Two new species of the ghost spider genus Macrophyes O. Pickard-Cambridge 1893 from Colombia and description of the first male of Mesilla Simon, 1903 (Araneae: Anyphaenidae: Anyphaeninae) Author Martínez, Leonel 0000-0002-4166-0561 Grupo de Investigación Biodiversidad del Caribe Colombiano, Semillero de Investigación Sistemática de Artrópodos Neotropicales, Departamento de Biología, Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia. & leonelmarbio @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4166 - 0561 Author Brescovit, Antonio Domingos 0000-0002-1511-5324 Laboratório de Coleções Zoológicas, Instituto Butantan, Av. Vital Brasil, 1500, 05503 - 900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. & antonio. brescovit @ butantan. gov. br; https: // orcid. org / 000.002 - 1511 - 5324 & luiz. moura. lfm @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4054 - 4681 Author Oliveira, Luiz Fernando M. 0000-0002-4054-4681 Laboratório de Coleções Zoológicas, Instituto Butantan, Av. Vital Brasil, 1500, 05503 - 900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. & antonio. brescovit @ butantan. gov. br; https: // orcid. org / 000.002 - 1511 - 5324 & luiz. moura. lfm @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4054 - 4681 & Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Rua do Matão, 14, 05508 - 090, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. & luiz. moura. lfm @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4054 - 4681 text Zootaxa 2020 2020-09-24 4853 4 581 590 journal article 8481 10.11646/zootaxa.4853.4.7 a416516e-a6f0-4fab-9e3c-1b50abe53f1e 1175-5326 4506498 C3FFB4EE-B46B-41D2-99CB-9A5B0E8B3F68 Macrophyes O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1893 Macrophyes O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1893:106 , 107, type species: M. attenuata O. Pickard Cambridge, 1893:107 ; Brescovit 1992: 102 ; Brescovit 1997: 62 . Diagnosis. Macrophyes species resemble those of Mesilla by having elongated and thin body; long and thin legs; median apophysis on anterior side of the tegulum and a large retromarginal tooth on distal side of chelicerae, but can been distinguished by the laminar ventral tegular projection; a short embolus basally inserted on the tegulum ( Brescovit 1992: 105 , figs 1−3, 6−11; 1993: 116, figs 1, 2; Figs 1 C−E). Females are characterized by their thin copulatory ducts, anteriorly curved and with small seminal receptacles on medial region; laminar and convergent lateral borders, forming a median, longer than wide atrium, and copulatory openings in anterior position ( Brescovit 1992: 105 , figs 4, 5; 1993: 116, figs 3−6; Figs 1F, G ).