World Catalogue of the Druid Flies (Diptera: Schizophora: Clusiidae) Author Owen Lonsdale text Zootaxa 2017 2017-10-12 4333 1 1 85 journal article 31851 10.11646/zootaxa.4333.1.1 14597991-8ac8-4290-b2c8-133e4c4329d0 1175-5326 1010066 47AB9D4D-16FF-4A7E-B73F-2A65C2841FF4 Genus HETEROMERINGIA Czerny Heteromeringia Czerny 1903 : 72 . Type species, Heteroneura nigrimana Loew 1864 , by monotypy. Gender feminine. Kertész 1903 : 567 [key to species], 1906: 321 [key]; Becker 1905 : 41 [catalogue, Palaearctic]; Johnson 1913b : 98 [family and genus revision, eastern United States]; Wahlgren 1917 : 187 [review, Sweden]; Malloch 1918 : 7 [family and genus revision, key to species], 1926: 48 [new species], 1930: 434 [Australia]; Melander & Argo 1924 : 28 [family and genus revision, key to species]; Czerny 1928 : 9 [family and genus revision, Palaearctic]; Schulze et al . 1930 :1539 [nomenclator]; Curran 1934b : 364 [key, North America]; Neave 1939b : 639 [nomenclator]; Kloet & Hincks 1945 : 394 [checklist, Britain]; Hennig 1952 : 227 [immature stages]; Frey 1960 : 23 [family and genus revision, key, Indoaustralia, catalogue, world]; McAlpine 1960 : 70 [family and genus revision, Australia]; Trojan 1962 : 26 [review, Poland]; Soós 1964a : 6 [key], 1968: 4 [catalogue, Americas south of USA], 1981: 102 [Hungary, key], 1984: 11 [catalogue, Palaearctic], 1987: 857 [key, Nearctic]; Steyskal 1965 : 806 [catalogue, America north of Mexico]; Sasakawa 1966: 64 [revision, phylogenetic discussion, Orient], 1977: 234 [catalogue, Orient], 2011a: 16 [Oriental fauna]; Cole & Schlinger 1969 : 426 [illustration of head, key to genera of Clusiidae , western North America]; Stuckenberg 1973 : 590 [South Africa]; Cogan 1980 : 636 [catalogue, Afrotropics]; Stubbs 1982 : 89 [guide to British fauna, biology]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]; Balthazar 1990 : 415 [as Clusiinae , catalogue, Philippines]; Woznica 1991 : 208 [checklist, Poland]; Poole 1996 : 126 [checklist, Nearctic]; Sueyoshi 2006 : 14 [Japan], 2014: 619 [catalogue, Japan]; Papp et al . 2006 : 190 [unidentified and identified species, Thailand]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 39 [New world revision, description of two species groups, relationships, biology, habitat], 2007b: 119 [use in analysis of Clusiodes ], 2008b: 13 [synonymy of Tranomeringia Sasakawa , Fiji], 2010: 1044 [Manual of Central American Diptera ]; Lonsdale 2009b : 229 [Australia]; Lonsdale et al. 2010: 268 [family revision, key, “ Heteromeringia sp. A” genetically sequenced for phylogenetic analysis]. Heteringomyia. Misspelling of Heteromeringia . Williston 1908 : 319 [key, illustration of head]. Tranomeringia Sasakawa 1966: 98 . Type species, Tranomeringia zosteriformis Sasakawa 1966 , by original designation. Gender feminine. Sasakawa 1977 : 235 [catalogue, Orient], 2011a: 25 [ Oriental fauna, resurrected from synonymy]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 535 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2008b : 13 [as synonym of Heteromeringia ]. abatanensis Sasakawa. OR: Philippines. Heteromeringia abatanensis Sasakawa 2011a : 18 . Philippines. Mountain Province: Abatan, Buguias, 60 km S of Bontoc, 1800–2000 m . HT ♂ BPBM [Type No. 17248]. Sasakawa 2011a : 18 [illustrations of male genitalia]. aethiopica (Verbeke) . AF: Democratic Republic of Congo. Strongylophthalmyia aethiopica Verbeke 1968 : 70 . Democratic Republic of Congo. Parc National de la Garamba. HT ♀ MRAC. Cogan 1980 : 588 [catalogue, Afrotropics]. Heteromeringia aethiopica . Barraclough 2000 : 104 [generic combination, notes on type ]. apholis Lonsdale & Marshall. NT: Mexico. Heteromeringia apholis Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 61 . Mexico. Durango State: 10 mi W El Salto , 9000′. HT CNC . