Taxonomic study of the leafhopper genus Thagria Melichar (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Coelidiinae) from Guangxi, China Author Fan, Zhi-Hua Author Li, Zi-Zhong Author Dai, Ren-Huai text Zootaxa 2015 3918 4 451 491 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3918.4.1 f655cc1e-5dbe-43d2-9b3b-c9b5ea300a8a 1175-5326 253917 14FD40D0-1D41-461A-B5E6-02FD4F996266 Thagria paramultipars Fan & Li sp. nov. ( Figs. 164–190 ) Description. Body length of male 8.5–8.8 mm, female 10.0 mm. Body large, robust ( Figs. 164 , 176 ). Crown brown to dark, with one transverse ivory band medially; ocelli and eyes brown ( Figs. 166 , 178 ). Face with clypeus with three brown bands, anterior band narrowest, middle widest, distal longest crossing lora and genae; clypellus apex brown, remainder of face yellow ( Figs. 167 , 179 ). Pronotum suffused with light brown (male) or ivory yellow (female) nubs and traversed by three bands, from base to apex black, ivory yellow, brown ( Figs. 166 , 178 ). Mesonotum yellow to brown, with black spots near middle ( Figs. 166 , 178 ). Forewing brown to dark, with transparent ivory spots, venation black with orange spots ( Figs. 164, 165 , 176, 177 ). Head with anterior margin rounded, crown broad, wider than eye width, produced distally about 1/4 distance beyond anterior margin of eyes, coronal suture evident, about 2/3 of median length, disk depressed ( Figs. 166 , 178 ). Face with clypeus long, lateral margins slightly convex; clypellus short, base broad, inflated (male) or slightly inflated (female), wider than clypeus at juncture of clypeal suture in male or as wide as in female, distally constricted, apex arced ( Figs. 167 , 179 ). Crown, pronotum and mesonotum midline ratio about 1:1.2:1.7 ( Figs. 166 , 178 ). Forewing long, apex rounded, appendix narrowed ( Figs. 164, 165 , 176, 177 ). Male genitalia. Pygofer in lateral view with caudodorsal margin with pair of processes, inner lateral margin serrated in dorsal view ( Figs. 168, 169 ). Segment X processes not reaching the end of pygofer lobe in lateral view ( Fig. 168 ). Subgenital plate long and narrow, segmented subbasally, marginal setae fine long ( Fig. 170 ). Dorsal connective broadly U-shaped, stem absent, rami close to ventral processes of segment X in dorsal view ( Fig. 169 ). Aedeagus symmetrical, broad basally, tapered distally, extended nearly to middle of paraphysis in dorsal and lateral views ( Figs. 171, 172 ); paraphysis asymmetrical, broad throughout, only end narrower, with fingerlike spine projecting basally, opposite margin serrated, bifurcated apically, one branch shorter than other in dorsal view ( Figs. 171, 174 ). Style short, just reaching base of aedeagus, apex with a setalike spine in dorsal and lateral views ( Figs. 171, 173 ). Female genitalia. Ovipositor ( Figs. 180–190 ) as in T. decussata Fan & Dai , sp. nov. , but sternite VII anterior margin and caudal margin sunken medially, basal half expanded, apical half narrowed ( Fig. 180 ). Type material. Holotype : , CHINA : Guangxi, Longzhou, Nonggang, 8 May 2012 , coll. Li Hu ( GUGC ). Paratypes : 1 , CHINA : Guangxi, Nanning, 31 May 1995 , coll. Yang Maofa; 1 1♀, same data as holotype , except coll. Li Hu; 1 , same data as holotype , except coll. Yang Nannan ( GUGC ). Etymology. The species is named for the similarity in general habitus to T. multipars (Walker, 1858) . Remarks. This species is close to T. multipars (Walker, 1858) , but can be distinguished by the following combination of features: paraphysis bifurcate apically ( Fig. 171 ), but complete in T. multipars ( Figs. 147, 150 ); paraphysis broad throughout, lateral margins serrated ( Figs. 171, 174 ), but in T. multipars broad basally, tapered apically, without serration laterally ( Figs. 147, 150 ).