The Muscini flies of the world (Diptera, Muscidae): identification key and generic diagnoses Author Nihei, Silvio Shigueo Author Carvalho, Claudio José Barros De text Zootaxa 2009 1976 1 24 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.185153 0b5ad8cc-9b48-4700-acc5-012d1707f720 1175-5326 185153 Pyrellina Malloch, 1923 Pyrellina Malloch, 1923 : 525 . Type species: Lucilia inventrix Walker, 1861 . Diagnosis. Colouration metallic violaceous-blue; wing without maculae. Female with proclinate frontoorbital seta; parafrons setulose; interfrontal seta absent. Dorsocentrals 2+4 (but 0+ 2 in P. b i c o l o r (Stein)). Posthumeral, parahumeral and presutural developed; postsutural intra-alars 2; intrapostalar present. Prosternum setulose. Katepisternals 1+3. Meron setulose. Wing with the apical portion of stem-vein setulose or not on both dorsal and ventral faces; R1 setulose or bare dorsally, and setulose ventrally; Rs node and R4+5 setulose dorsally and ventrally; M setulose ventrally between r-m and dm-cu crossveins, and bent forward towards R4+5. Lower calypter glossiform. Subcostal sclerite bare. Mid tibia with a strong submedian seta on ventral to posteroventral surface ( Fig. 15 ). Calcar strong. First abdominal sternite widely setulose. Distribution (12 species). Afrotropical. References. Curran (1935) , Peris (1967) , Zielke (1971) .