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 61 [illustrations of male genitalia]. aphotisma Lonsdale & Marshall. NT: Brazil. Heteromeringia aphotisma Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 54 . Brazil. Rio de Janeiro : Nova Fributgo , 10 km S, “ Sitio Edelweiss ”. HT MNRJ . apicalis Sasakawa. OR: Philippines. Heteromeringia apicalis Sasakawa 1966: 84 . Philippines. Misamis Oriental : Minalwang, 1050 m . HT BPBM [ Type No. Bishop 6644]. Sasakawa 1966: 84 [with illustrations of head and male genitalia], 1977: 234 [catalogue, Orient ], 2011a: 17 [key]; Balthazar 1990 : 415 [catalogue, Philippines ] . asteia Lonsdale. AU: Australia ( ACT , NSW , QLD , Tasmania ). Heteromeringia asteia Lonsdale 2009b : 237 . Australia. Tasmania: Hellyer Gorge, 41°16′24ʺS, 145°36′55ʺE. HT ♂ AMS. Lonsdale 2009b : 237 [photo, illustration of male and female genitalia]. australiae Malloch. AU: Australia ( ACT , NSW , QLD , Tasmania ). Heteromeringia australiae Malloch 1926 : 48 . Australia. New South Wales: North Coast, Coramba. HT ♂ AMS. Frey 1960 : 25 [summary of original description, catalogue, world]; McAlpine 1960 : 73 [redescription, illustration of surstylus]; Sasakawa 1966: 79 [redescription]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]; Lonsdale 2009b : 237 [redescription, photo of wing and habitus, illustrations of egg and male and female genitalia]. bisetosa Lonsdale. AU: Australia ( QLD ) , Papua New Guinea. Heteromeringia bisetosa Lonsdale 2009b : 241 . Australia. Queensland: 1km SE of Mt. Cook, 15.30S 145.16E. HT ♂ ANIC. Lonsdale 2009b : 241 [photo, illustration of male and female genitalia]. cornuta Sasakawa. AU: Papua New Guinea. Heteromeringia cornuta Sasakawa 1966: 72 . Papua New Guinea. SE New Guinea , Brown River . HT BPBM [ Type No. Bishop 6635]. Sasakawa 1966: 72 [illustrations of male genitalia]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]. crenulata Sueyoshi. PA: Japan. Heteromeringia crenulata Sueyoshi 2006 : 14 . Japan. Honshu: Kanagawa Prefecture, Tomioka, Yokohama City. HT ♂ BLKU. Sueyoshi 2006 : 14 [illustrations of head and male genitalia, photo of wing], 2011: 13 [Japan, pictoral key]. Heteromeringia cnenulata . Misspelling of crenulata . Sueyoshi 2014 : 619 [catalogue, Japan]. czernyi Kertész. NE: Mexico , United States ( Florida ). NT: Neotropics. Heteromeringia Czernyi Kertész 1903 : 568 . Peru . Callanga. HT HNHM . Heteromeringia czernyi . Melander & Argo 1924 : 29 [redescription, photo, Costa Rica ]; Frey 1960 : 27 [catalogue, world]; Soós 1968 : 4 [catalogue, Americas south of USA ]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 54 [synonymy of subfasciata Curran , illustrations of thorax and male and female genitalia, photo of wing, collected using dung, new records (Neotropics, Florida )], 2010: 1046 [reproduction of illustration of female genitalia]. Sobarocephala subfasciata Curran 1939 : 2 . Panama. Barro Colorado Island. HT ♂ AMNH. Frey 1960 : 28 [catalogue, world]; Soós 1968 : 7 [catalogue, Americas south of USA]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 54 [as synonym of Czernyi Kertész ]. decora Lonsdale & Marshall. NT: Mexico. Heteromeringia decora Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 62 . Mexico. Chiapas State: Montebello National Park , 5000′. HT CNC . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 62 [illustration of colouration, photo of wing]. didyma Sasakawa. OR: Malaysia ( Pahang , Sabah ). Heteromeringia didyma Sasakawa 1966: 74 . Malaysia . Sabah : Mt. Kinabalu, Tenompok. HT BPBM [ Type No. Bishop 6637]. Sasakawa 1966: 74 [with illustrations of male genitalia], 1977: 234 [catalogue, Orient], 2011a: 18 [key, new record ( Pahang )]. digitula Lonsdale. AU: Australia ( QLD ). Heteromeringia digitula Lonsdale 2009b : 241 . Australia. Queensland: 3km ENE of Mt. Tozer, 12.44S 143.14E. HT ♂ ANIC. Lonsdale 2009b : 241 [illustrations of egg and male genitalia]. flavifrons Hennig. NT: Bolivia , Brazil ( Santa Catarina ), Costa Rica , Ecuador , Honduras . Heteromeringia flavifrons Hennig 1938 : 134 . Bolivia . Mapiri: San Carlos, 800 m . HT SMT. Frey 1960 : 27 [catalogue, world]; Soós 1968 : 4 [catalogue, Americas south of USA ]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 56 [illustrations of colouration and male and female genitalia, photo of wing, collected on carrion and dung, new records ( Brazil , Costa Rica , Ecuador , Honduras )]. flavipes (Williston) . NT: Costa Rica , Nicaragua , St. Vincent , United States ( Florida ). Heteroneura flavipes Williston 1896 : 387 . St. Vincent. “Leeward