис. 4. Centrorhynchus spinosus от Falco tinnunculus : A — хоботок, {; B — общий вид, {; C — яйцо; D — крючья продольного ряда, {. The species was described from birds of prey from Japan . It is recorded from the birds of the genera Milvus , Falco , Buteo , Circus , and Nycticorax , Egretta in Russia , Pakistan , Taiwan ( Schmidt, Kuntz, 1969 ; Khokhlova, 1986). It is found in Ukraine in western marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus 1 , common kestrel Falco tinnunculus 1 in Odesa Region (Vylkove) ( Zhukov, 1956 ).