Neotropical Chvalaea Papp & Földvári (Diptera: Hybotidae: Ocydromiinae): new records, an illustrated key to species and description of three new species Author Barros, Luana Machado Author Soares, Matheus Mickael Mota Author Freitas-Silva, Rafael Augusto Pinheiro De Author Ale-Rocha, Rosaly text Zootaxa 2019 2019-03-27 4571 3 347 362 journal article 27823 10.11646/zootaxa.4571.3.3 710a368c-2adb-49a0-ba1e-acfa6f61a7c1 1175-5326 2612703 CE0B17D0-918E-4D18-AD39-A72E585F7038 Chvalaea ecuadoriensis Barros & Ale-Rocha sp. nov. ( Figs 13 , 27–32 , 41 , 49 , 53 ) Diagnosis. Frons broad (at mid-length about as wide as width of anterior ocellus) ( Fig. 13 ). Scutum entirely brown, pleura yellow, except anepisternum and katepisternum brown; scutellum pale brown. Wing pale brown with vein M 1 evanescent just before meeting wing margin and vein M 4 reaching wing margin ( Fig. 49 ). Legs extensively brownish ( Fig. 41 ); hind tarsomeres 3–5 with short, blunt, black spine-like ventral setae. Hypandrium with distal margin sub-triangular ( Fig. 27 ). FIGURES 15–18. Chvalaea Papp & Földvári. 15–16. Scutum. 15. Chvalaea masneri Ale-Rocha, 2006 ; 16. Chvalaea sinclairi sp. nov. , paler region anteriorly close to postpronotal lobes highlighted. 17–18. Hind tibia. 17. Chvalaea masneri Ale-Rocha, 2006 ; 18. Chvalaea amazonica Ale-Rocha, 2006 . Scale bars = 0.5 mm. Description. Holotype male ( Fig. 41 ). Body length: 5.7 mm. Wing length: 5.3 mm. Head. Frons broad (at mid-length about as wide as width of anterior ocellus), as long as 1/6 of face length ( Fig. 13 ). Antenna brown; postpedicel about 1.5 times length of scape and pedicel combined, with dense brown microtrichia and 1 short, thin dorsal seta near base; stylus arista-like, about 1.5 times length of scape, pedicel and postpedicel combined; 1 pair of ocellar setae very short, proclinate. Proboscis brown and very short; palpus covered with dense yellow microtrichia and long, slender setae. Thorax. Covered with sparse reddish brown pruinosity, paler, almost yellow on pleura. Pronotum brown. Pleura yellow, except anepisternum and katepisternum brown. Scutellum pale brown with 1 pair of long, strong convergent apical setae, and 1 thin very short lateral seta, about 1/3 length of apical pair. Acrostichals and dorsocentrals uniserial, very short, slender and sparse on scutum; notopleuron with 1 long, strong seta, with 10 shorter, slender setae; 1 very short, slender anterior postalar seta, with 1 anterior [lost in holotype , slender in paratypes ] and 1 posterior postalar seta [lost in holotype , strong in paratypes ]. Wing. Pale brown; pterostigma brown, elongate, narrow; cell dm slightly shorter than basal cells; cell cua slightly shorter than half cell bm; CuA+CuP not reaching wing margin; vein M 1 evanescent, vein M 4 reaching wing margin ( Fig. 49 ). Legs ( Fig. 41 ). Extensively brown, except coxae yellow and femora pale brown near base, gradually darkened to brown apically. Chaetotaxy: fore tibia with 1 long and thin posteroventral seta at mid-length; mid tibia with 1 long and strong dorsal seta near base, 2 anterior on basal half and 2 anterior on apical half, 2 long posteroventral setae, with 1 on basal fourth and 1 on apical half; mid femur with 1 anterior seta on distal two-thirds; hind tibia with 2 long, thin anteroventral setae and 2 long, thin posteroventral setae on basal half; fore and mid tarsomere 1 with 1 ventral seta long and stronger near base; hind tarsomere 1 with 2 series of elongate black spine-like setae, with 5 anteroventral and 2 posteroventral near apex; hind tarsomeres 3–5 with short, blunt, black spine-like ventral setae. Abdomen. Black, slender, slightly curved upwards, sides almost parallel in lateral view. Paratype male terminalia ( Figs 27–30 ): similar to C. masneri and C. catarinensis , hypandrium narrow, distal margin sub-triangular with round apex and 2 long subapical setae ( Fig. 27 ); subepandrial sclerite with anterior margin rounded and apical margin strongly concave ( Fig. 28 ); hypoproct with broad, nearly triangular indentation at mid-width of apical margin ( Fig. 28 ). Female. Similar to male. Female terminalia: resembling C. amazonica , with sternite 8 broad, triangular; tergite 8 with notch on lateral margin ( Figs 31–32 ). Variation. Specimens preserved in alcohol can have fore and mid legs paler than hind leg. Distribution. This species is known from Ecuador ( Tungurahua ) ( Fig. 53 ). Type material. HOLOTYPE , labelled: ECUADOR , Tungurahua , Baños , Cloud Forest [ 1°23′20.3″S 78°25′42.8″W ], 2.500–3.000 m , 12.x.1978 , M. Cooper / Holotype , Chvalaea ecuadoriensis Barros & Ale-Rocha [red label] ( NHM ) . Holotype in good condition, terminalia not dissected. PARATYPES : as data same as holotype ( 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , INPA ; 2 ♀ , NHM ) . Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the country of origin of all the type specimens of this species. Remarks. Chvalaea ecuadoriensis sp. nov. and C. masneri are similar species, including the pronotum black, variable color of the pleura, usually the brown proepimeron. However, C. ecuadoriensis sp. nov. is larger and more robust than C. masneri , the scutum is uniformly brown, whereas in C. masneri the scutum is dark brown to black. Chvalaea ecuadoriensis sp. nov have an entirely brown hind tibia and in C. masneri the hind tibia is black, yellowish near extreme base. Additionally, C. ecuadoriensis sp. nov have the frons broad, while in C. masneri the frons is very narrow.