side”. LT ♂ BMNH [designated by Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 58 ]. Czerny 1903 : 101 [quotes description, notes]; Williston 1908 : 319 [generic discussion]; Aldrich 1905 : 570 [catalogue, North America]. Clusiodes flavipes . Johnson 1913a : 79 [generic combination, checklist, Florida ]; Malloch 1918 : 6 [key, examination of topotypic specimen]. Heteromeringia flavipes . Melander & Argo 1924 : 29 [generic combination, redescription, photo]; Frey 1960 : 27 [catalogue, world]; Steyskal 1965 : 806 [catalogue, America north of Mexico , Nicaragua ], 1973: 443 [checklist, Antilles]; Soós 1968 : 4 [catalogue, Americas south of USA ]; Poole 1996 : 126 [checklist, Nearctic]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 57 [illustrations of male genitalia, Costa Rica ]. flaviventris Sasakawa. AU: Indonesia ( Papua ). Heteromeringia flaviventris Sasakawa 1966: 95 . Indonesia . Papua Province : Waris, S of Hollandia, 450– 500 m . HT BPBM [ Type No. Bishop 6648]. Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]. fucata Hendel. NT: Brazil. Heteromeringia fucata Hendel 1936 : 89 . Brazil . Unt. Amaz. Taperiuha, b. Santarem. ST 2♀ NMW [location of one unknown]. Frey 1960 : 27 [catalogue, world]; Soós 1968 : 4 [catalogue, Americas south of USA ]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 44 [redescription, illustrations of male genitalia, photo of wing, Brazil ]. fumipennis Melander & Argo. NT: Tropical Neotropics. Heteromeringia fumipennis Melander & Argo 1924 : 30 . Costa Rica . Cartago Province : La Suiza de Turrialba. HT USNM [Cat. No. 26266]. Melander & Argo 1924 : 30 [photo]; Soós 1968 : 4 [catalogue, Americas south of USA ]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 45 [redescription, illustrations of thorax and male and female genitalia, photo of wing, collected using dung, new records], 2010: 1046 [reproduction of illustration of female genitalia]; Lonsdale et al. 2010: 241 [genes sequenced for phylogenetic analysis]. gressitti Sasakawa. AU: Papua New Guinea. Heteromeringia gressitti Sasakawa 1966: 70 . Papua New Guinea. Madang Province : Madang , 5 m . HT BPBM [ Type No. Bishop 6634]. Sasakawa 1966: 70 [illustrations of male genitalia]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia / Pacific ]. hardyi McAlpine. AU: Australia ( NSW , QLD ). Heteromeringia hardyi McAlpine 1960 : 75 . Australia. New South Wales: Blue Mountains, Katoomba. HT ♂ AMS. McAlpine 1960 : 75 [illustrations of antenna and male genitalia]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/ Pacific]; Lonsdale 2009b : 243 [redescription, illustrations of head, egg and male and female genitalia, photo of wing]. helicina Sasakawa. AU: Indonesia ( Papua ) , Papua New Guinea. OR: Philippines. Heteromeringia helicina Sasakawa 1966: 73 . Philippines. Misamis Oriental: Minalwang, 1050 m . HT ♂ BPBM [Type No. Bishop 6636]. Sasakawa 1966: 73 [illustrations of male genitalia], 1977: 234 [catalogue, Orient], 2011a: 17 [key]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific, Papua]; Balthazar 1990 : 415 [catalogue, Philippines]. helina Lonsdale. AU: Australia ( NSW ). Heteromeringia helina Lonsdale 2009b : 243 . Australia. New South Wales: Carrai SF, 30°54′33ʺS, 152°16′28ʺE, 1075 m . HT ♂ AMS. Lonsdale 2009b : 243 [illustrations of male and female genitalia]. hypobrunnea Lonsdale. AU: Australia ( QLD ). Heteromeringia hypobrunnea Lonsdale 2009b : 244 . Australia. Queensland: Claudie R., 5 miles W Mt. Lamond. HT ♂ AMS. Lonsdale 2009b : 244 [illustrations of male genitalia]. hypoleuca McAlpine. AU: Australia ( QLD ). Heteromeringia hypoleuca McAlpine 1960 : 72 . Australia. Queensland: Lamington National Park. HT ♂ QMBA. McAlpine 1960 : 72 [illustration of surstylus]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]; Lonsdale 2009b : 246 [redescription, illustrations of egg and male and female genitalia]. imitans Malloch. AU: Australia ( NSW , QLD ), Tasmania . Heteromeringia imitans Malloch 1930 : 435 . Australia. N Queensland: Cairns. HT ♀ DEI. Frey 1960 : 25 [summary of original description, catalogue, world]; McAlpine 1960 : 72 [diagnosis]; Sasakawa 1966: 97 [comparison to australiae