A Revision of the Genus Holopsis Broun (Insecta: Coleoptera: Corylophidae) from Japan Author Furukawa, Kota text Species Diversity 2012 2012-11-25 17 2 177 186 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/specdiv/17/2/17_KJ00008425369/_article journal article 10.12782/sd.17.2.177 2189-7301 4649294 25BC0E80-1AB9-4161-B2B8-0DBFF2CBE287 Holopsis lewisei Bowestead, 2003 ( Figs 1E , 6A–F ) Holopsis lewisei Bowestead, 2003: 945 .– Löbl and Smetana 2007: 631 . Type material . Holotype : female, Japan ( BMNH ) . Paratypes : 2 specimens , Japan ; 1 specimen , Kurigahara, Japan ( BMNH ); 1 female , Primorsky , Russia ( ZIN ) (not examined). Specimens examined . [ Honshu ] 4 specimens , Gifu Prefecture : Hirugano , Gujô-city , 9–19 June 2002 , K . Toyoshima leg . [ Shikoku ] Ehime Prefecture : 2 specimens , Omogo valley , Kumakôgen town , 24 June 1971 , M . Sakai leg . Diagnosis . This species is very similar to the other species of Holopsis in Japan in its external morphology. The sharp bend in the penis near the base in lateral view, the distinctly truncate apex of the tegmen, and the C-shaped spermatheca with a relatively short gland duct lobe are very reliable characters by which to identify this species. Fig. 6. H. lewisei Bowestead. A , near scutellum, dorsal view (SEM photograph); B, metaventrite of male, ventral view; C, penis, ventral view; D, ditto, lateral view; E, tegmen, dorsal view; F, bursa copulatrix, spermathecal duct, and spermatheca, dorsal view. Description . Length 1.34–1.61 mm ; width 1.04– 1.23 mm . Dorsal surface almost entirely dark brown to black; anterior margin of pronotum yellow, turning transparent towards edges; ventral surface dark brown to black with pale to dark brown hypomeron; mouth parts and legs pale brown; antennae pale brown with 3 apical segments slightly darker ( Fig. 1E ). Body nearly circular, strongly convex, 1.3–1.4 times as long as wide; pronotum 0.4 times as long as wide; elytra 1.0 times as long as wide, 3.2–3.3 times as long as pronotum, 1.2 times as wide as pronotum. Antennomere 3 very elongate; antennomeres 4, 6, 7, and 8 transverse; antennomere 5 nearly square; antennomere 11 apically pointed. Labrum rectangular and slightly emarginate medially, with rounded apical angles. Labium rectangular with pentagonal ridge. Pronotum with entirely rounded anterior margin; punctures dense and fine in very shallow depressions, with fine and short pubescence; interspaces smooth and shining ( Fig. 6A ). Scutellum transverse with slightly rounded sides ( Fig. 6A ). Elytra widest about 1/3 of way from base; punctures dense in shallow depressions, with fine and short pubescence; interspaces smooth and shining; sutural striae absent ( Fig. 6A ). Metaventrite about 0.5 times as long as wide; metaventrite of male with longitudinally oval median depression; punctures fine and dense medially, sparse laterally, with fine pubescence; interspaces with long wavy lines ( Fig. 6B ). Wings functional. Penis as shown in Fig. 6C–D : in ventral view relatively slender, tapering sharply near truncate apex; in lateral view bent sharply near base, with apex pointed and slightly curved outward; internal armature with symmetrical forked sclerite and winding tube. Tegmen as shown in Fig. 6E : phallobase tapering gradually, with truncate apex. Bursa copulatrix ( Fig. 6F ) without apical spines. Spermathecal duct ( Fig. 6F ) extremely long, thicker in basal part, entering outer side of sperm duct lobe. Spermatheca as shown in Fig. 6F : habitus C-shaped; body fused with gland duct lobe and sperm duct lobe, with membranous patch; gland duct lobe relatively short, thick, annulated in basal part; sperm duct lobe slightly swollen; gland duct entering outer side of body of spermatheca. Distribution . Japan : Honshu, Shikoku; Russia : Primorsky . Fig. 7. H. ryukyuensis sp. n. A, near scutellum, dorsal view (SEM photograph); B, metaventrite of male, ventral view; C, penis, ventral view; D, ditto, lateral view; E, tegmen, dorsal view; F, bursa copulatrix, spermathecal duct, and spermatheca, dorsal view. Remarks . The original description of this species was based solely on female specimens ( Bowestead 2003 ). The morphology of the male, including its aedeagus, is herein shown for the first time.