Two New Species Of The Superfamily Phthiracaroidea (Acari, Oribatida) From The Seychelles And The Usa With Notes On Other Ptyctimous Mites From Diverse Countries Author Niedbala, Wojciech Author Stary, Josef text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2015 2015-05-29 61 2 87 118 journal article 10.17109/AZH. 2064-2474 Austrophthiracarus diazae ( Ojeda, 1985 ) ( Figs 6A–I ) Calyptophthiracaruscucundus Niedbała, 1988: NIEDBAŁA 2004 Materialexamined – Specimenno 1 isdepositedinDATE, specimenno 2 atISBand specimenno 3 atNHMG, allfromthelocalityCOL-009, Colombia , Meta , Carimagua , 15.IV.1983 , nativepasture, savannas, handsampling, legJ. M. Guerrero . Measurementsofspecimenno 1 – Prodorsum: length 263, width 192, height 91, sensillus 28, lengthofprodorsalsetae: interlamellar ( in ) 41, lamellar ( le ) 23, rostral ( ro ) 35, exo- bothridial ( ex ) 13; notogaster: length 500, width 323, height 318, lengthofnotogastralsetae: c 1 58, h 1 51, ps 1 48; genitoaggenital plate 139 × 114, anoadanal plate 202 × 109. Figs 5A–F. Steganacarus ( Rhacaplacarus ) brasiliensis (Pérez-IñigoetBaggio, 1980): A = pro- dorsum, dorsalview, B = prodorsum, lateralview, C = genitoaggenitalandanoadanal plates, D = opisthosoma, lateralview, leftside, E = opisthosoma, lateralview, rightside, F = trochanterandfemuroflegI. Figs 6A–I. Austrophthiracarus diazae ( Ojeda, 1985 ) : A = prodorsum, dorsal view, B = prodor- sum, lateralview, C = opisthosoma, lateralview, D = seta c , E = notogaster, lateralview, 1 anotherspecimen, F = mentumofsubcapitulum, G = genitoaggenitalplate, H = anoadanal plate, I = trochanterandfemuroflegI. Remarks – ThespecimensfromColombiahaveadifferentnumberof notogastralsetae: Specimenno 1 has 19 pairsofnotogastralsetae, specimen no 2 has 23 pairs of setae and specimen no 3 has 23 setae on the left side and 24 setaeontherightside. SpecimensrecordedfromVenezuela ( OJEDA 1985 ) have 20 pairsofnotogastralsetae, while, ontheotherhand, specimensfrom Ecuador have 19 pairs of setae (sub Calyptophthiracarus cucundus ) ( OJEDA 1985 , NIEDBAŁA 1988 b , NIEDBAŁA 2004 ). Distribution – Neotropicalspecies ( NIEDBAŁA 2004 ).