Malloch , key]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]; Lonsdale 2009b : 247 [redescription, illustrations of male and female genitalia]. Heteromeringia immitans . Misspelling of imitans . Frey 1960 : 27 [catalogue, world]. kondoi Sasakawa. AU: Fiji. Heteromeringia kondoi Sasakawa 1966: 89 . Fiji. Viti Levu: Nandarivatu, 2700′. HT ♂ BPBM [Type No. Bishop 6645]. Sasakawa 1966: 89 [illustrations of male genitalia]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2008b : 10 [illustrations of male genitalia, Fiji]. lateralis Lonsdale & Marshall. OR: Costa Rica. Heteromeringia lateralis Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 58 . Costa Rica. Cartago Province: El Guarco, San Isidro, Madre Selva, Finca Los Lagos, 2600m . HT ♀ INBio. Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 58 [illustrations of colouration and female genitalia, photo of wing]. laticornis McAlpine. AU: Australia ( NSW , NT, QLD , SA, Tasmania ). Heteromeringia laticornis McAlpine 1960 : 76 . Australia. New South Wales: National Park, south of Sydney. HT ♂ AMS. McAlpine 1960 : 76 [illustrations of antenna and male genitalia]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/ Pacific]; Lonsdale 2009b : 248 [redescription, illustrations of egg and male and female genitalia]. leucosticta Frey. AU: Malaysia ( Maluku ). Heteromeringia leucosticta Frey 1960 : 25 . Malaysia . Maluku : Key Island. HT UZMH [on same pin as not mentioned in description; labeled allotype also not mentioned]. Frey 1960 : 25 [catalogue, world]; Sasakawa 1966: 95 [redescription], 1977: 234 [catalogue, Orient], 2011a: 17 [key]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/ Pacific]. limacens Lonsdale. AU: Australia ( NSW ). Heteromeringia limacens Lonsdale 2009b : 250 . Australia. New South Wales: Carrai SF, 30°54'35"S, 152°16'26"E, 1090 m . HT ♀ AMS. Lonsdale 2009b : 250 [illustration of female genitalia]. luzonica Frey. OR: Philippines. Heteromeringia luzonica Frey 1928b : 107 . Philippines. Luzon: Banahao. HT ♂ UZMH. Frey 1960 : 24 [key, Indoaustralia, catalogue, world]; Sasakawa 1966: 86 [redescription], 1977: 235 [catalogue, Orient], 2011a: 17 [key]; Delfinado & Hardy 1971 : 29 [catalogue Philippine types]; Balthazar 1990 : 415 [catalogue, Philippines]. lyneborgi Sasakawa. OR: Malaysia ( Pahang ) , Philippines. Heteromeringia lyneborgi Sasakawa 1966: 96 . Philippines. Palawan: Mantalingajan Range, Pinigisan, 600 m . HT ♀ UZMC. Sasakawa 1977 : 235 [catalogue, Orient], 2011a: 20 [key, Pahang]; Balthazar 1990 : 415 [catalogue, Philippines, incorrect type depository listed]. macropa Lonsdale. AU: Australia ( NSW ). Heteromeringia macropa Lonsdale 2009b : 250 . Australia . New South Wales : Upp. Kangaroo Riv. nr. Yeola, 200 m . HT ANIC. Lonsdale 2009b : 250 [illustrations of male and female genitalia]. magnicauda Lonsdale. AU: Australia ( NSW , QLD ). Heteromeringia magnicauda Lonsdale 2009b : 250 . Australia. New South Wales: Tahmoor. HT ♂ AMS. Lonsdale 2009b : 250 [illustrations of male genitalia]. malaisei Frey. OR: Burma. Heteromeringia malaisei Frey 1960 : 24 . Burma. NE Burma : Kambaiti , 2000 m . ST 2♂ 4♀ UZMH . Frey 1960 : 24 [catalogue, world]; Sasakawa 1966: 89 [redescription], 1977: 235 [catalogue, Orient], 2011a: 17 [key]. malayensis Sasakawa. OR: Malaysia ( Pahang ). Heteromeringia malayensis Sasakawa 1966: 77 . Malaysia . Pahang : Kuala Tahan , King George V National Park. HT BPBM [ Type No. Bishop 6639]. Sasakawa 1966: 77 [illustrations of antenna and male genitalia], 1977: 235 [catalogue, Orient], 2011a: 16 [key]. mediana Lonsdale & Marshall. NT: Brazil. Heteromeringia mediana Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 59 . Brazil. Amazonas: 26 km NE Manaus, Reserva Ducke. HT ♂ INPA. Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 59 [illustrations of colouration and male genitalia, photo of wing]. melaena Sasakawa. OR: Malaysia ( Pahang ), Thailand , Vietnam . Heteromeringia melaena Sasakawa 1966: 69 . Vietnam . Blao, 500 m . HT BPBM [ Type No. Bishop 6633]. Sasakawa 1966: 69 [illustrations of male genitalia], 1977: 235 [catalogue, Orient], 2011a: 20 [key, Pahang ]; Sasakawa & Pong 1990 : 54 [Malaya]; Papp et al . 