New Coleoptera records from New Brunswick, Canada: Anthribidae, Brentidae, Dryophthoridae, Brachyceridae, and Curculionidae, with additions to the fauna of Quebec, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island Author Webster, Reginald P. Author Anderson, Robert S. Author Sweeney, Jon D. Author DeMerchant, Ian text ZooKeys 2012 179 349 406 journal article 1313-2970-179-349 Anisandrus sayi Hopkins, 1915 Map 63 Material examined. New Brunswick, Carleton Co., Jackson Falls, Bell Forest, 46.2200°N , 67.7231°W , 4-12.VI.2008, 12-19.VI.2008, 19-27.VI.2008, 27. VI- 5.VII.2008, 12-19.VII.2008, 19-28.VII.2008, R. P. Webster, mature hardwood forest, Lindgren funnel traps (10, AFC, RWC); same locality and forest type but 9-14.V.2009, 14-20.V.2009, R. Webster & M.-A. Giguere , Lindgren funnel traps (11, AFC). Queens Co., Cranberry Lake P.N.A, 46.1125°N , 65.6075°W , 21-27.V.2009, 5-11.VI.2009, R. Webster & M.-A. Giguere , old red oak forest, Lindgren funnel traps (4, AFC); Grand Lake Meadows P.N.A., 45.8227°N , 66.1209°W , 19-31.V.2010, R. Webster & C. MacKay, old silver maple forest with green ash and seasonally flooded marsh, Lindgren funnel traps (numerous specimens collected in EtOH baited traps) (1, AFC). Restigouche Co., Dionne Brook P.N.A., 47.9030°N , 68.3503°W , 31. V- 15.VI.2011, M. Roy & V. Webster, old-growth northern hardwood forest, Lindgren funnel traps (2, AFC, NBM). Sunbury Co., Acadia Forest Experiment Station, 30.VI.1999, (no collector given), pitfall trap survey, collection site 1, Control (2, AFC); Acadia Research Forest, 45.9866°N , 66.3841°W , 8-13.V.2009, 13-19.V.2009, 19-25.V.2009, R. Webster & M.-A. Giguere , red spruce forest with red maple and balsam fir, Lindgren funnel traps (4, AFC). York Co., Fredericton, University of New Brunswick Woodlot, 14.V.1964 (emergence date), C. M. D., ex beech bolt collected on 28.VIII.1963, 63 -1280- 01 (2, AFC); 15 km W of Tracy off Rt. 645, 45.6848°N , 66.8821°W , 11-19.V.2009, 1-8.VI.2009, R. Webster & M.-A. Giguere , old red pine forest, Lindgren funnel trap (8, RWC); 14 km WSW of Tracy, S of Rt. 645, 45.6741°N , 66.8661°W , 10-26.V.2010, R. Webster & C. MacKay, old mixed forest with red and white spruce, red and white pine, balsam fir, eastern white cedar, red maple, and Populus sp., Lindgren funnel trap (1, AFC). Map 63. Collection localities in New Brunswick, Canada of Anisandrus sayi . Collection and habitat data. Hosts of this species include various hardwood species ( Bright 1976 ; Wood 1982 ). In New Brunswick, most adults were captured in Lindgren funnel traps during May, June, and July in hardwood forests, red oak forests, red spruce forests with red maple, and an old red pine forest. Numerous adults were collected in ethanol-baited Lindgren funnel traps in an old silver maple forest. Some adults were also reared from a beech bolt. Distribution in Canada and Alaska. ON, QC, NB, NS ( Bright 1976 ; McNamara 1991d ; Majka et al. 2007c ).