The genus Astragalus (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae: Galegeae) in Mexico Author Castillón, Eduardo Estrada 0000-0003-1061-9862 Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, A. P. 41, 67700, Linares, Nuevo León, Mexico Author Quintanilla, José Ángel Villarreal 0000-0001-9672-8693 Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, Departamento de Botánica, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico Author Delgado-Salinas, Alfonso 0000-0002-9322-9968 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Biología, 21068 Author Rebman, Jon P. 0000-0002-4150-7356 San Diego Natural History Museum, P. O. Box 121390, San Diego, California, 92112 text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-03-07 586 1 1921 1935 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.586.1.1 1179-3163 7703999 101.2. Astragalus wootonii E. Sheld. var. wootonii Type: USA , New Mexico , near Las Cruces , May 1892 , E. O. Wooton s.n. ( holotype : not found; isotype : Dona Ana County , Organ Mountains , 15 May 1892 , Wooton s.n. NY00005779 !) . Phaca wootonii (E. Sheld.) Rydb., N. Amer. Fl. 24(6): 350. 1929. Astragalus wootonii E. Sheld. var. typicus Barneby, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 41: 498. 1949 . Astragalus playanus M. E. Jones, Contr. W. Bot. 8: 6. 1898 . Astragalus allochrous A. Gray var. playanus (M.E. Jones) Isely, Syst. Bot. 8: 420 (1983) . Astragalus triflorus (DC.) A. Gray. var. playanus M. E. Jones, Rev. N.-Amer. Astragalus 106. 1923. Astragalus triflorus (DC.) A.Gray, Smithsonian Contr. Knowl. 5(6): 45. 1853 (non A. triflorus (DC.) A. Gray, sens. stric., nec Phaca triflora DC. )). Phaca trac yi Rydb ., N. Amer. Fl. 24(6): 351. 1929; Astragalus trac yi (Rydb.) Cory , Rhodora 38: 406. 1936 . Distribution:— This variety is distributed mainly in northern Mexico , from central Sonora , in plains and hills from northwestern, eastern and southeastern Chihuahua , northwestern Coahuila to northwestern Durango . An isolated locality is found in southern San Luis Potosí ( San Luis Potosí ). Also, in California , Arizona , New Mexico , and Texas in USA ( Fig. 28 ). FIGURE 28. Map showing the distribution of Astragalus wootonii var. wootonii , A. wootonii var. candollianus , and A. zacatecanus in Mexico. Habitat:— Alluvial plains; igneous reddish, sandy, gravelly, clayey, soils; creeks with mezquite; acacia and blue grama association; flooded areas with mezquite and sotol; acacia and creosote bush scrubland; desert grasslands associated with acacia and mezquite; scrubland-grassland with mezquite and ocotillo; roadside; 1450–2800 m . Specimens examined:— AGUASCALIENTES : 20 March 1992 , A. Rodríguez A. 255 ( IEB ). CHIHUAHUA : 24 March 2006 , Rancho Mesteñas, Mpio. Camargo, J. A . Encina 1650, J. Encina , B. Gutiérrez B., E. Rocha M. ( ANSM ); 28 March 2006 , Carretera a Ojinaga , entre Rancho la Morita y Ejido Oasis , J. A. Encina 2713, J. C. Díaz , J. A. Guillermo , J. C. Alcaya ( ANSM ); 27 April 1979 , Ejido Flores Magón , Mpio. Buenaventura, F . Ibarra s.n., F. Gómez ( ANSM ); 26 March 1973 , 7 km airline NW. of San Juan de Ulua (now called Primero de Mayo ), M. C. Johnston 10423, T. L. Wendt , F. Chiang ( CAS , TEX-LL ); 31 March 1973 , Estacion Microondas “La Colorado”, ca. 38 km . S. of Jimenez on highway to