Review of the Australian Apiocera minor Norris species-group (Diptera: Apioceridae) with a revised key to species Author Yeates, David K. Author Oberprieler, Stefanie K. text Zootaxa 2013 3680 1 195 209 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3680.1.13 7f89401d-0595-479e-be8c-2f3fb502af2c 1175-5326 218744 E55B47AD-8EF4-47D3-B39A-FCC6D61BF5E9 Apiocera collessi Ye a te s s p. n. ( Figs. 10 , 16 , 22 ) Material examined. Holotype : male, Victoria, 2 km E of Hattah, 21 Nov. 1975 , K.R. Norris ( ANIC , database no. 29029453). Condition good. Measurements ( holotype ): 14 mm long (tip of antennae to tip of abdomen), head 2.5 mm wide. Other material. South Australia : 19km NW Nundroo, 31.65ºS ., 132.1ºE ., 1 male ( ANIC , database no. 29029452). Victoria: 11km N Kiamil, 34.9ºS ., 142.3ºE ., 1 male ( ANIC , database no. 29029455); 21km E by S Hattah, 34.7833ºS ., 142.5167ºE ., 1 female ( ANIC , database no. 29029454). Diagnosis. A small, well-marked species in grey and black. Proboscis 1.0 x length of fore tibia, flagellum 3 x longer than maximum width, costa ending at M veins, vein M3+CuA1 absent, M2 present, becoming pale towards wing margin. Abdomen black with prominent grey markings on either side of midline as in Fig. 16 . Description. Head. Pruinescence silver except on vertex light brown. Hairs white except on vertex light brown, and some dark brown hairs admixed on postcranium. Scape and pedicel with ground colour dark brown and with erect brown hairs, some white hairs at base of scape ventrally. Flagellum dark brown, elongate, length 4 x greatest width (at base). Palps 2-segmented, elongate with spatulate apex, hairs admixed brown and white. Proboscis (excluding labellum) 1.0 x length of fore tibia. Thorax. Integument dark brown-black, pruinescence and hairs white on pleurae. Scutum and scutellum with dark brown ground colour, very large dark brown macrosetae around margins. Group of thick dark brown hairs on postpronotal lobes, admixed with longer white hairs. Scutum and scutellum with short light brown hairs. Scutum pruinescence with a distinctive pattern of silver-light grey with a pair of longitudinal bands of brown pruinescence on either side of midline, one band in line with the postpronotal lobes, the other pair either side of the midline. The outer darker stripe of pruinescence is broken twice, once on the supra alar area, the other just behind the postpronotal lobes. The scutellum has silver pruinescence around the margin, brown centrally. Legs with dark brown integumental colour, white pruinescence, and indistinct rows of large dark brown spines on femur and tibia, white hairs on femora. Wings. Fig. 10 . Costa ending at the M veins, M3+CuA1 absent. Cell m3 present, small. Abdomen. Fig. 16 . Short brown hairs on all segments, a tuft of longer black and white hairs admixed on the sides of tergite 1. Pruinescence on abdomen giving a pronounced black and silver patterning. Pruinescence of abdomen black, with light grey markings on posterolateral margins of tergites 1–3, and light grey markings on anterolateral margins of tergites 4–6. Venter with short dark brown hairs and silver pruinescence, longer white hairs on sternite 1 and at the base of sternite 2. Genitalia. Fig. 22 . Male, with divided epandrium, hypandrium very large, elongate with rounded apex free and not fused to gonocoxae. Gonocoxites not fused in midline. Aedeagal sheath short and blunt, gonostyli with apex hooked and curved ventrally, apex simple, without spines. Gonocoxa with additional sclerotized and articulated lobe at the level of the apex of the aedeagus, this lobe furnished with a single, elongate spine directed ventrally. Etymology. This species is named in honour of Dr Donald Colless, research scientist and curator of Diptera at the Australian National Insect Collection (ANIC) from 1960–1987 , and Honorary Fellow in ANIC from 1987– 2012 . Distribution. Victoria : Hattah and Kiamil; October and November. South Australia : Nundroo; October ( Fig. 24 ).