2006 : 189 [ Thailand ]. melanoprotoma Sasakawa. OR: Laos. Heteromeringia melanoprotoma Sasakawa 2011a : 20 . Laos. Vientiane: Ban Van Eue. HT ♂ BPBM [Type No. 17249]. Sasakawa 2011a : 20 [illustrations of male genitalia]. melasoma (Sasakawa) . AU: Indonesia ( Papua ). Tranomeringia melasoma Sasakawa 1966: 99 . Indonesia . Papua Province : Cyclops Mts., W Sentani, 150– 250 m . HT BPBM [ Type No. 6651]. Sasakawa 1966: 99 [illustrations of male genitalia]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 535 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]. Heteromeringia melasoma . Lonsdale & Marshall 2008b : 13 [generic combination]. mirabilis Sasakawa. OR: Philippines , Vietnam . Heteromeringia mirabilis Sasakawa 1966: 86 . Philippines. Tawi Tawi : Tarawakan, N of Batu Batu. HT UZMC . Sasakawa 1966: 86 [illustrations of male genitalia], 1977: 235 [catalogue, Orient ], 2011a: 21 [key, Vietnam ] ; Balthazar 1990 : 416 [catalogue, Philippines , incorrect type depository listed]. montana Lonsdale. AU: Australia ( NSW ?, QLD ). Heteromeringia montana Lonsdale 2009b : 251 . Australia. Queensland: Kuranda. HT ♂ AMS. Lonsdale 2009b : 251 [illustrations of male genitalia]. nanella Lonsdale & Marshall. NT: Brazil. Heteromeringia nanella Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 46 . Brazil. Federal District: Planaltina, 1000m . HT ♂ USNM. Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 46 [illustrations of male genitalia]. nervosa Lonsdale & Marshall. NT: Costa Rica. Heteromeringia nervosa Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 47 . Costa Rica. Puntarenas Province: Monteverde, 1600m . HT ♂ CNC. Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 47 [photo of wing]. nigricans Sasakawa. OR: Malaysia ( Sabah ) , Philippines. Heteromeringia nigricans Sasakawa 1966: 95 . Philippines. Palawan: Mantalingajan Range, Pinigisan, 600m . HT ♀ UZMC. Sasakawa 1977 : 235 [catalogue, Orient], 2011a: 21 [key, new record (Sabah)]; Balthazar 1990 : 416 [catalogue, Philippines, incorrect type depository listed]. nigriceps Lamb. AF: Seychelles. Heteromeringia nigriceps Lamb 1914 : 310 . Seychelles. Mahé Island: Cascade Estate, “ 800 feet or over”. ST 1♂♀ BMNH. Frey 1960 : 27 [catalogue, world]; Cogan 1980 : 636 [catalogue, Afrotropics]. nigrifrons Kertész. NT: Peru. Heteromeringia nigrifrons Kertész 1903 : 568 . Peru. Vilcanota. HT ♀ HNHM. Melander & Argo 1924 : 30 [summary of original description]; Frey 1960 : 27 [catalogue, world]; Soós 1968 : 4 [catalogue, Americas south of USA]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 63 [redescription]. nigrimana (Loew) . PA: Europe, Russia . Heteroneura nigrimana Loew 1864b : 338 . Poland . Meseritz [= Miedzyrzecz]. ST , depository unknown. Heteromeringia nigrimana . Czerny 1903 : 73 [generic combination, redescription, illustrations of head and legs], 1928: 10 [redescription, illustrations of head and leg]; Kertész 1903 : 567 [key]; Becker 1905 : 41 [catalogue, Palaearctic]; Wahlgren 1917 : 187 [diagnosis, key]; Melander & Argo 1924 : 30 [redescription from literature]; Kloet & Hincks, 1945 : 394 [checklist, Britain]; Frey 1960 : 27 [key, Indoaustralia, catalogue, world]; Trojan 1962 : 26 [key, illustration of head, Poland ]; Perry & Stubbs 1978 : 72 [associated with dead wood]; Soós 1981 : 103 [ Hungary ], 1984: 12 [catalogue, Palaearctic (Britain, Poland , Hungary )]; Stubbs 1982 : 92 [Britain]; Chandler 1983 : 250 [ Isle of Wight ]; Ferrar 1987 : 121 [notes on biology]; Mamaev 1987 : 114 [Russian Far East]; Ceianu 1989 : 29 [expected in Romania ]; Woznica 1991 : 208 [checklist, Poland ]; Roháček 1995 : 134 [habitat, biology, numerous specimens collected on fallen lime-tree ( Tilia ) log, Czech Republic ], 1997: 75 [checklist, Czech and Slovak republics]; Merz 1998 : 276 [checklist, Switzerland ]; Yagi & Sawada 2000: 40 [Mamaev collection holdings]; Roháček 2005: 326 [listed as vulnerable in Czech Republic ]; Nilsson 2009 : 6 [ Sweden ]. nigripes Melander & Argo. NE: Mexico , United States ( Arizona , New Jersey , New Mexico , Utah , Virginia ). NT: Brazil , Costa Rica , Honduras , Mexico . Heteromeringia nitida var. nigripes Melander & Argo 1924 : 