Two new combinations in Euploca Nutt. (Heliotropiaceae, Boraginales) and a conspectus of the species of the Guiana Shield area Author Feuillet, Christian Department of Botany, MRC- 166, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, P. O. Box 37012, Washington, DC 20013 - 7012, USA & Current address: Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, 2082 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR 97331 - 2902, USA text PhytoKeys 2016 2016-02-25 61 101 124 journal article 1314-2003-61-101 FFF8FFEB667CFFB6FF92FFAAFF90FF90 576327 Euploca filiformis (Lehm.) J.I.M.Melo & Semir, 2009 Euploca filiformis (Lehm.) J.I.M.Melo & Semir, Kew Bull. 64: 289. 2009. Heliotropium filiforme Lehm., Goett . Gel. Anz. 3(152): 1515. 1817. Euploca filiformis Type. Venezuela. Near Orinoco, Bonpland and Humboldt 1202 [an error, most likely for 1203 ] (lectotype, designated by Foerther 1998 , pg. 195: B-W 3246/1 n.v. [ scan!]; isotypes MEL 233288 n.v., P! [2 sheets; scans!], P-Bonpl! [scan!]). [same type collection as next, but different holotype] Heliotropium filiforme Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 3: 86, t. 204. 1818, nom. illeg. non Heliotropium filiforme Lehm. 1817. Euploca filiformis Type. Venezuela. Near Orinoco, Bonpland and Humboldt 1203 (holotype P-Bonpl! [scan!]; isotypes B-Willd 3246/1 n.v. [scan!], MEL 233288 n.v., P! [2 sheets; scans!]. [same type collection as previous, but different holotype] Heliotropium tenue Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg. 4: 737. 1819. Euploca filiformis Type. Brazil. Para , Sieber for Hoffmannsegg s.n. (holotype B-WILLD-3248!; isotypes HAL n.v., MEL 233189 n.v., P!). Preslaea stenostachya A.St.-Hil., Voy. Distr. Diam. 2: 434. 1833. Euploca filiformis Type. Brazil. "Ad ripas fluminis Parahyba", St.-Hilaire B228 (lectotype, designated by Foerther 1998 , pg. 235: P! [scan!]; isotypes K!, M n.v., MPU!, P! [scan!]). Heliotropium littorale Mart. ex Colla, Herb. Pedem. 4: 226. 1835. Euploca filiformis Type. Brazil. "In arenosis maritimis", Martius s.n. (holotype TO n.v.; isotype BM n.v.). Euploca filiformis Note. placed in the synonymy fide Foerther 1998 who saw the isotype at BM. Heliotropium pusillum Colla, Herb. Pedem. 4: 227. 1835. Euploca filiformis Type. Brazil. Martius s.n. (holotype TO n.v.). Heliotropium helophilum Mart., Flora 21(2), Beibl. 4: 85. 1838. Euploca filiformis Type. Brazil. "Propre Cujaba", 1837, Herb. Fl. Bras. 165, n°267 (lectotype, designated by Foerther 1998 , pg. 199: BR n.v. [scan!]; isotypes E n.v. [scan!], FI-W!, G-DC!, GH n.v., L! [2 sheets], LE n.v. [2 sheets], M n.v., P! [2 sheets; scans!], W n.v.). Schleidenia stenostachya (A.St.-Hil.) DC., Prodr. 9: 558. 1845. Type. Based on Preslaea stenostachya A.St.-Hil. Schleidenia filiformis (Lehm.) Fresen., Fl. Bras. 8(1): 40. 1857. Type. Based on Heliotropium filiforme Lehm. Heliotropium stenostachyum (A.St.-Hil.) Guerke , in Engler and Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4(3a): 97. 1893. Type. Based on Preslaea stenostachya A.St.-Hil. Type. Based on Heliotropium filiforme Lehm. Description. Annual herb or subshrub, up to 0.25 m tall. Stems slender, erect or decumbent, up to 0.4 m long, sparingly strigose. Leaves: petiole 0.1-0.2 cm long, slender; lamina linear or elliptic or lanceolate or oblanceolate, 1-2.5 x 0.15-0.35 cm, apex acute, base acute, margin entire, both surfaces sericeous to strigose. Inflorescences epedunculate, slender scorpioid cymes, up to 15 cm long, bearing scattered bracts, filiform or subulate, 0.1-0.2 cm long, glabrescent. Flower sub-sessile: calyx longer than the corolla tube, lobes, 1.5-2 mm long at anthesis, glabrescent; corolla white, tubular, outside strigose, inside glabrescent, tube narrowed in the middle, lobes ovate with broadly open sinuses, about 1 mm long; stamens sessile, anther with an apical appendage, weakly coherent; ovary subglobose or globose, strigose; style lacking or nearly so; stigma sessile or sub-sessile, fertile base much wider than the apex of the ovary. Fruit on 0.5-1 mm long pedicel, depressed-globose; nutlets almost 1.5 mm long. Distribution . Venezuela (Amazonas, Bolivar ), Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana, Brazil ( Amapa , Amazonas, Para , Roraima); also in Belize, Mexico, southeastern USA and from Trinidad to eastern Bolivia and Paraguay. Selected specimens studied. Guyana : Cuyuni River, Matope Falls, 4 June 1952, Forest Department 6940 (Fanshawe 3376) (K, NY); Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo, Dadanawa, 24 Oct 1957, Cook 22 (K, NY). Surinam : near Coppename River, Central Suriname Nature Reserve, 4°25'N , 56°31'W , 50-75 m, 22 Feb 2004, Clarke 11037 (US); near Ulemari River, 13 km upstream from confluence with Litani River, 3°13'N , 54°15'W , 150 m, 2 Apr 1998, Hammel 21275 (MO, US). French Guiana : Itany River, Saut upstream from Touinke , 26 Nov 1977, Cremers 5119 (CAY); Oyapock River, Sauts Fourmi, 18 Nov 1984, Granville 6916 (CAY, P).