Decapod Crustacea of the Californian and Oregonian Zoogeographic Provinces 3371 Author Wicksten, Mary K. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-07-04 3371 1 307 journal article 1175­5334 Benthesicymus laciniatus Rathbun, 1906 ( Fig. 3J–L ) Benthesicymus laciniatus Rathbun, 1906: 906 , fig. 59, pl. XIX, fig. 3. — Hayashi 1983: 441 , fig. 62.— Kikuchi & Nemoto 1991: 65 . — Pérez Farfante & Kensley 1997: 61 . — Wicksten 2004: 93 (extensive synonymy). Gennadas pectinatus Schmitt, 1921: 25 , fig. 12; pl. 11, fig. 1. — Pérez Farfante & Kensley 1997: 66 . — Wicksten 2002: 128 . Diagnosis. Rostrum slightly ascending, with 1 or 2 dorsal teeth, sharp apex, continuing posteriorly as dorsal carina to cervical groove. Carapace with antennal, branchiostegal teeth; cervical groove, Y-shaped lateral groove running posteriorly. Eye without pigment, eyestalk with tubercle. Scaphocerite with rounded blade, exceeding lateral tooth. Second maxilliped broad, flattened. Pereopods 1–3 short, strong, chelate; pereopods 4, 5 long slender. Pleopods with exceptionally long endopods, exopods. Abdominal somites 1–4 rounded, fourth with comb-like structure of teeth spinules along posterior margin. Somites 5, 6 with dorsal carina small posterolateral tooth, carina of somite 5 ending in sharp tooth. Telson shorter than uropods, with 4 pairs lateral spines. Carapace length to 42 mm . Color in life . Orange. The color note is from a specimen taken off the Hawaiian Is. Habitat and depth. Lower continental slope and abyssal plains, 1471–4028 m . Range. Cosmopolitan: Madagascar , Reunion, Saya de Malha Bank , Japan , Hawaiian Is. , off Santa Catalina I. , California; off Baja California , Mexico ; Azores, Canary Is. Type locality off Kaui, Hawaiian Is .