31 . USA . New Mexico : San Miguel Co., Las Vegas. HT USNM [ Type No. 26296]. Steyskal 1965 : 806 [catalogue, America north of Mexico ]. Heteromeringia nigripes . Poole 1996 : 126 [checklist, Nearctic, as synonym of nitida Johnson ]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 48 [new status, redescription, illustrations of male and female genitalia, new records ( Brazil , Costa Rica , Honduras , Mexico , United States ( New Jersey , New Mexico , Virginia ))]. nigrotibialis Frey. OR: Burma. Heteromeringia nigrotibialis Frey 1960 : 25 . Burma. NE Burma: Kambaiti, 2000 m . ST 1♂♀ UZMH. Frey 1960 : 25 [catalogue, world]; Sasakawa 1966: 70 [redescription], 1977: 235 [catalogue, Orient], 2011a: 16 [key]. Heteromeringia nigritibialis . Misspelling of nigrotibialis . Frey 1960 : 27 [catalogue, world]. nitida Johnson. NE: Illinois , southern Ontario and New Hampshire to southern Florida and eastern Texas ; Arizona ; Mexico ( Durango ). Heteromeringia nitida Johnson 1913b : 99 . USA. New Jersey: Goose Neck, near Long Branch. HT ♀ MCZ. Malloch 1918 : 8 [Illinois]; Melander & Argo 1924 : 31 [redescription, photo, Maryland, Virginia]; Johnson 1925a : 246 [catalogue, Massachusetts]; Brimley 1938 : 378 [North Carolina]; Steyskal 1953 : 259 [on fallen maple, behaviour], 1965: 806 [catalogue, America north of Mexico]; Frey 1960 : 27 [catalogue, world]; Soós 1987 : 855 [illustration of leg]; Poole 1996 : 126 [checklist, Nearctic]; Marshall, 2006: 510 [photo, male agonistic behaviour]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 50 [redescription, illustrations of male and female genitalia, collected on mushrooms and dung, photos of wing and male agonistic behaviour, new records], 2010: 1047 [Manual of Central American Diptera , reproduction of figure from Soós (1987) ]; Lonsdale et al. 2010: 241 [genes sequenced for phylogenetic analysis]. nitobei Sasakawa. OR: Taiwan. Heteromeringia nitobei Sasakawa 1966: 88 . Taiwan . Mt. Arisan. HT NTU. Sasakawa 1966: 88 [illustrations of male genitalia], 1977: 235 [catalogue, Orient]. norrisi McAlpine. AU: Australia (WA). Heteromeringia norrisi McAlpine 1960 : 74 . Australia. Western Australia: Applecross. HT ♂ ANIC. McAlpine 1960 : 74 [illustrations of surstylus and puparium, bred from rotting wood, in log with termites]; Colless & McAlpine 1970 : 774 [textbook, Insects of Australia, illustration of head]; Ferrar 1987 : 121 [notes on biology, immature stages]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]; Lonsdale 2009b : 253 [redescription, illustrations of male genitalia and puparium]. novaguinensis Sasakawa. AU: Papua New Guinea. Heteromeringia novaguinensis Sasakawa 1966: 76 . Papua New Guinea. Morobe Province : Wau , 1000 m . HT BPBM [ Type No. Bishop 6638]. Sasakawa 1966: 76 [illustrations of male genitalia]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia / Pacific ]. opisthochracea Sasakawa. AU: Indonesia ( Papua ) , Papua New Guinea. Heteromeringia opisthochracea Sasakawa 1966: 79 . Indonesia . Papua Province : NW New Guinea , Bodem, Sarmi District, 11 km SE of Oeberfaren, 100 m . HT BPBM [ Type No. 6641]. Sasakawa 1966: 79 [illustrations of male genitalia]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]. papuensis Sasakawa. AU: Papua New Guinea. Heteromeringia papuensis Sasakawa 1966: 81 . Papua New Guinea. SE New Guinea : Brown River . HT BPBM [ Type No. Bishop 6642]. Sasakawa 1966: 81 [illustrations of male genitalia]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]. paraphalloides Sasakawa. OR: Malaysia ( Sabah ) , Vietnam. Heteromeringia paraphalloides Sasakawa 2011a : 21 . Vietnam. 