Revision ofCyclocaccusSharp (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Nitidulinae) Author Hisamatsu, Sadatomo Author Bayless, Victoria M. Author Carlton, Christopher E. text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2016 2016-12-31 70 4 825 870 journal article 10.1649/0010-065X-70.4.825 5340413 Cyclocaccus costaricensis Hisamatsu , new species ( Figs. 1J , 7 , Map 3) Type Series. Holotype ( SEMC ): , ‘COSTA RICA: San Jose / Pan American Hwy. km. 70 / Mirador El Quetzal , 2650 m / 9°38′37″N , 83°51′ 02″W / 20 JUL 2000 ; J. Ashe , R. Brooks , / Z. Falin CR1ABF00 195 / ex: fogging fungus covered log // SMO242710 / KUNHM–ENT’ . Paratypes : [ COSTA RICA ] 1♂ 1♀ , km. 117 Pan American Hwy. , 19 km N. San Isidro , San José , 1,800 m , 09°28′00″N , 83°42′20″W , ex: flight intercept trap , 20–25. VI. 1997 , S. & J. Peck leg. ( CNC ) :; 1♀ , 2.4 km ENE Sn Gerardo de Rivas , Cloudbridge Reserve , Ridge trail, San José , 2,140 m , 09°28.07′N , 83°33.84′W , ex: flight intercept trap , 9–12. VI. 2004 , J.S. Ashe , Z. Falin & I. Hinojosa leg. ( SEMC ) ; 1♂ 2♀ , same data as the holotype ( SEMC ) ; 1♂ 1♀ , Pan American Hwy. km. 80.5, 9 km SSW Albergue de Montana Savegre , Upper Quebrada–Las Robles Trails , San José , 2,200 – 2,300 m , 09°32′56″N , 83°48′09″W , ex: gilled mushroom, 23. VII. 2000 , J. Ashe , R. Brooks & Z. Falin leg. ( SEMC ) ; 1♂ , ditto, but ex: fogging fungus covered log. ( SEMC ) ; 1♀ , km. 45, Int. Amer. Hwy. , 6 km N.E. El Empalme , San José / Cartago , 1,975 m , 09°45′00″N , 83°58′30″W , ex: flight intercept trap , S. & J. Peck leg. ( CNC ) ; 1♀ , Pan American Hwy. km 80.5, 7 km SSW, Cabinas de Quetzal , San José , 2,150 m , 09°33′ 53″N , 83°48′05″W , ex: fogging fungus covered log, J. Ashe , R. Brooks & Z. Falin leg. ( SEMC ) ; 1♂ , Rio Macho , 3 km E. de Villa Mills , Camino Principal del Cattie , Cartago , 2,750 m , 6. VII. 1996 , A. Picado leg. ( INBIO ) ; 1♂ , Genesis II Reserve , San José , 2,360 m , 09°42.57′N , 83°54.64′W , ex: orange gilled mushrooms on log, 14. VI. 2004 , J.S. Ashe , Z. Falin & I. Hinojosa leg. ( ARCC ) . Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the country of occurrence, Costa Rica . Diagnosis. This species differs from other congeners by the following combination of characters: pronotum and elytra different in color; pronotum with dark reddish brown longitudinal maculation at middle, possessing two vague lateral markings on each side of the maculation; antennal segment XI with one oval antennal sensilla; pro- and mesotarsal segments II and III of males moderately dilated; apical margin of tegmen truncate, shallowly emarginate at middle in ventral view; median lobe subparallel-sided at basal 1/3, then moderately converging anteriorly in ventral view; median lobe in ventral view subparallel-sided at basal 1/3, then moderately converging anteriorly; apical margin of median lobe widely rounded in ventral view; apex of long, slender gonocoxites deeply incised, somewhat swollen at apices. Similar Species. This new species is similar to C. maculatus , in having one antennal sensilla and similar shape of body maculation and male genitalia, but can be distinguished by the following combination of characters: abdominal tergite VII and venter without maculation, apex of ovipositor more deeply incised and swollen apically. It is also similar to C . monticola , in having similar body maculation and shape of male genitalia, but can be distinguished by the following combination of characters: antennal segment XI with one oval antennal sensilla; gonocoxites somewhat swollen at apices. Description. Length 1.92–2.32 (2.10) mm, width 1.47–1.80 (1.65) mm, depth 0.93–1.10 (1.00) mm ( n = 5). Male. Body ( Fig. 1J ) oval; dorsal disc of head and antennal club dark brown except apical areas of head and club paler; antennal segments I–VIII and venter reddish yellow; pronotum reddish yellow, with dark brown longitudinal maculation at midline, possessing 2 vague lateral markings; scutellum and elytra reddish brown. Head: Dorsal disc possessing sparse, minute punctures; interspaces reticulate. Labrum feebly notched at middle. Antenna ( Fig. 7C ) with club long and large, ACL/ASI-VIII = 0.74 ( n = 1); antennal segment XI with an oval antennal sensilla; approximate ratio of each segment ( n = 1) 3.13: 2.10: 2.05: 1.57: 1.71: 1.15: 1.13: 1.00: 3.23: 2.86: 4.21. Pronotum: 2.99–3.48 (3.28) times as wide as long ( n = 5); disc possessing sparse, minute punctures; interspaces reticulate. Scutellum: Disc possessing few minute punctures; interspaces reticulate. Elytra: 0.98–1.06 (1.02) times as long as wide ( n = 5), 3.61–4.44 (4.00) times as long as pronotum ( n = 5), widest at basal 1/3; each elytron with 9 regular rows of deep, large punctures; interstices without punctures or with few minute punctures. Venter: Prosternum feebly convex along midline. Metaventrite strongly convex. Abdominal sternite III without subcoxal lines. Legs: Slender; pro- and mesotarsal segments I to III moderately dilated; tarsal claws simple. Genitalia: Tegmen ( Fig. 7A ) constricted at middle, then moderately convergent apically in ventral view; TL/TW = 1.71 ( n = 1); apical and lateral margins of tegmen strongly undulating in ventral view; apical margin of tegmen truncate, shallowly emarginate at middle in ventral view; median lobe ( Fig. 7B ) subparallelsided at basal 1/3, then moderately converging anteriorly in ventral view; apical margin of median lobe widely rounded; sclerites of internal sac as in Fig. 7B . Female. Pro- and mesotarsal segments I–III more weakly dilated than those of males. Ovipositor ( Fig. 7D ) with long, slender gonocoxites deeply incised at apex and slightly swollen. Distribution. Costa Rica ( San José and Cartago ) (Map 3).