Taxonomic study of the Oriental genus Catullioides Bierman, 1910 (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Tropiduchidae), with description of a new species from China Author Zhu, Hao-Yu Institute of Insect Resources and Biodiversity, School of Life Sciences, Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu Second Normal University, Nanjing, China Author Yu, Fang Institute of Insect Resources and Biodiversity, School of Life Sciences, Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu Second Normal University, Nanjing, China Author Xu, Si-Yuan Institute of Insect Resources and Biodiversity, School of Life Sciences, Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu Second Normal University, Nanjing, China Author Ma, Fang-Zhou Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Nanjing, China Author Wang, Rong-Rong Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Author Song, Zhi-Shun Institute of Insect Resources and Biodiversity, School of Life Sciences, Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu Second Normal University, Nanjing, China text ZooKeys 2021 2021-05-17 1037 119 136 journal article 1313-2970-1037-119 10E8FE8D686F4C5E9445BCC7FCFA5E95 4925625650725788BAD3F2AFACDFA912 Catullioides rubrolineata Bierman, 1910 Figures 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 Catullioides rubrolineata Bierman, 1910: 22, pl. 1, fig. 9a-d. Barunoides albosignata (Distant): Melichar (1914 : 140) [error]. Catullioides albosignatus (Distant): Yang et al. (1989 : 74, fig. 3); Hayashi (1995 : 65, fig. 1) [error]. Redescription. Body length from apex of head to tip of forewings: ♂ 8.4-9.5 mm, ♀ 9.4-10.3 mm; head length from apex of cephalic process to base of eyes: ♂ 0.7-0.8 mm, ♀ 0.8-0.9 mm; head width including eyes: ♂ 1.3-1.4 mm, ♀ 1.4-1.5 mm; forewing length: ♂ 7.0-7.7 mm, ♀ 8.1-8.6 mm. Coloration . Sexual dimorphism in general color (Fig. 1 ). Females distinctly paler on body than males (Fig. 2 ). General color pale green and red on head and thorax, and dark brown on body. Head excluding eyes, pronotum and mesonotum mostly pale green to yellowish green, broad stripes along median carinae of vertex, frons, clypeus, pronotum and mesonotum, lateral margins of frons, lateral areas of pronotum and mesonotum behind eyes red, clypeus and apical margins of paranotal lobes dark brown to black. Compound eyes red to fuscous with posterior margin pale green, ocelli purplish red. Forewings, in males (Fig. 3D ), with central area of basal two-thirds and apical third dark brown to black, clavus, apices of costal area, postcostal cell, veins C1 and C2 yellowish green; in females (Fig. 3F ), much paler than in males, mostly yellowish green, central area of basal two-thirds and Medial area dark brown to black. Thorax and abdomen mostly black in males (Fig. 2C ); in females (Fig. 2D ), much paler than in males, mostly yellowish brown. Figure 1. Habitus of Catullioides rubrolineata Bierman A male B female. Photographed by Z-S Song. Figure 2. Catullioides rubrolineata Bierman A male, dorsal view B female, dorsal view C male, lateral view D female, lateral view. Scale bars: 2 mm. Structure . Vertex (Fig. 3A ) wider than length, with ratio of length at midline to width between eyes 0.5:1. Frons with ratio of length at midline to maximum width 1.6:1 (Fig. 3C ). Forewings (Fig. 3D, F ) almost flat, ratio of length to width about 2.9-3.2:1. Hindwings (Fig. 3E, G ) with ratio of length to width about 1.9-2.0:1. Figure 3. Catullioides rubrolineata Bierman A head, pronotum and mesonotum, dorsal view B head and pronotum, lateral view C head and pronotum, ventral view D forewing of male E hindwing of male F forewing of female G hindwing of female. Abbreviations: nl, nodal line. Scale bars: 1 mm. Male genitalia . Pygofer, in lateral view (Figs 4A , 4B ), with posterior margin slightly sinuate, more or less convex medially, anterior margin produced in a pair of broad and large sclerotised processes ventrolaterally; in ventral view (Fig. 4D ), far longer than in dorsal view (Fig. 4C ), with ratio of