15 km NW of Dalat, 1850m . HT ♂ BPBM [Type No. 17250]. Sasakawa 2011a : 21 [illustrations of male genitalia]. patula Lonsdale. AU: Australia ( NSW ). Heteromeringia patula Lonsdale 2009b : 253 . Australia. New South Wales: Royal National Park, Scientists’ Cabin Trail. HT ♂ AMS. Lonsdale 2009b : 253 [illustrations of male and female genitalia]. pectinata Sasakawa. OR: Malaysia ( Sabah , Sarawak ). Heteromeringia pectinata Sasakawa 2011a : 22 . Malaysia. Sabah: Ranau. HT ♂ BPBM [Type No. 17251]. Sasakawa 2011a : 22 [illustrations of male genitalia]. polynesiensis Sasakawa. AU: American Samoa. Heteromeringia polynesiensis Sasakawa 1966: 91 . American Samoa . Tutuila Island: Leone Area . HT USNM . Sasakawa 1966: 91 [illustrations of male genitalia]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]. pristilepsis Sasakawa. AU: Indonesia ( Papua ). Heteromeringia pristilepsis Sasakawa 1966: 78 . Indonesia . Papua Province : NE New Guinea , Swart Valley, Karubaka, 1450 m . HT BPBM [ Type No. Bishop 6640]. Sasakawa 1966: 78 [illustrations of male genitalia]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]. ptenopa Lonsdale. AU: Australia ( QLD ). Heteromeringia ptenopa Lonsdale 2009b : 255 . Australia. Queensland: 3km ENE of Mt. Tozer, 12.44S 143.14E. HT ♂ ANIC. Lonsdale 2009b : 255 [illustrations of male and female genitalia]. quadriseta Lonsdale & Marshall. NT: Ecuador , Peru . Heteromeringia quadriseta Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 60 . Peru. Madre de Dios Region: Manu, Rio Manu, 250 m , Pakitza, 12°07′S, 70°58′W. HT ♂ USNM. Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 60 [illustrations male genitalia, photo of wing]. quadrispinosa Sueyoshi. PA: Japan. Heteromeringia quadrispinosa Sueyoshi 2006 : 16 . Japan. Honshu: Kanagawa Prefecture, Tomioka, Yokohama City. HT ♂ BLKU. Sueyoshi 2006 : 16 [illustrations of head and male and female genitalia, photo of wing], 2011: 13 [Japan, pictoral key], 2012: 28 [Japan], 2014: 619 [catalogue, Japan]; Sueyoshi et al. 2009 : 101 [comparison to sexramifera ]. rufithorax Czerny. OR: Burma , Vietnam . Heteromeringia rufithorax Czerny 1926 : 51 . Vietnam. Tonkin , Montes Mayon. HT ZMUH . Sasakawa 1966: 70 [redescription], 1977: 235 [catalogue, Orient, implicit inclusion of form atypica ], 2011a: 16 [key, implicit inclusion of form]; Papp et al . 2006 : 190 [Thailand]. Heteromeringia rufithorax form typica Frey 1960 : 24 [summary of original description, Burma ]. rufithorax form atypica Frey. OR : Burma . Heteromeringia rufithorax form atypica Frey 1960 : 25 . Burma. NE Burma : Kambaiti , 2000 m . HT UZMH . Frey 1960 : 25 [catalogue, world]. scutellata (Sasakawa) . OR: Philippines. Tranomeringia scutellata Sasakawa 2011a : 25 . Philippines. Luzon: Camarines Sur, Mt. Isarog, 600m . HT ♂ BPBM [Type No. 17356] Sasakawa 2011a : 25 [illustrations of male genitalia]. NEW COMBINATION sexramifera Sueyoshi. OR: Japan (Ryukyus). Heteromeringia sexramifera Sueyoshi 2006 : 17 . Japan. Ryukyus: Amami Island, Ishihara, Sumiyo Village. HT ♂ BLKU. Sueyoshi 2006 : 17 [illustrations of head and male and female genitalia, photo of wing], 2011: 13 [Japan, pictoral key], 2014: 619 [catalogue, Japan]; Sueyoshi et al. 2009 : 101 [illustration of female external terminalia, photos of wing and dissected female genitalia, log emergence trap, Japan]. spinulifera Sasakawa. OR: Philippines. Heteromeringia spinulifera Sasakawa 2011a : 24 . Philippines . Luzon: Nueva Vizcaya , Dalton Pass, 915m . HT BPBM [ Type No. 17251]. Sasakawa 2011a : 24 [illustrations of male genitalia]. spinulosa McAlpine. AU: Australia ( ACT , NSW , QLD , Tasmania , Victoria ). Heteromeringia spinulosa McAlpine 1960 : 74 . Australia. New South Wales: Blue Mountains, below Govett’s Leap. HT ♂ AMS. McAlpine 1960 : 74 [illustration of male postabdomen]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/ Pacific]; Lonsdale 2009b : 255 [redescription, illustrations of head, egg, and male and female genitalia, photo of wing]. Heteromeringia pulla McAlpine 1960 : 73 . Australia. New South Wales: National Park, south of Sydney. HT ♂ AMS. McAlpine 1960 : 73 [illustrations of head, wing and male genitalia]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]; Lonsdale 2009b : 255 [as synonym of spinulosa McAlpine ]. stegna Lonsdale. AU: Australia (NT, QLD ). Heteromeringia stegna Lonsdale 2009b : 260 . Australia. Northern Territory: Litchfield Natl. Pk. HT ♂ AMS. Lonsdale 2009b : 260 [illustrations of male genitalia]. stenygralis Sasakawa. AU: Indonesia ( Papua ) , Papua New Guinea. Heteromeringia stenygralis Sasakawa 1966: 82 . Indonesia . Papua Province : NW New Guinea , Waris, S of Hollandia, 450– 500 m . HT BPBM [ Type No. Bishop 6643]. Sasakawa 1966: 82 [illustrations