Taxonomic revision of the New World genus Callotillus Wolcott (Cleridae, Tillinae), with the description of the new genus Neocallotillus, and an illustrated key of identification to species Author Burke, Alan F. Author Zolnerowich, Gregory text ZooKeys 2016 617 65 89 journal article 1313-2970-617-65 A22B0E2CF24E4C80B0E505794FC95DA3 Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Cleridae Callotillus Wolcott, 1911 Type species. Callotillus eburneocinctus Wolcott, 1911 (original designation). Differential diagnosis. Callotillus is most similar to the new genus Neocallotillus . A list of useful characters to properly differentiate these genera is provided above in the differential diagnosis of Neocallotillus . Redescription. Size: 6-10 mm. Color: Testaceous and ferrugineous to almost black; fasciae on elytral disc may be present or not, if present, ranging from light testaceous to brown. Body moderately robust, expanded posteriorly. Head: Rather small, longer than wide; eyes inconspicuously bulging laterally (Fig. 6B), strongly emarginate at antennal insertion; clypeus feebly emarginate medially; antennae composed of 10 antennomeres; sexual dimorphism observable in antennal composition, with antennomeres 2-9 in males conspicuously serrate (Fig. 3G, H) but moderately serrate in females (Fig. 3I, J), last antennomere compressed laterally in both sexes; labrum moderately constricted laterally, subquadrate; terminal maxillary palps sub-cylindrical; terminal labial palps securiform. Thorax: Pronotum moderately to conspicuously globose, narrower than anterior margin of elytra; disc moderately to strongly convex, inconspicuously broader at middle, feebly sinuate behind middle, then feebly to moderately constricted on last fourth; anterior depression and antescutellar impression absent. Prosternum: smooth to feebly puncticulate; conspicuously wider than long. Mesoventrite smooth, feebly to moderately puncticulate; metepisternum partially visible in lateral view, not fully concealed by elytron. Metaventrite moderately to strongly convex; surface variously punctate. Elytra: Moderately robust, elongate, expanded posteriorly; median region of elytral disc feebly to moderately depressed in lateral view; subbasal elytral swellings present; elytral apex declivity feebly to moderately steep; transverse fasciae may be present on elytral disc or not, if present elevated from elytral disc. Legs: Femora wide; surface rugulose to smooth. Tibiae rugulose, moderately expanded posteriorly; tibial spur formula 2-2-2. Two tarsal denticles, inner tarsal denticles trigonal, outer tarsal denticles digitiform. Abdomen: Six ventrites; surface smooth, moderately convex; ventrites 1-5 with lateral margins parallel and posterior margins truncate; male pygidium moderately differentiated form that of females. Aedeagus: Slender and moderately sclerotized; phallobasic apodeme robust distally; endophallic struts short, robust throughout their length. Remarks. In accordance to the taxonomic changes previously discussed, in this revision we treat Callotillus as a genus containing two species: Callotillus bahamensis Vaurie ( Figs 1G, 2C), a species currently recorded from the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands (Fig. 8D), and Callotillus eburneocinctus Wolcott (Figs 1H, 4B), a species restricted to the southernmost tip of the Florida peninsula, including the Florida Keys (Fig. 8E).