New, mainly southern hemisphere, freshwater families of Amphipoda (Crustacea), together with a description of the first freshwater calliopiid, Lutriwita bradburyi gen. nov. et sp. nov. Author Lowry, J. K. Crustacea Section, Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney, New South Wales, 2010, Australia. Author Myers, A. A. School of Biological, Environmental and Earth Sciences, National University of Ireland Cork, Enterprise Centre, Lee Fields, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: bavayia @ gmail. com text Zootaxa 2012 2012-09-27 3499 27 45 journal article 1175-5326 CEEE477A-5F39-417F-8DFA-09102398734A Dussartiellidae fam. nov. Type genus. Dussartiella Ruffo, 1979 . Included genera. Dussartiella Ruffo, 1979 ; Reinhardia Iannilli, Krapp & Ruffo, 2011 . FIGURE 4. a) Crangoweckelia from Stock 1985 , urosomite 2 with robust dorsal setae; b) Chillagoe from Barnard & Williams 1995 , Urosomite 3 with distal ventral robust seta and uropod 3 peduncle with basofacial robust seta arrowed; c) Pseudoniphargus from Stock 1988 , telson; d) Dussartiella from Ruffo, 1979 , telson; e) Chillagoe from Barnard & Williams 1995 , telson; f) Uronyctus from Stock & Iliffe 1990 , telson; g) Sensonator from Notenboom 1986 , telson; h) Falklandella from Stock & Platvoet 1991 , telson; telsons c, d, h emarginate; telson f, excavate; telson e, split; telson g, deeply cleft; i) Chillagoe from Barnard & Williams 1995 , maxilla 1 inner plate with terminal setae arrowed; j) Giniphargus from Williams & Barnard 1988 , maxilla 1 inner plate with setae along posterior margin arrowed; k) Seborgia from Holsinger & Longley 1980 , maxilla 1 inner plate lacking setae arrowed; l) Giniphargus from Williams & Barnard 1988 , maxilla 2 inner plate with oblique setal row arrowed; m) Sensonator from Notenboom1986 , maxilla 2 inner plate lacking oblique setal row arrowed; n) Seborgia from Holsinger & Longley 1980 , labium with inner plates arrowed; o) Chillagoe from Barnard & Williams 1995 , labium lacking inner plates arrowed; p) Chillagoe from Barnard & Williams 1995 , maxilliped with well developed inner plate arrowed; q) Sensonator from Notenboom 1986 , maxilliped with reduced inner plate arrowed. Diagnostic description . Head eyes absent. Calceoli absent. Antenna 1 longer than antenna 2; peduncular article 1 longer than article 2; accessory flagellum minute. Antenna 2 peduncular article 1 bulbous . Mandible incisor dentate. Labium without inner plates . Maxilla 1 inner plate setose apically ; palps dissimilar, left vestigial, right slender with apical slender setae . Maxilla 2 inner plate without oblique setal row. Maxilliped inner plate well developed; outer plate small. Body subcylindrical . Coxal gills present on coxae 2 to 7 , stalked, with proximal suture . Sternal gills absent . Gnathopod 1 similar in size and form to gnathopod 2; propodus without robust setae along palmar margin. Pereopod 4 without posteroventral lobe. Pereopods 5–7: progressively longer ; basis linear ; dactyli with a few subterminal setae . Pereopod 5 coxa with small anteroventral lobe . Urosomites 1 to 3 free, without robust dorsal setae . Urosomite 1 without distoventral robust seta. Urosomite 2 without paired dorsal setae. Uropod 1 peduncle without basofacial robust setae ; without ventromedial spine. Uropod 3 biramous; rami not sexually dimorphic; without fringing plumose setae; inner ramus minute; 2- articulate, outer ramus article 2 short . Telson entire , with robust setae . Remarks. Bousfield (1982 , 1983 ) included Paracrangonyx , Dussartiella and Pseudingolfiella in the Paracrangonyctidae . The cladistic analysis of Koenemann & Holsinger (1999) indicated little affinity between these genera. Fenwick (2001) accepted the monotypy of the Paracrangonyctidae . Dussartiellids may be most similar to austroniphargids and paramelitids. They differ from austroniphargids in having non-coalesced urosomites and apparently no distoventral robust seta on urosomite 1. They differ from paramelitids in having: no calceoli; a 2-articulate mandibular palp; an asymmetrical maxilla 1 palp; and in having coxal gills on pereonites 2–7. Dussartiellids are also similar to bogidiellids, but bogidiellids differ significantly from dussartiellids in the following characters: antenna 2 peduncular article 1 not swollen (swollen in dussartiellids); mandible palp well-developed (reduced in dussartiellids); gnathopod 2 dissimilar between sexes (similar in dussartiellids); uropod 3 inner ramus about as long as outer ramus (minute in dussartiellids). Distribution . Madagascar .