A review of the millipedes (Diplopoda) of Namibia, with identification keys and descriptions of two new genera and five new species Author Vohland, Katrin Author Hamer, Michelle text African Invertebrates 2013 2013-06-30 54 1 251 251 journal article 2305-2562 Harpagophora arida Redman, 2003 Figs 65–70 Harpagophora arida : Redman et al . 2003: 215–217 , figs 20–26. Diagnosis: Gonopod teloxocite apically broadly rounded, in oral view with small sclerotised, basally directed projection ( Fig. 66 , t ). Gonopod telopodite with a larger straight femoral spine having a slightly furcated tip ( Fig. 65 , fp1 ), and a shorter strong spine at the telopodite knee ( Fig. 65 , fp2 ), as well as a smaller third spine at flexure of telopodite ( Fig. 65 , as ). Pectinophore elongate, ribbon-like, curling distally, with proximal margin serrated ( Fig. 65 , pe ). Spine branch short, narrow, and apically bifid ( Fig. 65 , sb ). Description: Size : Relatively stout. In males, body width anteriorly 8.4 mm, posteriorly 8.5 mm, length about 90 mm ; in females 8–9 mm , 9–10 mm and 93–101 mm , respectively. There are 56–58 body segments. Figs 65–70. Harpagophora arida Redman , ♂: (65) telopodite, oral view; (66) telocoxite, oral view; (67) gnathochilarium; (68) head and first segments, lateral view; (69) epiproct, lateral view; (70) leg 2 of male. Abbreviations: (as) additional small spine on telopodite, (c) cardo, (col) collum, (cx) coxa, (fp1) femoral process 1, (fp2) femoral process 2, (g) gonocoel, (h) hypostomum, (l) lamella lingualis, (ll) lateral lamella of gonocoxite, (m) mentum, (ml) median lamella of gonocoxite, (p) penis, (pb) prebasilare, (pe) pectinophore, (sb) spine branch, (st) stipes, (t) telocoxite projection. Scale bar = 1 mm. Colour : In life, dark red-brown to black, appearing slightly striated due to lighter prozonites and venter. Frons and first antennomeres chestnut brown. Head, collum and segment 2 dark brown, further segments nearly black, anal segment dark brown. Legs and distal antennomeres dark brown. Sternites and anterior part of prozonites yellowish, ventrally and dorsally reaching suture between meta- and prozonite. Head : Frons hairless, slightly wrinkled. Epicranial groove shallow, ending at distinct interocular groove. There are 6 supralabral pits. Eyes with suture from hind edge. Antenna reaching 2 nd segment; antennomere 2>3>4>5=6>2>7. Gnathochilarium having mentum ( Fig. 67 , m ) and prebasilare ( Fig. 67 , pb ) merged; stipes ( Fig. 67 , st ) connected with cardo ( Fig. 67 , c ); hypostoma with median suture ( Fig. 67 , h ). Collum : Subquadratic, slightly protruded backwards, with a strong lateral ridge, channeled anteriorly ( Fig. 68 ). Tergites and sternites : Ozopores from 6 th segment onwards. Prozonites and sternites with transverse striation, metazonites below ozopores with marked longitudinal stripes. Limbus finely dentate. Epiproct ( Fig. 69 ) with very small, slightly upwards­directed projection, hypoproct broadly rounded. Legs : Syncoxosternite of 1 st pair of legs with distinct suture. Pads present on tibia and postfemur, distal pad always larger than interior one, smaller on posterior legs, absent on legs of last 3 or 4 diplosegments. Gonopods : As in diagnosis. Paratypes (examined): 1♂ 3♀ NAMIBIA : Karasburg district , Karios 8, Fish River Canyon , 27°40'58"S 17°48'47"E , 1.iv.2001 , M. Uhlig , BIOTA 522, plot 19 ( ZMHB / MYR 13730 ) . Other material examined: NAMIBIA : 1♂Plateau’ , Aar , Lüderitz [ 26°42'S 15°16'E ], 15–18.i.1972 ( NMSA 19707 ) ; 1♂ 1♀ Fish River Canyon [ 26°50'S 17°17'E ], 14–15.i.1972 ( SMN 22138 ) ( NMNW ) . Distribution: Distributed in southern Namibia , in the Fish River Canyon area ( Karas ). The holotype (Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa , uncatalogued) was collected from Ais-Ais [ 27°55'20"S 17°29'23"E , 242 m ] (Redman et al . 2003), which is part of the Fish River Canyon. Ecology: The animals were seen in large numbers after a rain event by M. Uhlig (pers. comm.).