Unraveling the mysteries of Goeldia Keyserling, 1891: revision, description of seven new species and first record from USA (Araneae: Titanoecidae) Author Almeida-Silva, Lina M. Laboratório de Genômica Evolutiva, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia, Departamento de Genética, Evolução, Microbiologia e Imunologia, Cidade Universitária “ Zeferino Vaz ” Rua Monteiro Lobato, 255, 13083 - 970 - Campinas, SP, Brazil. Author Brescovit, Antonio D. Laboratório de Genômica Evolutiva, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia, Departamento de Genética, Evolução, Microbiologia e Imunologia, Cidade Universitária “ Zeferino Vaz ” Rua Monteiro Lobato, 255, 13083 - 970 - Campinas, SP, Brazil. & Laboratório de Coleções Zoológicas-LCZ, Instituto Butantan, Avenida Vital Brazil, 1500, 05503 - 900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil & Laboratório de Genômica Evolutiva, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia, Departamento de Genética, Evolução, Microbiologia e Imunologia, Cidade Universitária “ Zeferino Vaz ” Rua Monteiro Lobato, 255, 13083 - 970 - Campinas, SP, Brazil. text Zootaxa 2024 2024-03-21 5428 2 151 193 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5428.2.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5428.2.1 1175-5326 10847364 E438D8DA-B142-4A0C-BA25-F6B6EC45C197 Goeldia diva sp. nov. ( Figs 9 ; 25 ) Type material. Holotype from Olivença ( 14°56’48”S 39°0’43”W ), Ilhéus , Bahia , Brazil , 25/VI/1998 , no coll. ( IBSP 35919 ) . Paratypes : 1♀ from Fazenda São Roque , Gandu ( 13°44’38”S 39°29’13”W ), Bahia , Brazil , Equipe CEPLAC coll. ( MNRJ 3102 ) ; 2♀ , 2♂ from Reserva Michelin, Ituberá ( 13°43’55”S 39°08’56”W ), Bahia , C. M. Pinto-Leite coll. ( MZUFBA 2440–2443 ) . Additional material examined . BRAZIL . Bahia : Salvador , Bahia de Aratu ( 12°47’32.8”S 38°28’15.3”W ), 3♀ , 2007–2008, K. Benati coll. ( IBSP 123565–123567 ) ; Itamaraju ( 17°02’20”S 39°31’51”W ), Fazenda Santa Úrsula , 1♂ , 2♀ , no collector or date ( MNRJ 3189 ; 13392); Gandu (13°44”38”S 39°29’13”W), Fazenda São Roque , 1♂ , 1♀ , 21.XI.1969 , CEPLAC team coll. ( MNRJ 1916 ; 3201); Gandu (13°44”38”S 39°29’13”W), 1♂ , 1978-1979, no collector ( MNRJ ) ; Same , Fazenda Pedra Branca , 2♂ , 3♀ , 22.X.1979 , CEPLAC team coll. ( MNRJ 2618 ; 3201; 2733; 3042); Camacan ( 15°25’08”S 39°29’45”W ), 3♂ , 2♀ , CEPLAC team col. ( MNRJ 3174 ; 2886); Same , Fazenda Matiapã , 1♂ , 14.X.1978 , J.S. Santos coll. ( MCN 20254 ) ; Jussari ( 15°11’27”S 39°29’42”W ), 2♂ , 2♀ , CEPLAC team coll. ( MNRJ 3143 ; 3296; 13316; 3131) . Etymology . The specific epithet is an honor to LMAS’s sister, Elisabete Almeida (Bete Diva), who is a professional opera singer and performer. The word entered the English language in the late 19th century and it is derived from the Italian noun diva , a female deity or goddess. The meaning of diva is closely related to prima donna , Italian for “first lady”, the leading female singer in an opera company. Diagnosis . Goeldia diva sp. nov. differs from the other species by the tegular process long, with an acute tip and broad membranous base ( Fig. 9A ); and by the patellar apophysis thick and posteriorly curved ( Fig. 9B–D ) on the male