Review Of The Genus Geloemyia (Diptera, Pyrgotidae), With Discussion Of Its Taxonomic Position Author Korneyev, V. A. text Vestnik Zoologii 2015 2015-12-01 49 6 497 518 journal article 10.1515/vzoo-2015-0061 5511a4de-3286-43d0-8d48-1f26c5e4fc3a 2073-2333 6452699 Geloemyia quadriseta Hendel, 1933 (fig. 8–10, 16, 21, 67–76) quadriseta Hendel 1933: 13 ( Geloemyia ); Hendel, 1934: 142 ; Soós, 1984: 38 ; Korneyev, 2004: 43; Korneyev, Nartshuk, 2004: 408 ; Nartshuk, Korneyev, 2005: 9 ( Parageloemyia ). — ornata Hering, 1940: 293 ( Parageloemyia ); Enderlein, 1942: 111 ; Soós, 1984: 37 ( Dicranostira ), syn. n. nigrofasciata ( Geloemyia ); Hendel 1933: 13 ; Soós, 1984: 37 ; Korneyev, 2004: 43; Korneyev, Narchuk, 2004: 408 ( Parageloemyia ), possible synonym . Fig. 62–66. Geloemyia namibica , sp. n. , paratype ♂ (62–64) (MNKB) and ♀ (65–66) (SIZK): 62 — abdomen, ventral view; 63 — epandrium, lateral view; 64 — glans of phallus; 65 — aculeus; 66 — spermatheca (one of the three). M a t e r i a l. Type. Syntype Geloemyia quadriseta : [ China :] “Shin Kai Si / Mt. Omei / Szechuen China ”, “ 1000 feet / alt”, “DCGraham / collector”, “ Geloemyia / quadrisetosa [sic!] / Hend. Hend. [det.]” (red paper rectangle) (USNM). Holotype Parageloemyia ornata : [ China :] “Chandaoche / Manchukuo, VIII. 1938 / W Alin”, “Type”, “ Parageloemyia ornata m. Type ♀ / Hering det.” (MNKB). Holotype Geloemyia nigrofasciata : “ Suifu / Szechuen / China ”, “ DC Graham / coll.”, “Type No / 41873 / U.S.N.M.” (red paper rectangle), “ Geloemyia / nigrofasciata / Hend.” ( USNM ). Non-type. Japan : Tokyo , 11.05.1910 , 1 ♀ ( E. Galois ) ( MHNP ) . B r i e f r e d e s c r i p t i o n. This species can be recognized from combination of the head with narrow parafacial dorsally approximately as long as flagellomere 1 width, face slightly receding, with ventral portions of antennal grooves slightly protruding, and peristomal cavity nearly as long as eye horizontal diameter, ocellar seta as long as anterior frontal setulae; wing gray microtrichose, with a variously developed brown pattern consisting of the short subbasal crossband posterior of costal cell apex and a spot at base of cell cua1, pterostigmal crossband, from the apical half of stigma through crossvein r-m to posterior wing margin, short accessory crossband in cell r1 distal of vein R 1 apex, preapical crossband (from cell r1 through dm-cu) either broken at vein M or complete, and apical band usually with extensions into cell r 2+3 or along vein M; vein R 2+3 without stump vein; vein R 4+5 setulose dorsally; crossvein dm-cu moderately oblique, forming angle c. 60–70° with vein CuA 1 ; variously brownish shaded (narrowly in G. quadriseta holotype and broadly in P. ornata syntypes ); mesonotum with no presutural and 3 postsutural dorsocentral setae; scutellum with 2 pairs of setae and no marginal setulae; female fore tarsus with unmodified trapezoid preapical, and strongly modified apical tarsomere 0.8× as long as wide, bearing thumb-like, long setulose lateral process, with claw 0.4–0.5 times an long as apical fore tarsomere width; female mid femur without femoral organ; oviscape almost as long as preabdominal tergites combined, its apex ventrally with pair of rows consisting of 3 shorter and one long apical setae (fig. 16). R e m a r k s. Study of holotype females of Geloemyia quadriseta and Parageloemyia ornata shows them to have similarly modified fore tarsomere and no femoral organ; I therefore consider them conspecific and synonymize these names. As the wing pattern of Geloemyia cheni and G. trifasciata is sexually dimorphic, with darker, wider and solid crossbands in males, it can be interpolated on other species, including G. quadriseta (but except G. namibica and G. wonjuensis ). Description of G. nigrofasciata was based on a single male, which shows no characters differing closely related G. cheni and G. quadriseta and thus cannot be formally proven to belong either to the first or to the second species. Type localities of G. quadriseta based on females and of G. nigropunctata based on male are in Sichuan Province c. 200 km from each other, and this is quite a reason that they could be conspecific. I leave the formal synonymization pending until more rigorous proofs are found.