Decapod Crustacea of the Californian and Oregonian Zoogeographic Provinces 3371 Author Wicksten, Mary K. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-07-04 3371 1 307 journal article 1175­5334 Betaeus harrimani Rathbun, 1904 ( Figs. 15A, B, G, K, O–Q ) Betaeus harrimani Rathbun, 1904: 108 , fig. 49. — Hart 1964: 435 , pl. 1, figs. 1–16, 29–31, 37–39, pl. 1. — Kozloff 1974: 165 . — Word & Charwat 1976: 53 . — Butler 980: 151. — Chace & Abbott 1980: 571 , fig. 23.4 — Wicksten 1984a: 188 . — Jensen 1995: 43 , fig. 67. — Kuris et al. 2007: 637 , pl. 317 B, E, l, M. Diagnosis. Front of carapace slightly curved, depressed anteriorly. Stylocerite reaching almost to end of second segment of antennular peduncle. Scaphocerite broad, lateral tooth exceeding blade, reaching past middle of last segment of antennular peduncle. Anterior margin of carapace with 2 shallow sinuses. Pereopods 1 with fingers 0.5 times as long as palm, with or without gape. Pereopods 2 slender, with 5 carpal articles; article 1 equal in length to next 3 together. Pereopods 3, 4 slender, somewhat flattened, with thin, curved dactyls. Pereopod 5 similar to 3, 4 but with bands of setae forming brush on distal half of propodus. Pleura of abdominal somites 1–3 rounded, pleura of 4, 5 angled. Telson with 2 pairs spines on dorsal surface, 2 spines at each posteolateral angle, posterior margin deeply curved. Total length 35 mm . Color in life. Color determined by distribution of blue and red chromatophores: translucent, reddish to purplish, pale green; turning blue at night ( Hart 1964 ). FIGURE 15. Family Alpheidae . A, B, G, K, O, P, Q. Betaeus harrimani Rathbun, 1904 ; A, frontal region in dorsal view; B, scaphocerite; G, tail fan; K, right cheliped of male; O, pereopod 3; P, left chela of female; Q, right chela of female. C, D, H, J, L, R Betaeus longidactylus Lockington, 1877 ; C, frontal region in dorsal view; D, scaphocerite; H, tail fan; J, left chela of male; L, left cheliped of female; R, right chela of female. E, F, I, M, N. Betaeus ensenadaensis Glassell, 1938 ; E, frontal region in dorsal view; F, scaphocerite; I, tail fan; M, right cheliped of mature male; N, right chela of female or immature male. Scale =1 mm. From Hart 1964 . Habitat and depth. In pools, among oysters, in burrows of Upogebia pugettensis and Neotrypaea californiensis , intertidal zones. Range. Sitka , Alaska to Newport Harbor , California . Type locality Sitka, Alaska . This is the northernmost alpheid in the eastern Pacific .