Decapod Crustacea of the Californian and Oregonian Zoogeographic Provinces 3371 Author Wicksten, Mary K. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-07-04 3371 1 307 journal article 1175­5334 Pylopagurus holmesi Schmitt, 1921 ( Fig. 41 B ) Pylopagurus holmesi Schmitt, 1921: 144 , fig. 94. — Walton 1954: 141 , pl. 39. — McLaughlin 1981: 3 . — McLaughlin & Lemaitre 2001: 459 , figs. 7–9. Pylopagurus longicarpus Walton, 1954: 144 , pl. 40. — McLaughlin 1981: 3 . Diagnosis. Rostrum narrow, triangular, acute, reaching beyond middle of ocular scale, much longer than lateral projections of carapace. Eyestalk compressed, of equal length throughout. Chelipeds with scant setae. Major chela with granulate carpus; upper surface of hand discoidal, widest at base of fingers, with raised, denticulate margins; fingers flat, wide. Minor cheliped with hand narrow, rounded, fingers slightly gaping. Pereopods 2, 3 with dactyls slightly longer than propodus, strongly compressed, spinulous. Telson symmetrical, with notch in terminal margin; strong, curving flattened tooth at each end of notch. Anterior blades of uropods 2 twice size of posterior pair, both setose. Carapace length 7.5 mm. Color in life. Not reported. Habitat and depth. Usually among sand or sand and shell, rarely among rocks, 18–55 m . Range. San Miguel I., California to Pacific coast of Baja California ; Gulf of California from Lobos Point to Inner Gorda Banks. Type locality near Catalina Harbor , Santa Catalina I ., California . Remarks. This species usually inhabits shells of Dentalium spp. or tubes formed by the colonial bryozoan Antropora tincta (Hastings, 1930) .