Catalogue of type specimens of beetles (Coleoptera) deposited in the National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic Author Mikátová, Šárka Author Macháčková, Lenka Author Hájek, Jiří text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2020 2020-05-15 60 1 353 389 journal article 21735 10.37520/aemnp.2020.021 a68baa5e-0836-455a-acdc-2a874ac60cef 1804-6487 3880030 5FFDC0A8-BCC8-45B4-B9A5-7C372E129707 Philonthus eremitalpa Hromádka, 2013 Philonthus eremitalpa Hromádka, 2013g : 703 , Figs 1–2. The holotype and two paratypes are deposited in NMPC (general collection and ex coll. L. Hromádka): HƟĿƟ*´YPൾ (): ‘République Centraafricante [sic!] / Bozo lumiere / 21. v. 1981 . / leg. N. Degallier [p] // ex coll. L.Hromádka / National Museum / Prague , Czech Republic [p] // HOLOTYPUS / PHILONTHUS (s. str.) / eremitalpa sp. nov. / Hromádka, det. 2012. [p, orange label]’. PA*©A*´YPൾඌ (2 unsexed specimens): ‘République Centraafricanteic[s!] / Bozo lumiere / 21. v. 1981 . / leg. N. Degallier [p] // ex coll. L. Hromádka / National Museum / Prague , Czech Republic [p] // PARA- TYPUS / PHILONTHUS (s. str.) / eremitalpa sp. nov. / Hromádka, det. 2012. [p, orange label]’. Current status. Valid species. Philonthus estrilda Hromádka, 2010 Philonthus estrilda Hromádka, 2010f: 57 , Figs 7–8. The holotype is deposited in NMPC (general collection): HƟĿƟ*´YPൾ (): ‘ [p, pink label] // Lulua: Kapanga [sic!] / IV-1933 / F. G. Overlaet [p] // ex coll. L. Hromádka / National Museum / Prague , Czech Republic [p] // HOLOTYPUS / PHILONTHUS (s. str.) / estrilda sp. nov. / Hromádka, 2010. [p, orange label]’. Current status. Valid species. Philonthus euplectes Hromádka, 2013 Philonthus euplectes Hromádka, 2013f: 714 , Figs 1–5. The holotype is deposited in NMPC (ex coll. L. Hromádka): HƟĿƟ*´YPൾ (): ‘ TANZANIA / Mwanza / 11.x.1969 / Ardö leg. [p] // ex coll. L. Hromádka / National Museum / Prague, Czech Republic [p] // HOLOTYPUS / PHILONTHUS (s. str.) / euplectes sp. nov. / Hromádka, det., 2012. [p, red label]’. Current status. Valid species. Philonthus falco Hromádka, 2009 Philonthus falco Hromádka, 2009c: 174 , Figs 30–34. Five paratypes are deposited in NMPC (ex coll. L. Hro- mádka): PA*©A*´YPൾ, (dissected genitalia on a separate plastic card): ‘ZIMBA- BWE 11.-12.xii 1993 / 17°53ʹS / 25°49ʹE / Victoria Falls: Zambezi- / NP-Camp,lux,leg.M.Uhlig [p] // ex coll.L.Hromádka / National Museum / Prague , Czech Republic [p] // PARATYPUS / PHILONTHUS (Philonthus) / falco sp.nov. / Hromádka, det., 2007.[p, orange label]’. PA*©A*´YPൾඌ (1, 1 unsexed specimen): ‘ SIMBABWE : Save-Fluss / ca. 100 km S Mutare, 770 m / 19°53ʹS / 32°22ʹE / 8.III.2000 , leg.U.Heinig / Lichtfang [p, blue label] // Sammlung / M.Schülke / Berlin [p] // ex coll. L. Hromádka / National Museum / Prague, Czech Republic [p] // PARATYPUS / PHILONTHUS (Philonthus) / falco sp. nov. / Hromádka, det., 2007. [p, orange label]’. PA*©A*´YPൾ (unsexed specimen): ‘ Madagascar 10.-27.XII.2003 / 20mkN Tulear,/ ifaty, 30 m [sic!] / S.Murzin&A.Shamaev leg.[p] // Philonthus / sp. 5 (caffer gr.) / J. Janák det. 2007 [p] // ex coll. L. Hromádka / National Museum / Prague , Czech Republic [p] // PARATYPUS / PHILONTHUS (Philonthus) / falco sp. nov. / Hromádka, det., 2007. [p, orange label]’. PA*©A*´YPൾ (unsexed specimen): ‘SW Madagascar 2002 / Morondavastr di. / Kirindy Forest / D. Hauck lgt. 5.-8.1. [p] // Philonthus / sp. 5 (caffer gr.) / J. Janák det. 2007 [p] // ex coll. L. Hromádka / National Museum / Prague , Czech Republic [p] // PARATYPUS / PHILONTHUS (Philonthus) / falco sp.nov. / Hromádka, det., 2007.[p, orange label]’. Current status. Valid species. Philonthus femoralis Mäklin, 1853 Philonthus femoralis Mäklin, 1853: 189 . Two paralectotypes are deposited in NMPC: PA*©AĿൾ*ö*´Ɵ*´YPൾඌ (2 unsexed specimens): ‘Kadjak [p] // Holmbergp] [// Spec. typ.No. [p] / Phil. femoralis / Mākl. Cotype [hw, red label] // PARALECTOTYPE / PHILONTHUS / femoralis Mäklin, 1853 / labelled by NMPC, 2019 [p, red label]’. Current status. Cafius mutatus ( Gemminger & Harold, 1868 ), see Hൾ*©MAN (2001b). Comments. GൾMMıNǤൾ*© & HA*©ƟĿĐ (1868) proposed the new substitute name Philonthus mutatus Gemminger & Harold, 1868 for Philonthus femoralis Mäklin, 1853 , a junior primary homonym of Philonthus femoralis Hochhuth, 1851 (currently in the genus Gabrius Stephens, 1829 ). MĀĸĿıN (1853) described P. femoralis from an unknown HƟĿƟ*´YPൾ (): ‘République / Centrafricaine / BOZO, lumiére / 21.5.1981 number of specimens. The lectotype was designated by / leg. N. Degallier [p] // ex coll. L. Hromádka / National Museum / Prague , Czech Republic [p] // HOLOTYPUS / PHILONTHUS O*©*´*ü & MƟƟ*©ൾ (1980). Because there is no doubt about (s. str.) / graphiurus sp. nov. / Hromádka, det. 2011 [p, red label]’. the authenticity of our specimens, we have labeled them as additional paralectotypes . Current status. Valid species.