Taxonomic revision of the Trapdoor spider genus Eucteniza Ausserer (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Euctenizidae) Author Bond, Jason E. Author Godwin, Rebecca L. text ZooKeys 2013 356 31 67 journal article 1313-2970-356-31 B4D5954D80844D718EC008C94A59462B Eucteniza mexicana Ausserer, 1875 Figs 1, 8-12 Eucteniza mexicana Ausserer, 1875: 149; juvenile holotype from Mexico, deposited in BMNH, examined. - E. Simon 1892 : 110. - F.O.P.-Cambridge 1897 : 12. - Bond and Opell 2002 . Exemplar material. Male exemplar (EU008) from Mexico Distrito Federal, Mexico, 19.4327, -99.1347 8, elev. 2249m, coll. J. Honey, deposited in AMNH. Diagnosis. Eucteniza mexicana is similar to Eucteniza coylei and Eucteniza caprica in appearance but has more stout tarsi on leg I (Figs 8-10, 12) and fewer prolateral leg I tibial spines that are short and thick; prolateral tibial spines on the other two species are longer and thinner. Description of male exemplar. Specimen preparation and condition. Specimen preserved in 70% EtOH. Pedipalp, legs I, II removed, stored in vial with specimen. Color faded. General coloration. Carapace dark reddish brown 2.5YR 2.5/4. Abdomen very dark brown 7.5YR 2.5/3. Cephalothorax. Carapace 6.707 long, 5.548 wide, sparsely setose, pars cephalica slightly elevated. Fringe sparse. Foveal groove deep, procurved. Tubercle absent. AER slightly procurved. PER slightly recurved. AME slightly larger in diameter than PME. Sternum moderately setose, STRl 3.825, STRw 3.401. Posterior sternal sigilla very large, not contiguous, medial pair of anterior sigilla moderate in size and inset, anterior pair small and marginal. Chelicerae with anterior tooth row comprising 7 large teeth, posterior margin with single row of 9 small teeth. Palpal endites with numerous cuspules across endite face, labium with 7-9 cuspules, LBw 1.086, LBl 0.613. Rastellum consists of 7 small spines on a small mound. Abdomen. Moderately setose. Legs. Leg I: 6.087, 3.050, 4.303, 3.920, 2.572; leg IV: 6.341, 2.824, 4.771, 5.836, 3.508. Dense scopulae on legs I-II. Tarsus I with wide band of 14 trichobothria. Leg I spination pattern (Figs 8, 9, 12); TSp 8, TSr 0, TSrd 0; leg II with two ventral thin megaspines. Pedipalp. PTw 1.570, PTl 2.908, Bl 1.430. Embolus arises sharply from bulb and tapers quickly, geniculate at tip (Fig. 11). Variation. Known only from the exemplar specimen and juvenile holotype Distribution. Highly imprecise, Mexico; exemplar specimen from Mexico Distrito Federal (Fig. 1).