Thirty-eight spider species (Arachnida: Araneae) from China, Indonesia, Japan and Vietnam Author Lin, Yejie Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China Author Li, Shuqiang Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China Author Mo, Haolin Key Laboratory of Wildlife Evolution and Conservation in Mountain Ecosystem of Guangxi, Nanning Normal University, Nanning 530001, China Author Wang, Xihao Jinan Licheng No. 2 High School, Jinan 250109, China Corresponding author, E-mail: lisq @ ioz. ac. cn text Zoological Systematics 2024 49 1 4 98 journal article 10.11865/zs.2024101 2095-6827 10941018 CA760FC0-4A28-4FEC-8D5F-766024ACF490 Platnick xintongi Lin & Li , sp. nov. ( Figs 9–11 ) Etymology. The specific name is dedicated to Mr. Xintong Li, who has helped us greatly with this research; noun (name) in genitive case. Diagnosis. The male of the new species is similar to P. shablyai Marusik & Fomichev, 2020 by the spiraled embolus and absence of a retrolateral tibial apophysis. However, this new species can be distinguished from P. shablyai by the blunt tip of the tegular apophysis ( vs. with a hook), expanded embolic base ( vs. not expanded) and a retrolateral outgrowth of the patella absent ( vs. present); in the female, this new species can be distinguished by the oval, expanded bursae ( vs. finger shaped in other species). Description. Male ( holotype ). Total length 3.11, carapace 1.70 long, 1.44 wide, opisthosoma 2.13 long, 1.28 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.07, ALE 0.10, PME 0.06, PLE 0.08, AME–AME 0.04, AME–ALE 0.04, PME–PME 0.09, PME–PLE 0.08, AME–PME 0.05, ALE–PLE 0.05. Leg measurements: I 5.60 (1.58, 2.10, 1.00, 0.92), II 5.16 (1.50, 1.90, 0.90, 0.86), III 4.26 (1.10, 1.44, 0.88, 0.84), IV 5.66 (1.42, 2.04, 1.24, 0.96). Coloration ( Fig. 11 ). Carapace red-brown, edge darker. Chelicerae red-brown. Endites and labium red-brown. Sternum yellowish brown. Legs yellowish brown with black setae. Opisthosoma oval, dark brown, covered with black setae, dorsal scutum covers almost 3/4 of opisthosoma; ventral scutum covering almost half of opisthosoma. Spinnerets pale yellow. Figure 9. Platnick xintongi Lin & Li , sp. nov. , holotype male. A. Left palp, ventral view; B. Same, retrolateral view. Abbreviations: C—conductor; E—embolus; SD—sperm duct; TA—tegular apophysis. Scale bars= 0.05 mm. Figure 10. Platnick xintongi Lin & Li , sp. nov. , paratype female. A. Epigyne, ventral view; B. Vulva, dorsal view. Abbreviations: B— bursa; CD—copulatory duct; CO—copulatory opening; FD—fertilization duct; S—spermatheca. Scale bars =0.05 mm. Palp ( Fig. 9 ). Femur almost 4 times longer than patella. Patella as long as tibia. Retrolateral tibial apophysis absent. Tegular apophysis tip expanded, blunt. Sperm duct U-shaped. Conductor lamellate, membranous, tip sharp. Embolus spiraled. Female ( one paratype Ar44793). Total length 3.85, carapace 1.48 long, 1.20 wide, opisthosoma 1.64 long, 1.08 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.05, ALE 0.09, PME 0.04, PLE 0.06, AME–AME 0.03, AME–ALE 0.01, PME–PME 0.08, PME–PLE 0.05, AME–PME 0.07, ALE–PLE 0.04. Leg measurements: I 4.22 (1.18, 1.66, 0.66, 0.72), II 3.85 (1.06, 1.45, 0.64, 0.70), III 3.44 (0.98, 1.14, 0.66, 0.66), IV 4.92 (1.32, 1.66, 1.02, 0.92). Coloration ( Fig. 11C ). Habitus similar to that of male except paler and scutum absent. Epigyne ( Fig. 10 ). Epigynal plate rectangular. Copulatory openings wide, straight. Bursae oval, located anteriorly. Copulatory ducts nearly elliptical in dorsal view. Spermathecae oval, 2 times longer than wide, separated by 2 times their diameter from each other. Fertilization duct directed at 1:30-o’clock-position from spermatheca. Material examined. Holotype (IZCAS-Ar44798), China : Xizang , Nyingchi City , Nyingchi Co. , Baiba Town ( 29.7986°N , 93.8472°E , elev. 3191 m ), 31.VII.2012 , Zhiyuan Yao and Zhe Zhao leg. Paratypes . 1♀ (IZCAS-Ar44799), same data as holotype; 1♀ (IZCAS-Ar44800), China : Xizang , Nyingchi City , Gongbo'gyamda Co. ( 29.8837°N , 93.2406°E , elev. 3436 m ), 30.VII.2012 , Zhiyuan Yao and Zhe Zhao leg. Distribution. Known only from the type locality.