New names in Monotagma (Marantaceae) Author Hagberg, Mats Author Eriksson, Roger text Phytotaxa 2011 2011-03-01 20 1 1 25 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.20.1.1 1179-3163 4776634 1B. Monotagma grallatum subsp. subcentricifolium Hagberg & R.Erikss. , subsp. nov. ( Fig. 1B ) Differt a subsp. grallato lamina minore et pulvino breviore. Type :— BRAZIL . Bahia : road Gandú–Ituberá road, km 31, 24 February 1986 , Andersson , Hagberg & Hage 1728 ( holotype CEPEC , isotypes GB 2 sheets, S , US ). FIGURE 1 . Monotagma isotypes at GB. A , M. grallatum subsp. grallatum ; B , M. grallatum subsp. subcentricifolium ; C , M. lilacinum ; D , M. breviscapum . Herb 0.4–0.6 m tall. Pulvinus 1.3–3.9 cm long. Leaf blade 21–29 × 4–11 cm , centric to subcentric (apex displacement 0–1.5 cm ), length from base to broadest part 7–9 cm . Distribution and habitat :—Known from the northern part of the rain forest region in Bahia , where it occurs in somewhat disturbed lowland forests on terra firme. Paratypes :— BRAZIL . Bahia : road Itacaré–Aurelino Leal , km 6, February 1986 , Andersson , Hagberg & Mattos Silva 1654 ( GB , S ) ; road Itacaré–Ubaitaba , km 5, March 1972 , Pinheiro 1807 ( GB ) ; on road towards Barragem (Mpio. Itacaré), July 1971 , dos Santos 1756 ( GB ) .