Rhopalomenia glandulosa spec. nov., and the restoration of Entonomenia Leloup (Mollusca: Solenogastres) Author Eisenhut, Angelika Author Salvini-Plawen, Luitfried V. text Zootaxa 2006 2005-04-24 1184 43 55 journal article 27042 10.5281/zenodo.2646003 b120c39b-e965-4827-9fd4-ef2d98b8e594 1175-5326 2646003 B12734B5-97AA-446E-B908-AD3B0EC5A1F9 Entonomenia Leloup, 1948 Rhopalomeniidae with only one pair of foregut glandular organs, characterised by a duct with subepithelial/extraepithelial glandular cells (so­called type A); with separate mouth opening, without radula, with dorsoterminal sense organ, with unpaired secondary genital opening, without copulatory stylets or respiratory organs. Type species Entonomenia atlantica Leloup, 1948 (off Canary Islands , 540 m ; holotype as section series in MOM). Six other species originally classified under Rhopalomenia are herewith transferred to the restored genus, five of which were originally described by Salvini­Plawen 1978 ( E. carinata , E tricarinata , E. sertularicola , E. cristata , E. rhynchopharyngeata ) and E. microporata ( Handl & Salvini­Plawen 2002 ) . Urgorria García­Álvarez & Salvini­Plawen, 2001 = Rhopalomeniidae with only one pair of foregut glandular organs, characterised by epithelial/intraepithelial glandular cells (so­called type C), and with a common atrio­buccal cavity; other characters as in Rhopalomenia above. Type species Urgorria compostelana García­Álvarez & Salvini­Plawen, 2001 . The genus also includes U. monoplicata Salvini­Plawen, 2003 . Dinomenia Nierstrasz, 1902 = Rhopalomeniidae with one pair of foregut glandular organs with subepithelial/extraepithelial glandular cells draining through a distinct duct ( type A), with a distichous radula and with copulatory stylets; terminal sense organ present. To date only the type species Dinomenia hubrechti Nierstrasz, 1902 , is known. Driomenia Heath, 1911 = Rhopalomeniidae with one pair of foregut glandular organs with duct and subepithelial/extraepithelial glandular cells ( type A), without terminal sense organ, pericardium with a pair of ventro­anterior diverticles; other characters as in Entonomenia above. Only the type species Driomenia pacifica Heath, 1911 , is known. Pruvotia Thiele, 1894 = Rhopalomeniidae of somewhat uncertain status due to the presence of two (respiratory?) folds in the pallial cavity and a lack of information on foregut glandular organs; other characters as in Driomenia Heath. Only the type species is known, described as Proneomenia sopita Pruvot, 1891 . Acknowledgements The authors are very grateful to Dr. Michael Stachowitsch ( Vienna ) for polishing the English text. 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