Revision of the genus Athyreacarus (Acari: Athyreacaridae) Author Khaustov, Alexander A. Author Frolov, Andrey V. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-07-26 4647 1 168 225 journal article 25551 10.11646/zootaxa.4647.1.14 a96b3ef7-5c39-4d0b-8d35-43706a9802c0 1175-5326 3352927 4AD08401-412E-4A7C-AAD4-3B524B8DBB8F Athyreacarus latus sp. nov. ( Figs 38–42 ) Description . Female ( Figs 38–42 ). Body oval. Length of idiosoma 435 (415), width 305 (285). Gnathosoma . Gnathosomal capsule, excluding palps, almost oval, length 62 (60), width 65 (64). Two pairs of barbed, blunt-ended cheliceral setae cha 29 (26) and chb 25 (19). Postpalpal setae ( pp ) 5 (5) needle-like. Setae m 11 (11) and n 57 (50) weakly barbed; setae m blunt-ended, n pointed. Setae dFe 13 (14) and dGe 31 (30) barbed; dFe blunt-ended, dGe pointed. Tibial claw small, slightly hooked with short basal projection. FIGURE 34 . Athyreacarus pusillus sp. nov. , female: A—left leg I in dorsal view, B—left leg II in dorsal view. Idiosomal dorsum ( Figs 38A , 41A , 42A, B ). All dorsal shields with numerous large sparsely distributed dimples ( Figs 42A, B ). Hysterosomal shields wide, completely covering hysterosoma. Prodorsal shield without lateral projections. Setae sc 1 and their alveoli absent. All dorsal setae weakly barbed. Setae c 2 and f pointed, other dorsal setae blunt-ended. Cupules and pore-like structures on hysterosomal tergites not evident. Pseudanal segment much shorter than tergite H. Lengths of dorsal setae: v 1 44 (32), v 2 13 (12), sc 2 155 (155), c 1 10 (18), c 2 165 (165), d 24 (21), e 14 (16), f 160 (160), h 1 135 (115), h 2 29 (28). Distances between setae: v 1v 1 53 (54), v 2 –v 2 85 (80), sc 2 –sc 2 130 (120), c 1c 1 135 (125), c 1c 2 75 (75), d–d 150 (135), e–e 165 (150), f–f 175 (165), h 1h 1 92 (82), h 1h 2 23 (20). Idiosomal venter ( Figs 38B , 41B , 42C, D ). All ventral plates with numerous large dimples ( Fig. 42C, D ). Setae 3 a smooth, other ventral setae weakly barbed. Setae 2 c , 4 c and ps 3 blunt-ended, other ventral setae pointed. Ap5 long, reaching beyond bases of setae 4 a . Aggenital plate with two pairs of aggenital setae. Anal opening ventral. Length of mid-sternal plate 70 (61), width 50 (46); ratio length/width 1.3–1.4. Lengths of ventral setae: 1 a 52 (51), 1 b 22 (18), 1 c 21 (21), 2 a 75 (53), 2 b 43 (41), 2 c 24 (26), 3 a 19 (18), 3 b 59 (51), 3 c 32 (31), 4 a 40 (39), 4 b 47/50 (48), 4 c 22 (21), ag 1 36 (31), ag 2 56 (48), ps 1 90/95 (93), ps 2 110 (110), ps 3 60 (43/50). FIGURE 35 . Athyreacarus pusillus sp. nov. , female: A—left leg III in dorsal view, B—left leg III in dorsal view. Legs ( Figs 39 , 40 ). Length of legs: I 155 (160), II 160 (150), III 180 (180), IV 215 (200). Leg I ( Fig. 39A ): tarsal claw very thick; setae v’ of trochanter, d , v’ of femur, d , l’ , v’ , k of tibia, pl’ , s , and pv” of tarsus smooth, other leg setae (except eupathidia) weakly barbed; setae v’ of trochanter, l’ , l” , v’ of femur, d , v’ of genu, v’ , k of tibia, and pv” of tarsus blunt-ended, other leg setae pointed; lengths of solenidia ω 1 16 (15), ω 2 12 (10), φ 1 12 (12), φ 2 12 (10); ω 1 digitiform, ω 2 , φ 1 and φ 2 baculiform. Leg II ( Fig. 39B ): solenidion ω 14 (13) digitiform, solenidion φ 10 (10) baculiform; all leg setae barbed; setae v’ of trochanter and l’ of femur, blunt-ended; other leg setae pointed. Leg III ( Fig. 40A ) similar in shape and length to leg II : solenidion φ 10 (10) baculiform; all leg setae barbed; setae v’ of femur and l” of genu blunt-ended; other leg setae pointed. Leg IV ( Fig. 40B ): solenidion φ 10 (10) baculiform; all leg setae barbed; setae v’ of femur, l” of genu, and p’ of tarsus blunt-ended, other leg setae pointed. FIGURE 36 . Phase-contrast micrographs of Athyreacarus pusillus sp. nov. , female: A—general aspect dorsally, B—general aspect ventrally. Type material . Female holotype , slide No. ZISP T-Ath-002, no locality data, on a beetle Athyreus cf. bifurcatus MacLeay. Paratype : 1 female , same data. Type deposition . The holotype is deposited in the collection of the Zoological Institute of RAS, Saint Petersburg , Russia ; one paratype is deposited in the collection of the Tyumen State University Museum of Zoology , Tyumen , Russia . Differential diagnosis . The new species is most similar to A. ovalis by the presence of two pairs of cheliceral setae, absence of cupules and pore-like structures on the hysterosomal tergites and thick apodemes 1. The new species differs from A. ovalis by the complete absence of setae sc 1 (vs alveoli of setae sc 1 present in A. ovalis ), very short and blunt-ended setae c 1 and d (vs very long and pointed in A. ovalis ), and presence of only two pairs of aggenital setae (vs three pairs in A. ovalis ). Etymology . The name of new the species derives from Latin word “ latus ” meaning “ wide ” and refers to very wide body of a new species. Remarks. According to Howden & Martínez (1977) , Athyreus bifurcatus is distributed in Brazil (as far north as the state of Mato Grosso ), Paraguay and northern Argentina ( Misiones Province ). The host specimen lacks any locality data but we think it originated from either Paraguay or south-eastern Brazil as did most of the other older specimens of Bolboceratinae in the ZIN collection.