A new species of Lepiota (Agaricaceae) from Punjab, Pakistan Author Niazi, Abdul Rehman Author Asif, Muhammad Author Izhar, Aiman Author Khalid, Abdul Nasir text Phytotaxa 2021 2021-07-15 511 2 163 174 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.511.2.4 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.511.2.4 1179-3163 5426558 Lepiota haroonabadensis Niazi, M. Asif, A. Izhar & Khalid sp. nov. Figs. 2A–C , 3A–E MycoBank: MB839735 Etymology:––“ haroonabadensis refers to Haroonabad, the locality where the type was collected. Diagnosis:––pileus surface with brown slightly squarrose scales, basidiospores mostly in tetrads and not easily separable, spiny stipe with rudimentary annulus and enlarged cylindrical or ellipsoidal pileus covering cells with yellowish brown intracellular pigments. Holotype :–– PAKISTAN . Punjab , Haroonabad , District Bahawalnagar , at 163m a.s.l. , 5 October 2019 , BWN 99, Muhammad Asif ( LAH 36801). GenBank accession; MZ 172897 . Description:–– Pileus 2.1–4 cm diam, initially plano-convex with margin becoming revolute on maturity, light yellowish orange (10YR8/4), with dark brown (7.5YR3/4) central disk and with brown (7.5YR5/8) squarrose scales, denser at central disc and becoming sparse towards margin; surface dry and dull; appendiculate margin becoming undulate on maturity. Lamellae free, creamy white, close, wavy, with even concolorous edge; 2 tiers of lamellulae. Stipe 1.3–4.2 × 0.3–0.6 cm , bright yellowish (10YR7/6) from upper half and yellowish red (5YR4/6) from lower half, central; equal; with yellow (2.5Y8/4) spiny scales under the annular zone, becoming scattered towards the base, surface dry and dull; base slightly bulbous. Annulus rudimentary, floccose. Odor pleasant, mushroom-like. Basidiospores [60/3/3] (4.2–) 4.6–5(–5.2) × (2.9–)3–3.6(–3.7) µm, avl × avw = 4.6 × 3.3 µm, Q = 1.3–1.5, Q av = 1.41, thick-walled, ellipsoid, smooth with a minute apiculus, hyaline in KOH, slightly reddish coloration in Melzer’s reagent, non-guttulate, mostly in tetrads, not easily separable. Basidia (21.4–)21.6–23.6(–25) × (5.9–)6–7.3(–7.4) µm, avl × avw = 23.3 × 6.6 µm; thin-walled, clavate to broadly clavate, hyaline in KOH, frequently tetrasporic, non-guttulate. Cheilocystidia (17–)18–24(–25) × (5–)5.4–6.8(–6.9) µm; avl × avw = 21.3 × 6 µm; thin-walled, narrowly clávate to clavate; olivaceous granular content present. Pileus covering s quamules made up of cylindrical to sub-cylindrical, ellipsoidal, clavate, a few enlarged, cells (12–32 × 11–40 μm), thick-walled with yellowish brown intracellular pigments, and with brown walls. Stipe covering s quamules composed of cylindrical, oblong and globose cells (9–27 × 12–46 μm), arranged in chains, light brown and thick-walled. Clamp connections present in all tissues. FIGURE 2. A–C Basidiomata of Lepiota haroonabadensis ( Holotype) LAH36801 ( MZ172897 ) Photos by: Muhammad Asif Habitat :—On loamy soil, scattered or in small groups, along the Three R (3R) irrigation canal bank under Vachellia nilotica (L.) P.J.H. Hurter & Mabb. ( Mabberley 2008: 1021 ). Geographical distribution range :— Known only from the type locality in District Bahawalnagar , Punjab , Pakistan . Additional material examined : –– PAKISTAN . Punjab , Haroonabad , District Bahawalnagar , 25 August 2020 , AG 66, Muhammad Asif ( LAH 36944!), GenBank accession; MZ 172898 ; 25 August 2020 , AG 73, ( LAH 36802!), GenBank accession; MZ 172899 .