ventral to dorsal width about 4.5:1. Gonostyles (Fig. 4A, B, D ) elongate, in ventral view (Fig. 4D ), inner area along ventrolateral carina less sclerotised and filmy, dorso-basal process directed dorsolaterad; in lateral view (Fig. 4A, B ), ventrolateral carina strongly ridged from base to apex. Aedeagus (Fig. 4E-H ) large and elongate, as long as gonostyles; in right lateral view (Fig. 4F ), right apical process directed dorsad and curved laterocaudad; in left lateral view (Fig. 4G ), left process large and broad, base narrow and twisted, remaining cultrate, directed laterocaudad. Segment X (Fig. 4C ) slender and elongate, anal style relatively small, not reaching to apex. Figure 4. Catullioides rubrolineata Bierman A male pygofer, gonostyles, and segment X, left lateral view B male pygofer, gonostyles, and segment X, right lateral view C male segment X and pygofer, dorsal view D male pygofer and gonostyles, ventral view E aedeagus, dorsal view F aedeagus, left lateral view G aedeagus, right lateral view H aedeagus, ventral view. Abbreviations: as, anal style; bpg, basal process of gonostyle; dmp, dorsal margin of pygofer in profile; dp, dorsal process of phallotheca; gs, gonostyle; hpg, hook-like process of gonostyle; lp, left process of phallotheca; ml, membranous lobe of phallotheca; pen, periandrium; pg, pygofer; pmpg, posterior margin of pygofer in profile; rap, right apical process of phallotheca; rbp, right basal process of phallotheca; sp, sclerotised processes of pygofer; sx, segment X; vc, ventrolateral carina of gonostyle; vmp, ventral margin of pygofer in profile. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Female genitalia (Figs 5A-I ) as in generic description. Figure 5. Catullioides rubrolineata Bierman A female terminalia, dorsal view B female terminalia, lateral view C female terminalia, ventral view D female segment X, dorsal view E gonapophyses VIII, lateral view F gonapophyses VIII, ventral view G gonapophyses VIII and IX, ventral view H gonapophyses IX, ventral view I gonoplacs, lateral view. Abbreviations: ACL, anterior connective lamina of gonapophysis VIII; as, anal style; Gp, gonoplacs; PCL, posterior connective lamina of gonapophysis IX; sx, segment X. Scale bars: 0.5 mm ( A-C, G, I ); 0.2 mm ( D-F, H ). Material examined. China : 7♂♂ , 6♀♀ , Zhejiang , Taishun , Beikengdi ( 27°28'30"N , 119°54'28"E ), 469 m , light trap , 28.viii.2020 , F.Z. Ma , S.Y. Xu & H.Y. Zhu ; 2♂♂ , 2♀♀ , same collecting locality and time, F.Z. Ma, S.Y. Xu & H.Y. Zhu (all in JSSNU); 1♀ , Hainan , Shuiman , 640 m , 29.v.1960 , S.F. Li ; 8♂♂ , 3♀♀ , Fujian , Jiangle , Longqi Moutain , 200 m , 10.viii.1991 , S.M. Song ; 1♀ , Fujian , Jiangle , Longqishan , 500 m , 13.viii.1991 , X.C. Zhang ; 8♂♂ , 2♀♀ , Yunnan , Hekou , 80 m , light trap , , K.R. Huang ; 1♂ , Yunnan , Xishuangbanna , Mengla , 620-650 m , , S.F. Li ; 1♀ , Yunnan , Jinghong , Damenglong , 30.ix.1979 , J.X. Cui (all in IZCAS) . Vietnam : 1♂ , Kontum N of Pleiku , 550 m , 13.v.1960 , L.W. Quate . Laos : 1♀ , Borikhane Prov. Paksane, 20.xii.1965 , native collector ; 1♂ , Vientiane Prov. Tha Ngone , 30.xi.1965 , native collector . Malaysia : 1♀ , Borneo , Sarawak Sadong , Kampong Tapuh , 300-450 m , 10.vii.1958 , T.C. Maa (all in BPBM) . Host plant. Miscanthus floridulus . Distribution. China (Zhejiang, Hainan, Fujian, Yunan, Taiwan); Japan (Ryukyu Islands); Vietnam; Laos; Malaysia; Indonesia. Remarks. Catullioides rubrolineata is newly recorded from Vietnam and Laos. Our specimens are distinctly larger than those recorded from Taiwan, China by Yang et al. (1989) . Their data showed the body length of C. rubrolineata from Nantou, Taiwan as 5.27 +/- 0.11 mm in males and 5.76 +/- 0.33 mm in females ( Yang et al. 1989 ). The type specimens of C. rubrolineata from Indonesia (6.5-8.0 mm) are also a little shorter than the specimens we examined ( Bierman 1910 ). Unfortunately, we did not examine the syntypes of Bierman (1910) and the specimens of Yang et al. (1989) , and identified this species based on our critical review of the literature.