Pleasing fungus beetles of the West Indies (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Erotylinae) Author Skelley, Paul E. text Insecta Mundi 2009 2009-07-24 2009 82 1 94 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5405085 1942-1354 5405085 1E1E96BA-73BC-4457-9A32-637B0CFC8AE1 Altisessor ater Skelley, new species Figure 1b , 17 , 52-56 , 62, 65 , 68 , 72 Diagnosis. Readily recognized by antennomeres I-II pale brown with remainder of body and appendages black, surface often with dark green sheen. Description. Length: 3.2-3.8 mm ; width: 1.5-1.8 mm . Body elongate, parallel-sided, posteriorly narrowed, somewhat cylindrical; surface weakly microreticulate, glossy. Color black (including antennal club), often with dark metallic green sheen, except as noted: palpi and tarsi dark brown; antennomeres I to II pale brown ( Fig. 60 , 65 ). Head interocular width = 5 x ocular width; vertex and epistomal punctures both fine and coarse; coarse puncture size = 0.8 x ocular facet diameter, separated by 2-3 x their diameter; epistome anterior margin truncate. Eye facets moderate in size. Terminal maxillary palpomere triangular with curved base, slightly asymmetrical, length = 0.8 x width. Terminal labial palpomere triangular, asymmetrical, width = 1.3 x length, expanded medially, width = 0.8 x terminal maxillary palpomere. Mentum with broad weakly defined triangular plate, width = 2 x length. Genal lobes reduced to smooth, faint ridge. Pronotum transverse, width = 1.8 x length; punctures of 2 sizes, coarse puncture size = 0.9 x ocular facet diameter, evenly distributed, separated by 2-3 x their diameter; fine punctures interspersed between coarse punctures; base with slight indentation at each side of base, lacking large punctures; anterior edge with marginal bead only behind eyes; base sinuate, lacking marginal bead. Scutellum pentagonal, width = 1.5 x length. Elytral striae faintly impressed, puncture size = an ocular facet diameter, separated by 1- 2 x their diameter; intervals with fine, scattered punctures; punctures with fine short setae; base lacking marginal bead. Wings present, fully developed. Prosternum length = 1.5 x intercoxal width; sternal plate weakly convex; sternal lines continuous around coxal cavity; base concave. Mesosternum broad, width = 2.5 x length, with broken transverse row of foveate punctures, base shallowly concave, line continuous around coxal cavity. Metasternum weakly connecting medially; continuous around mesocoxal cavity; coarsely punctate, except finely punctate anterior third; coarse punctures same size as mesosternal punctures, puncture size = 1.2 x ocular facet diameter. Abdomen with coxal lines not connecting medially; continuous around metacoxal cavity; punctures of first ventrite size and distribution as those on metasternum, remaining sterna with fine punctures. Male genitalia with flagellum thickened, same thickness throughout, apex truncate ( Fig. 68 ). Distribution. Found in the Sierra de Baoruco , Dominican Republic , and the adjacent Massif de la Selle, Haiti ( Fig. 72 ). Type Material. The male holotype and female allotype of Altisessor ater Skelley label data: “/ DOMINI- CAN REP.: Prov. Barahona , nr. Filipinas, Larimar Mine, 26-VI-7-VII-1992 , Woodruff & Skelley, day beating /” ( FSCA ). Paratypes examined (327): DOMINICAN REPUBLIC : same data as holotype, some with additional collector F. W. Skillman , Jr. , or various hand collection data: daytime, day beating, night beating, at night (168- FSCA , FWSC , PESC , WIBF ) ; same data except “ window trap ” (1- FSCA ) ; same data except “ 20-26-VI-1992 ,” with various collectors: Landolt , Skelley , and Woodruff , and various hand collection data as above (93- FSCA , PESC ) ; same data except “at light” (1- FSCA ) ; Barahona Province , Baoruco Mts. Rd. at Filipinas Larimar Mine , 12-XII-1991 , F. W. Skillman , Jr. , beaten/fresh slash (2- PESC ) ; Barahona Province , nr. Filipinas , Mt. Tutu , 26-VI-7-VII-1992 , P. E. Skelley , day catch, beating (56- FSCA , PESC ) ; Pedernales Province , 26 km N. Cobo Rojo , 730m , 18-06N, 71-38W, 13-25-JUL-1990 , L. Masner et al., wet deciduous forest, sweep sample (1- CMNH ). HAITI : Dept. Sud-Oueste , Parc National La Visite , Morne La Visite, SE . slope, 17-V-1984 , M.C. Thomas (4- FSCA ) ; L’Ouest , 2 km S Kenscoff , near top of highest mountain, 1790m , 18-26N, 72-17W, 10-SEP-1995 , J. Rawlins et al. (1- CMNH ). Paratypes from the larger series listed above will be deposited in AMNH, CASC, CMNC, CMNH, CNCI, MCZC, NMHL, REWC, UPRM, WIBF, and others . The locality “Mt. Tutu” is a phonetic spelling of a locality near the larimar mine (larimar is a blue semiprecious stone). This name does not match any name on available maps. Specimens collected at that locality taken at higher elevations than the larimar mine itself, but not far away. Variation. The green body sheen is most prominent on the Haitian specimens, with no other differences observed. Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin ater , which means black, referring to the black appendages. All other Altisessor species have variously colored appendages or pale terminal antennomeres. Remarks. See the biology section in the genus description above.