Notes on Shore Flies (Diptera: Ephydridae) from Finland and north-western Russia Author Kahanpaeae, Jere Author Zatwarnicki, Tadeusz text Biodiversity Data Journal 2015 3 4701 4701 journal article 1314-2828-3-4701 Trimerina microchaeta Hendel, 1932 Trimerina microchaeta Hendel 1932 : 11 = Trimerina indistincta Krivosheina 2004 : 631 (syn. nov.) Materials Type status: Other material . Occurrence: catalogNumber: JKA12-0653 ; recordedBy: Frey, Richard ; individualCount: 1 ; sex: M ; lifeStage: adult ; associatedSequences: BOLD:2709504; Taxon: scientificName: Trimerinamicrochaeta Hendel, 1932; order: Diptera; family: Ephydridae; genus: Trimerina; specificEpithet: microchaeta; scientificNameAuthorship: Hendel, 1932; Location: country: Finland ; stateProvince: EH; municipality: Hartola; locality: Hirtesalo ; verbatimElevation: 80; verbatimCoordinates: 6839:[3]450; decimalLatitude: 61.66 ; decimalLongitude: 26.07 ; geodeticDatum: wgs84; georeferencedBy: Kahanpaeae , Jere; Identification: identifiedBy: Kahanpaeae , Jere; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: year: 2002; month: 5; day: 15; habitat: a lake shore; Record Level: institutionCode: Coll. J. Kahanpaeae ; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen Type status: Other material . Occurrence: catalogNumber: JKA12-0654 ; recordedBy: Frey, Richard ; individualCount: 1 ; sex: F ; lifeStage: adult ; associatedSequences: BOLD:2709505; Taxon: scientificName: Trimerinamicrochaeta Hendel, 1932; order: Diptera; family: Ephydridae; genus: Trimerina; specificEpithet: microchaeta; scientificNameAuthorship: Hendel, 1932; Location: country: Finland ; stateProvince: ES; municipality: Joutsa; locality: Oravakivensalmi ; verbatimElevation: 80; verbatimCoordinates: 6845:[3]451; decimalLatitude: 61.71 ; decimalLongitude: 26.08 ; geodeticDatum: wgs84; georeferencedBy: Kahanpaeae , Jere; Identification: identifiedBy: Kahanpaeae , Jere; dateIdentified: 2012; Event: year: 2004; month: 6; day: 3; Record Level: institutionCode: Coll. J. Kahanpaeae ; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen Distribution Widespread in Europe; also occurs in the Russian Far East (Kamchatka) ( Zatwarnicki 2013 ). Taxon discussion After examination of primary types of Trimerina microchaeta Hendel and T. indistincta Krivosheina we suggest to synonymize these two species. Krivosheina (2004) provided three characters to separate T. indistincta from T. microchaeta: a gena-to-eye ratio of 0.17 (versus 0.20 for T. microchaeta), yellow mid and hind coxae (versus all coxae partially dark), mid and hind tibiae entirely yellow (versus mid and hind tibiae with a dark band). These characters separating the two species are not consistent and fall within the variation range of T. microchaeta . Both nominal taxa have essentially the same male terminalia with characteristic postgonostyli (=postsurstyli) bearing short and apically rounded antero-ventral processes as illustrated for T. indistincta by Krivosheina (2004) . Notes The holotype of Trimerina indistincta is shown in Fig. 1a.