Thirty-eight spider species (Arachnida: Araneae) from China, Indonesia, Japan and Vietnam Author Lin, Yejie Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China Author Li, Shuqiang Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China Author Mo, Haolin Key Laboratory of Wildlife Evolution and Conservation in Mountain Ecosystem of Guangxi, Nanning Normal University, Nanning 530001, China Author Wang, Xihao Jinan Licheng No. 2 High School, Jinan 250109, China Corresponding author, E-mail: lisq @ ioz. ac. cn text Zoological Systematics 2024 49 1 4 98 journal article 10.11865/zs.2024101 2095-6827 10941018 CA760FC0-4A28-4FEC-8D5F-766024ACF490 Psellonus dawanqu Lin & Li , sp. nov. ( Figs 38–39 , 40C–D , 42 ) Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the type locality (Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, in Chinese pinyin: Dàwānqū); noun in apposition. Diagnosis. The male of the new species is similar to the generotype (see Malamel et al. , 2019 ) by the bifurcated retrolateral tibial apophysis and curved embolus. However, the new species can be distinguished from the generotype by the curved tegular apophysis ( vs. straight) and the lowest point of sperm duct located in the middle of the tegulum ( vs. at the posterior edge of the tegulum); the female of the new species is similar to the generotype and P. kianganensis (Barrion & Litsinger, 1995) by the same shape of epigyne, but this new species can be distinguished by the presence of pockets ( vs. absent) and spermathecal organs located terminally ( vs. medially in P. kianganensis ). Description. Male ( holotype ). Total length 2.92, carapace 1.68 long, 1.83 wide, opisthosoma 2.15 long, 1.28 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.09, ALE 0.08, PME 0.06, PLE 0.09, AME–AME 0.16, AME–ALE 0.06, PME–PME 0.29, PME–PLE 0.19, AME–PME 0.13, ALE–PLE 0.23. Chelicerae with 2 promarginal teeth. Leg measurements: I 7.04 (2.13, 2.48, 1.63, 0.80), II 9.54 (2.84, 3.32, 2.33, 1.05), III 6.77 (2.18, 2.28, 1.58, 0.73), IV 5.95 (1.95, 2.05, 1.30, 0.65). Coloration ( Fig. 40C ). Carapace white, edge paler, with dense white setae. Chelicerae white. Endites, labium and sternum white. Legs white without any pattern, covered with long white setae. Opisthosoma oval, white, covered with white setae. Heart mark unobvious. Spinnerets white. Palp ( Fig. 38 ). Femur about 3 times longer than patella. Tibia almost 1.5 times longer than patella. Retrolateral tibial apophysis split into 2 parts, a blunt ventral part and a pointed dorsal part. Tegulum oval (length/width: 1.5) with apical suture. Tegular apophysis hook shaped. Sperm duct located on middle of tegulum. Embolus originates near the 10:00-o’clock-position of the tegulum. Embolus with an acute tip. Female ( paratype Ar44844). Total length 3.06, carapace 1.65 long, 1.85 wide, opisthosoma 2.45 long, 1.43 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.09, ALE 0.07, PME 0.06, PLE 0.09, AME–AME 0.18, AME–ALE 0.05, PME–PME 0.33, PME–PLE 0.22, AME–PME 0.17, ALE–PLE 0.28. Chelicerae with 1 promarginal tooth. Leg measurements: I 6.68 (2.02, 2.48, 1.35, 0.83), II 8.68 (2.60, 3.15, 1.90, 1.03), III 6.54 (2.12, 2.35, 1.32, 0.75), IV 5.68 (1.84, 1.98, 1.18, 0.68). Coloration ( Fig. 40D ). Similar to that of male. Figure 38. Psellonus dawanqu Lin & Li , sp. nov. , holotype male. A. Left palp, ventral view; B. Same, retrolateral view. Abbreviations: dRTA—dorsal retrolateral tibial apophysis; E—embolus; SD—sperm duct; TA—tegular apophysis; vRTA—ventral retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bars = 0.05 mm. Epigyne ( Fig. 39 ). Epigynal plate almost triangular, (length/width: 2) epigynal grooves anteriorly elongated, a pair of pockets medially. Copulatory ducts inconspicuous. Spermathecae oval, spermathecal organs directed at 2:30-o’clock-position. Fertilization duct elongated, directed at 1:00-o’clock-position from spermatheca. Material examined. Holotype (IZCAS-Ar44843), China : Guangdong , Huizhou City , Dayawan Distr. , Laoshe Vil., 10.III.2023 , Xin Xie leg. Paratypes . 1♂ 2♀ (IZCAS-Ar44844–Ar44846), same data as holotype . Distribution. Known only from the type locality. Notes. Because of the flat, frontally truncated carapace in combination with a unique eye configuration, we transfer Philodromus kianganensis Barrion & Litsinger, 1995 to Psellonus as Psellonus kianganensis (Barrion & Litsinger, 1995) comb. nov.