Torreon, M. C . Johnston 10523, T. L. Wendt , F. Chiang ( CAS , MEXU , NY , TEXLL ); 2 April 1973 , ½ km N of Casa Blanca ; this is 45 km . N of the Camargo-Jimenez hwy on the La Perla road, M. C. Johnston 10541, T. L. Wendt , F. Chiang ( MEXU , NY , TEX-LL ); 24 March 1975 , 2.2 mi E of Rancho Santa Rita on road to Hacienda Encinillas , W of Sierra Encinillas , T. Wendt 777 A, E. Lott ( MEXU , NY , TEX-LL ); 4 May 1973 , 1.5 km . W of Rancho Sta. Rita on the road to Las Mesteñas, M. C . Johnston 10799, T. L. Wendt , F. Chiang ( CAS , MEXU , NY , TEX-LL ); 9 May 1959 , 3–5 miles south-east of Nueva Casas Grandes, D. S . Correll 21670, I. M. Johnston ( NY , TEX-LL ); 3 April 1997 , J. Spencer 9 ( NY , TEX-LL ); 30 March 1971 , 37 mi S of Ahumada ; on Mex. hwy 45, 37 mi S of Ahumada; on Mex. hwy 45, B. J. Cox 3316 ( NY , TEX-LL ); 15–17 May 1908 , Vicinity of Aldama , E. Palmer 246 ( NY , US ); 6 April 1886 , Plains near Chihuahua, C. G . Pringle 892 ( CAS , NY , US ); 8–27 April 1908 , Vicinity of Chihuahua , E. Palmer 43 ( NY , US ); 5 May 1901 , Plains of Moctezuma , C. G. Pringle 9441 ( US ); 31 March 1973 , Estacion Microondas “La Colorado ”, ca. 38 km . S. of Jimenez on highway to Torreon, M. C : Johnston et al., 10523 ( MEXU ); 6 April 1886 , Plains near Chihuahua, C. G . Pringle 892 ( MEXU ); 9 April 1898 , Sandy plains near Lake Guzman , C. G. Pringle 7544 ( ENCB , MEXU ); 20 June 1980 , B. Siqueiros 566 ( MEXU ); 6 May 1959 , 12 miles E of Parral , D. S. Correll 21535 ( ENCB ); 18 March 1975 , T. Wendt 687, E. Lot ( ENCB ); 30 March 1971 , W. E. Harmon 5328, Cox ( ENCB ). DURANGO: 4 April 1970 , 8 mi N of El Casco on Hwy 45, Wm. F. Mahler 5718, J.W. Thieret ( NY ); 25-III/ 16 April 1906 , Collected at Tepehuanes, E . Palmer 10 ( NY , US ); 6 February1985 , Entre San Atenogenes y Narciso Mendoza, S . González 3100 ( ANSM , ENCB , IBUG , IEB , MEXU ); IV-1978 , Tepehuanes , Ochoa-Martínez 277 ( IEB , MEXU ); April 1978 , Tepehuanes , Mpio. Tepehuanes , Ochoa-Mtz. 277 ( IEB ). GUANAJUATO: 31 April 1964 , M. León G. s.n. ( ENCB ). SAN LUIS POTOSÍ: 1878, Chiefly in the region of San Luis Potosi, C. C . Parry 173, E. Palmer ( NY , US ). SONORA : 29 March 1970 , 4.6 mi S of Cucurpe. Clif-face along San Miguel River and road, L. A. McGill 6518 ( NY ); 21 April 1973 , 13.5 mi. S. of Magdalena on road to Cucurpe , R. & M. Spellenberg 3053 ( NY ); 28 December 1976 , 1 mile s. of Santa Ana, C. D . Johnson 223-76 ( NY ); 5 April 1932 , 15 m . n. Magdalena , F. R. Fosberg 7511 ( CAS , NY ); 29 March 1970 , 4.6 mi S of Cucurpe. Clif-face along San Miguel River and road, D. J. Pinkava 6518, L. McGill ( NY ); 22 March 1971 , 12 mmi. N. of Santa Ana along Highway 15, R. & M. Spellenberg 2518 ( ENCB , NY ); 9 April 1939 , So. of Santa Ana on road to Hermocillo, T. C . Frye 2323, E.M. Frye ( CAS , NY ); 14 April 1970 , 4 mi NE of Magdalena on Hwy 15, Wm. F. Mahler 6088, J.W. Thieret ( NY ); 9 April 1939 , South of Santana , on road to Hermosillo, T. C . Frye 2323 ( NY , US ); 21 April 1973 , 13.5 mi. S. of Magdalena on road to Cucurpe , R. W. Spellenberg 3053 ( NY ). ZACATECAS: 27 March 1973 , 7 km . airline NW. of San Juan de Ulua ( Now called Primero de Mayo ), M. C. Johnston , F. Chiang , T. Wendt 10430 ( CAS ); 31 March 1982 , Camino a San Francisco de Órganos, M . González E. 342 ( ENCB ).