A review of Canadian and Alaskan species of the genera Clusiota Casey and AthetaThomson, subgenusMicrodota Mulsant & Rey (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) Author Klimaszewski, Jan Author Webster, Reginald P. Author Sikes, Derek Author Bourdon, Caroline Author Labrecque, Myriam text ZooKeys 2015 524 103 136 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.524.6105 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.524.6105 1313-2970-524-103 F07CD1B4D0B04048837E1B731168C5EC F07CD1B4D0B04048837E1B731168C5EC Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Staphylinidae Clusiota grandipenis Klimaszewski & Webster sp. n. Figs 104-111 Holotype (male). Canada, New Brunswick, Westmorland Co., Sackville near Ogden Mill, 45.92155°N , 64.38925°W , 12.V.2006, Scott Makepeace coll. // Black spruce forest, in nest contents of Great Horned Owl - Bubo virginensis (LFC). Paratype: Canada, New Brunswick, Northumberland Co., ca. 2.5 km W of Sevogle, 47.0876N , 65.8613W , 27.VIII.2013, old jack pine forest, in decaying gilled mushroom, R.P. Webster (RWC) 1 female. Etymology. The specific name grandipenis, meaning large penis, refers to the large tubus of the median lobe of the aedeagus of this species. Diagnosis. Body length 2.2 mm, subparallel, flattened, dark brown, abdomen slightly darker than remainder of the body, legs yellowish brown (Fig. 104); integument glossy, densely punctate and densely pubescent on forebody and less so on head and particularly on abdomen, microsculpture of forebody fine, meshed with hexagonal sculpticells; head about as wide as pronotum, slightly angular posteriorly, eyes large and as long as postocular area dorsally; pronotum rounded laterally and basally, transverse, narrower than elytra; elytra wider and longer than pronotum; abdomen subparallel. MALE. Tergite VIII slightly emarginate apically (Fig. 105); sternite VIII broadly rounded apically (Fig. 106); median lobe of aedeagus with broadly oval bulbus streamlined with apically narrowly triangular tubus in dorsal view (Fig. 107), in lateral view tubus strongly produced ventrally, apex narrowly triangular and slightly pointed (Fig. 108), internal sac structures pronounced (Figs 107, 108). FEMALE. Tergite VIII with shallow apical median emargination (Fig. 109); sternite VIII rounded apically (Fig. 110); spermatheca S-shaped, capsule broadly club-shaped with deep median invagination, stem sinuate with posterior loop (Fig. 111). Natural history. One adult was found in the nest contents of a Great Horned Owl, - Bubo virginensis in a black spruce forest in May and another from a decaying gilled mushroom in a jack pine forest during August. Distribution. Known only from NB, Canada.