Review of the Pacific leafhopper genus Hecaloidella (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae Deltocephalinae: Selenocephalini) with description of sixteen new species Author Xu, Deliang 0000-0003-0106-5570 Key Laboratory of Plant Protection Resources and Pest Management, Ministry of Education, Entomological Museum, College of Plant Protection, Northwest A & F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China & 18710305867 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0106 - 5570 Author Webb, Michael D. 0000-0002-1312-6142 Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, ME 15 6 QX, UK & mdwebb 04 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1312 - 6142 Author Shang, Suqin 0000-0001-9376-0735 Biological Engineering Laboratory of Crop Diseases and Pests of Gansu Province, College of Plant Protection, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China & shangsq @ gsau. edu. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9376 - 0735 Author Zhang, Yalin 0000-0002-1204-9181 Key Laboratory of Plant Protection Resources and Pest Management, Ministry of Education, Entomological Museum, College of Plant Protection, Northwest A & F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China & yalinzh @ nwsuaf. edu. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1204 - 9181 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-03-22 4948 3 381 403 journal article 7470 10.11646/zootaxa.4948.3.4 6bfd846c-0304-4330-8941-95c406630230 1175-5326 4629100 8E0BF97A-D9E1-4F2E-BB63-82A6ED47E5DC Genus Hecaloidella Osborn, 1934 Hecaloidella Osborn, 1934: 173 Type species: H . nitida Osborn, 1934 , by original designation. Diagnosis. Head anteriorly foliaceous, anterior margin rim-like with a pair of marginal carina; vertex longer medially than next to eyes, slightly transversely sulcate between anterior corners of eyes, smooth or finely obliquely striate to sulcus or to anterior margin, transversely striate each side of margin; ocelli on marginal rim close to corresponding eye; face convex in profile, dorsally concave with fine transverse striations extending laterally onto ocellocular area and then ventrally to antennal ledge, remaining ventral part of face shagreen; antennae short, arising approximately lower than mid-height of eyes in facial view; anterior tentorial branches Y-shaped with asymmetric arms. Pronotum with sides short, disc finely transversely striate or smooth. Forewing with medial and outer subapical cells closed, inner subapical cell open. Male subgenital plates without macrosetae, with fine dorsolateral setae, sometimes with digitate apex crenulate. Connective with apices of arms close or touching, sometimes fused but rarely widely spaced ( H. bimaculata ); stem short to long and usually extended caudally into a long distal process, the latter usually bifurcate basally or apically, rarely stem without long extension ( H. spinosa and H. brevis ). Aedeagus situated either dorsad of connective and connected to it by membrane or articulated with connective; with basal apodeme short to long, sometimes with a lobe on each side. Female genitalia with first valvulae with strigate sculpture dorsally; second valvulae with serrate teeth. Description. Small to medium sized leafhoppers. Sordid or brownish yellow to stramineous. Vertex with or without brown marking. Pronotum and mesonotum laterally sometimes with one or two lateral brown spots, respectively. Forewings brownish hyaline usually with brown spot at apex of claval veins and clavus and usually more heavily marked with brown on veins of fifth apical cells and wing apex, rarely forewing darker brown with outer half of clavus yellow ( H. pacifica ). Head very slightly wider than pronotum, anteriorly foliaceous with anterior margin rim-like with a pair of marginal carina; vertex approximately one and a half times as long medially than next to eyes (distinctly longer in H . bimaculata ) and slightly transversely sulcate between anterior corners of eyes, smooth or finely obliquely striate to sulcus or to anterior margin, transversely striate each side of margin; ocelli on marginal rim close to corresponding eye; face convex in profile (except H. brunifasciata ), dorsally concave with fine transverse striations extending laterally onto ocellocular area and then ventrally to antennal ledge, remaining ventral part of face shagreen; antennae short, less than half body length, arising approximately at mid-height of eyes in facial view (higher in H. brunifasciata ); anterior tentorial branches Y-shaped with asymmetric arms. Pronotum sides relatively short, carinate; disc finely transversely striate or smooth. Forewing with three subapical cells, inner open. Fore femur with AM1 present, IC row with relatively thick setae, AV setae absent. Fore tibia with dorsal setal formula 1+4. Hind femur with apical setal formula 2+2+1. Abdominal basal apodemes without lobes. Male pygofer tapered to conically rounded apex with several macrosetae distally, without processes. Segment X simple, rarely extended ventrally ( H. brunifasciata ). Subgenital plates wide basally, thereafter lateral margin week to strongly incurved and then distally evenly tapered to apex or apex digitate, sometimes digitate apex crenulate ( Fig. 6H ); without macrosetae, with fine dorsolateral setae. Style with apical process hook-like, preapical lobe variable in length. Connective with apices of arms close or touching, sometimes fused but rarely widely spaced ( H. bimaculata ); stem short to long and usually extended caudally into a long distal process, the latter usually bifurcate basally or apically, rarely stem without long extension ( H. spinosa and H. brevis ). Aedeagus situated either dorsad of connective and connected to it by membrane or articulated with connective; with or without processes, gonopore apical or apical on ventral surface; with basal apodeme short to long, sometimes with a lobe on each side. Female first valvulae with strigate sculpture dorsally; second valvulae with serrate teeth. Distribution . Oriental and Australian Region. Remarks. Hecaloidella can be distinguished by its convex face in profile ( Fig. 2B ) and sculpture on the head and pronotum (see Diagnosis) and in the male genitalia by lacking macrosetae on the subgenital plate, the connective with a posterior extension (except H. spinosa and H. brevis ) and the connective frequently separated from the aedeagus; all but the first of these characters are shared with some or all Drabescini (Paraboloponina) (see Introduction). Within the genus most species fall into three groups (see below for details). One species ( H . brunifasciata ) is only tentatively included in the genus ( incertae sedis ) (see species Remarks for details). Only one species, H . pacifica is widespread in the Pacific (on cloves) and nearly all other species are restricted to Borneo or Sulawesi (see checklist).