of male genitalia]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]. steyskali Sasakawa. OR: Philippines. Heteromeringia steyskali Sasakawa 1966: 85 . Philippines. Luzon : Mt. Makiling. HT USNM . Sasakawa 1966: 85 [illustrations of male genitalia], 1977: 235 [catalogue, Orient ], 2011a: 17 [key]; Balthazar 1990 : 416 [catalogue, Philippines , incorrect type depository listed]. stictica Sasakawa. AU: Indonesia ( Papua ). Heteromeringia stictica Sasakawa 1966: 97 . Indonesia . Papua Province : NW New Guinea , Swart Valley, Karubaka, 1500 m . HT BPBM [ Type No. 6649]. strandtmannorum Sasakawa. AU: Indonesia ( Papua ). Heteromeringia strandtmannorum Sasakawa 1966: 92 . Indonesia . Papua Province : NW New Guinea , Waris, S of Hollandia, 450– 500 m . HT BPBM [ Type No. Bishop 6646]. Sasakawa 1966: 92 [illustrations of male genitalia]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]. supernigra Mamaev. PA: Russia (Kuril Islands). Heteromeringia supernigra Mamaev 1987 : 114 . Russia. Kuril Islands: Kunashir Island, Mendeleev. HT ♂ ZMM [Registration No.Di0159]. Mamaev 1987 : 114 [larva in rotting wood]; Ozerov 2010 : 146 [types in ZMM]. sycophanta Sasakawa. AU: Indonesia ( Papua ). Heteromeringia sycophanta Sasakawa 1966: 94 . Indonesia . Papua Province : NW New Guinea , Vogelkop, Manokwari, 75 m . HT BPBM [ Type No. Bishop 6647]. Sasakawa 1966: 94 [illustrations of male genitalia]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]. tephrinos Lonsdale & Marshall. AF: Seychelles , South Africa . Heteromeringia nigrifrons Lamb 1914 : 309 [preoccupied by Heteromeringia nigrifrons Kertész 1903 ]. Seychelles. Silhouette Island: Mare aux Cochons plateau, over 1000 feet . ST ♂ BMNH. Lamb 1914 : 309 [photos]; Stuckenberg 1973 : 592 [redescription, illustrations of male genitalia, South Africa]; Frey 1960 : 27 [catalogue, world]; Cogan 1980 : 636 [catalogue, Afrotropics]. Heteromeringia tephrinos Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 64 . [replacement for name preoccupied by Kertész 1903 ]. trimaculata Sasakawa. OR: Singapore. Heteromeringia trimaculata Sasakawa 1993 : 10 . Singapore. Bukit Timah National Reserve. HT ♀ CNC. Sasakawa 1993 : 10 [illustration of notal colouration], 2011a: 17 [key]. trisetosa Lonsdale. AU: Australia ( NSW , QLD , Tasmania , WA). Heteromeringia trisetosa Lonsdale 2009b : 260 . Australia. Tasmania: Pelion Hut 3km S Mt. Oakleigh, 41.50S 146.03E, 850 m ,. HT ♂ ANIC. Lonsdale 2009b : 260 [illustrations of egg, and male and female genitalia]. veitchi Bezzi. AU: Fiji. Heteromeringia veitchi Bezzi 1928 : 87 . Fiji. Viti Levu: Lautoka. HT ♂ BPBM. Frey 1960 : 25 [summary of original description, catalogue, World]; Sasakawa 1966: 92 [Fiji]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989 : 534 [catalogue, Australasia/ Pacific]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2008b : 10 [redescription, illustrations of male and female genitalia, photo, Fiji]. volcana Lonsdale & Marshall. NT: Costa Rica. Heteromeringia volcana Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 52 . Costa Rica. Alajuela Province : Volcan Tenorio, N slope, trail to laguna, ~ 1000 m . HT INBio . yamata Sueyoshi. PA: Japan. Heteromeringia yamata Sueyoshi 2006 : 18 . Japan . Honshu: Ibaraki Prefecture , Kaizawa , Kitaibaraki City. HT BLKU . Sueyoshi 2006 : 18 [illustrations of head and male and female genitalia, photo of wing], 2011: 13 [Japan, pictoral key], 2012: 28 [Japan], 2014: 619 [catalogue, Japan]. zophina Lonsdale & Marshall. NT: Mexico. Heteromeringia zophina Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 53 . Mexico. Durango State: 10 mi W El Salto , 9000′. HT CNC . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007a : 53 [illustrations of male genitalia]. zosteriformis (Sasakawa) . OR: Malaysia ( Sabah ) , Thailand. Tranomeringia zosteriformis Sasakawa 1966: 98 . Malaysia. Sabah : Bundu Tuan , at foot of Mt. Kinabalu. HT BPBM [ Type No. Bishop 6650]. Sasakawa 1966: 98 [with illustrations of head, thorax and male genitalia], 1977: 236 [catalogue, Orient]; Papp et al . 2006 : 190 [ Thailand ] . Heteromeringia zosteriformis . Lonsdale & Marshall 2008b : 13 [generic combination].