Checklist of hosts, illustrated geographical range, and ecology of tick species from the genus Ixodes (Acari, Ixodidae) in Russia and other post-Soviet countries Author Fedorov, Denis 0000-0003-0991-5728 HUN-REN-UVMB Climate Change: New Blood-sucking Parasites and Vector-borne Pathogens Research Group, Budapest, Hungary & Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ZIN-RAS), St. Petersburg, Russia Author Hornok, Sándor 0000-0002-1125-5178 HUN-REN-UVMB Climate Change: New Blood-sucking Parasites and Vector-borne Pathogens Research Group, Budapest, Hungary & Department of Parasitology and Zoology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest, Hungary text ZooKeys 2024 2024-05-14 1201 255 343 journal article 296075 10.3897/zookeys.1201.115467 ee186766-9739-403d-9d81-d8c3a1741438 8D1CCA9B-7B9C-45CC-A21C-66F406ACBF6C Ixodes subterraneus Filippova, 1961 Ixodes subterranus Filippova, 1961: 226 . Morel and Pérez 1973: 275. Pholeoixodes arboricola koshkinae Emel’yanova: Kolonin 1981: 20 . Pholeoixodes arboricola deserta Emel’yanova: Kolonin 1981: 20 . Recorded hosts. Aves : Athene noctua (little owl), Carduelis carduelis (European goldfinch), Coracias garrulus (European roller), Coturnix coturnix (common quail), Galerida cristata (crested lark), Falco naumanni Fleischer (lesser kestrel), Oenanthe hispanica (western black-eared wheatear), Oenanthe isabellina (isabelline wheatear), Oenanthe oenanthe (northern wheatear), Parus major (great tit), Passer ammodendri Gould (saxaul sparrow), Passer domesticus (house sparrow), Passer montanus (Eurasian tree sparrow), Pastor roseus (rosy starling), Petronia petronia (rock sparrow), Pica pica (Eurasian magpie), Sturnus vulgaris (common starling), Turdus ruficollis (red-throated thrush) ( Filippova 1977 ). Recorded locations (Fig. 29 ). Russia : Transbikalia (Barguzin Valley, Cape Ryty) ( Emelyanova 1972 , as I. arboricola ). Kazakhstan : Mangyshlak Peninsula ( Maslennikova and Ushakova 1971 ), Jambyl Region (Kokuzek), Trans-Ili Alatau, Syugaty Valley ( Maslennikova and Stogov 1974 ), Almaty Region (lower reaches of the Ili River) ( Ushakova 1958 , as Ixodes sp. ), Dzungarian Alatau ( Ushakova et al. 1976 ). Kyrgyzstan : Jalal-Abad Region (Bazar-Korgon District), the valley of the river Naryn ( Grebenyuk 1966 ). Turkmenistan : Krasnovodsk plateau, outskirts of Geok Tepe, Kara Kala, Ashgabat , Tejen, Baýramaly, highland Badhyz ( Filippova 1961 ; Kochkareva et al. 1971 ; Scherbinina 1973 ). Tajikistan : southern spurs of the Hisar Range – the vicinity of Hisar ( Filippova 1977 ). Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes subterraneus was reported. Ecology and other information. Ixodes subterraneus is a parasite of birds nesting in ground burrows ( Filippova 1977 ). The main part of its distribution lies in Kazakhstan and Middle Asia, the lesser part in Transbaikalia ( Russia ) ( Filippova 1977 ). This tick species can be found in foothill dry steppes, as well as near and in deserts. This species was originally named I. subterranus in Filippova (1961) but amended to I. subterraneus in Filippova (1977) .