palp. The female can be distinguished by the epigynum wide but with lateral rims not covering the copulatory openings ( Fig. 9E ); horizontal spermathecae distally projected anteriorly ( Fig. 9F ); vertical spermathecae with the same height as the copulatory ducts and distally curved ( Fig. 9F ). FIGURE 9. A–F. Goeldia diva sp. nov. A–D: male, left palp. E–F: female epigynum. A. Tegular process, frontal view. B. Ventral view C. patella and tibia, dorsal view; D. Retrolateral view; E-F. Female epigynum: E. Ventral view; F. Dorsal view. Description. Male (IBSP, holotype ). Coloration: carapace, chelicerae, labium, endites and femora dark brown; coxa and other leg segments yellowish-brown; opisthosoma grayish brown. Total length 4.60. Carapace: length 2.05, width 1.65, height 0.80. Opisthosoma: length 2.20, width 1.55. Clypeus: height 0.12. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.09; ALE 0.01; PME 0.01; PLE 0.09; AME–AME 0.01; AME–ALE 0.09; PME–PME 0.09; PME–PLE 0.12; AME–PME 0.10; ALE–PLE 0.04. Paturon: 1.09 long. Leg measurements: I: femur 2.21/ patella 0.65/ tibia 2.00/ metatarsus 1.90/ tarsus 0.92/ total 7.70; II: 2.04/ 0.82/ 1.84/ 1.63/ 0.76/ 7.08; III: 1.8/ 0.73/ 1.5/ 0.67/ 0.64/ 6.36; IV: 2.09/ 0.66/ 1.93/ 1.75/ 0.68/ 7.13. Leg formula: 1423. Leg spination: femur I–II: p 1ap; tibia II v1r-0-1-p1ap; III v1-0-2, p1ap, r1ap; IV r1ap, v0-0-1; metatarsus I v2-1p-1map, p1ap, r1ap; II v2-1p-1map, p2ap, r1ap; III v1-2-1 or v2-2-1, p1-1-1, r0-1-1, d1msa; IV v1ap, p1ap, r1ap or r2ap; v2-2-1, p2ap, r1ap; tarsus IV v0-1-0. MLT apex totally membranous ( Fig. 9C ). Tegular process shaped as Fig. 9A . Spermatic duct terminal fold pointing upward ( Fig. 9B ). Pars pendula thickening far from the embolic tip ( Fig. 9D ). Female (MNRJ 3102, paratype ). Coloration: carapace with cephalic area slightly darker than thoracic area; chelicerae reddish brown; labium, endites and leg femora brown; other leg segments reddish brown except in leg IV, in which the apex of the segments is slightly lighter. Total length: 5.50. Carapace: length 2.60, width 1.60, height 0.78. Opisthosoma: length 2.95, width 2.0. Clypeus: height 0.18. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.06; ALE 0.14; PME 0.11; PLE 0.14; AME–AME 0.09; AME–ALE 0.13; PME–PME 0.14; PME–PLE 0.21; AME–PME 0.12; ALE–PLE 0.06. Paturon: 1.06 long. Leg measurements I: femur 1.74/ patella 0.76/ tibia 1.62/ metatarsus 1.35/ tarsus 0.83/ total 6.30; II: 1.56/ 0.75/ 1.31/ 1.16/ 0.7/ 5.49; III: 1.48/ 0.72/ 0.98/ 1.04/ 0.52/ 4.74; IV: 1.78/ 0.78/ 1.50/ 1.24/ 0.51/ 5.81. Leg formula: 1423. Leg spination: metatarsus: I to III: p 1ap, r 1ap, v 1ap; IV: v 0-1-1, r 1ap, p 1ap. Posterior edge of the epigynum median field sinuous ( Fig. 9E ). Small portion of the copulatory duct wall visible near the copulatory opening ( Fig. 9E ). Epigynal rim very small ( Fig. 9E ). Copulatory ducts very sclerotized ( Fig. 9F ) and partially visible by transparency ( Fig. 9E ). Variation . Length ( 10 ♂ ): total 3.90–4.80; carapace 2.00–2.30; femur I 1.80–2.30; ( 10 ♀ ): total 4.90–6.30; carapace 1.90–3.10; femur I 1.20–2.00. Distribution. Northeastern Brazil : only known from the coastline of the state of Bahia , south to Salvador ( Fig. 25 ).