On the Stenus LATREILLE 1797 from Taiwan with spotted elytra including remarks on the S. gestroi-group (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (316 Contribution to the Knowledge of Steninae) Author Puthz, V text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2011 2011-07-25 43 1 565 596 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5324778 0253-116X 5324778 Stenus electrigemmeus nov.sp. ( Figs 16, 18 , 28, 29 , 88 , 116 ) T y p e m a t e r i a l: Holotype and 1 - paratype : TAIWAN : Kaohsiung Hsien : Kuanshan trail at Kuanshanchi River , 2400 m , 20.VIII.1993 (T 158) . Paratypes : 1: Creek 2 km E Tien Chih , Hwy 20, 2400 m , 22.VII.1993 (T 161) ; Nantou Hsien : 1: Yushan N. P. , Mun-Li Cliff, 2700 m , 18.V.1991 (T 86) ; 1: Piluchi, 18.VII.1988 , leg. S. NOMURA; Chiai Hsien : 1: Yushan N. P. : Ta- Ta Ghia, 2750 m , 27.IV.1990 (T 27) ; Ilan Hsien : 1: Taipingshan, 1880 m , 14.VII.1993 (T 152): all leg. A. SMETANA.- HT and PTT in coll. SMETANA, PTT also in cP and in coll. NAOMI . D e s c r i p t i o n: Micropterous, black with a faint brownish hue, each elytron with a large, oval, orange spot (fig. 28), forebody moderately shiny, abdomen more distinctly shiny; forebody coarsely and very densely punctuate, abdomen coarsely and moderately densely punctuate anteriorly, finely and sparsely punctuate posteriorly; pubescence short, recumbent. Antennae reddish yellow, club infuscate. Maxillary palpi reddish yellow, segment 3 slightly darker. Paraglossa oval. Legs reddish yellow, tarsal segments infuscate. Clypeus black, labrum dark brown, sparsely pubescent. Length: 5.5-6.5 mm forebody: 2.4-2.7 mm ). PM of the HT: HW: 40.5; DE: 24; PW: 30; PL: 35; EW: 37; EL: 39; SL: 28. M a l e: Legs simple. Metasternum broadly shallowed, moderately coarsely and moderately densely punctuate, interstices of punctures about as large as diameter of punctures, shallowly reticulate. Anterior sternites simple, sternite 7 very slightly shallowed and denser punctate in posterior middle. Sternite 8 with a moderately broad apical emargination, about one eleventh as long as the sternite. Sternite 9 acute apicolaterally (fig. 88). Tergite 10 very broadly rounded apically. Aedeagus (fig. 116), apical portion of median lobe triangularly narrowed with a median area of moderately densely arranged short setae ventrally and two apical setae; no stronger sclerotized expulsion mechanism present but a tubous internal sac; parameres slender, much longer than the median lobe, with about 24 moderately long setae apically. F e m a l e: Sternite 8 broadly rounded at posterior margin, slightly projecting in the middle. Valvifer acute apicolaterally. Tergite 10 rounded apically. Spermatheca (e. g. fig. 16), infundibulum long, about two thirds as long as the uncoiled portion of the spermathecal duct. Head broader than elytra, postocular region between eye and neck oblique (as in fig.. 6), frons broad with two distinct broad longitudinal furrows, median portion about as broad as each of the side portions, broadly elevate, extending to the level of dorsal eye margins; punctuation coarse, usually very dense, diameter of punctures about as large as maximum cross section of antennal segment 3 (or still larger), interstices distinctly smaller than half diameter of punctures, larger on median portion(where interstices can become larger than punctures) and (sometimes) on a small area near posterior eye margin. Antennae very slender, when reflexed the last segment extends beyond the posterior margin of pronotum, penultimate segments nearly twice as long as broad, segment 11 slightly longer than segment 10. Pronotum distinctly longer than broad, broadest in anterior half, sides convex anteriorly, moderately concave posteriorly; a broad transverse impression in about middle, a longitudinal median impression less distinct; punctuation about as coarse as on frons but less regularly delimited, in some specimens confluent. Elytra (fig. 28) longer than broad, trapezoid, shoulders oblique, posterior margin deeply emarginated; humeral impression distinct, sutural impression long and distinct; the orange spot, in the lateral half of each elytron, shorter ore slightly longer than half the length of the elytron (EL: SpL = 39: 18,5 (HT), 44: 18.5 (T 158); 43: 18 (T 161); 43: 17.5 (T 152); 44.5: 25.5 (T 27); 45: 23.5 (T 86); 43: 25.5 (Piluchi)) and distinctly separate from the posterior margin of elytron; punctuation coarse and dense, slightly coarser than on pronotum, preponderately well delimited, interstices on the average smaller than half diameter of punctures. Abdomen cylindrical, thread-like margined (fig. 29), basal furrows of anterior tergites deep, tergite 7 with a distinct membranous fringe apically; punctuation coarse and moderately dense anteriorly (on tergite 4 punctures can become as large as basal cross section of antennal segment 3, interstices somewhat smaller or larger than punctures), fine and sparse posteriorly (on tergite 7 punctures are smaller than one eye facet at dorsal eye margin, interstices distinctly to much larger than punctures), punctuation of tergite 10 fine and sparse. Legs very slender, metatarsi about five sevenths as long as metatibiae, segment 1 a little longer than the two following segments combined, about twice as long as the last segment; C o m p a r a t i v e n o t e s: This new species belongs to a group which I name " tenuimargo -group" and which is preliminarily characterized as follows: tarsi bilobed, abdominal margination very narrow (line-like or with extremely narrow, indistinct paratergites), paraglossae oval, postocular region between eye and neck oblique (fig. 6), sternum 9 with long apicolateral teeth, antennae and legs very long. The following oriental species belong to this group: Stenus electrigemmeus nov.sp. , S. electrigemmatus nov.sp. , S. grandimaculatus L. BENICK , S. habropus PUTHZ , S. marginifer PUTHZ , S. marginiventris PUTHZ , S. miwai BERNHAUER , S. mithracifer nov.sp. , S. oculifer PUTHZ , S. opilionipes PUTHZ , S. pseudopictus CAMERON , S. semilineatus PUTHZ , ( S. tridentipenis PUTHZ ?), S. tenuimargo CAMERON , S. unguliventris PUTHZ and few undescribed species from China . For identification amongst the Taiwanese species see key. E t y m o l o g y electrigemmeus (Lat.) = with amber gem.