A morphological re-evaluation of the taxonomic status of Satureja L. (Lamiaceae, Nepetoideae, Mentheae) from flora of Iran Author Bordbar, Firouzeh Author Mirtadzadini, Mansour Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman (Iran) bordbar @ uk. ac. ir, fbordbar 2000 @ yahoo. com (corresponding author) mirtadz @ uk. ac. ir bordbar@uk.ac.ir text Adansonia 2024 3 2024-04-23 46 7 45 63 https://sciencepress.mnhn.fr/sites/default/files/articles/pdf/adansonia2024v46a7.pdf journal article 10.5252/adansonia2024v46a7 1639-4798 11058077 Satureja boissieri Hausskn. ex Boiss. Flora Orientalis 4: 565 ( Boissier 1879 ). — Type: Turkey Anatolia , in monte Akdagh Cataonia inter Malatya et Adiaman ; 13.IX.1865 ; Haussknecht s.n. ; holo- , G [ G00786097 image!]; iso- , JE [ JE00013746 image!]) . FIG . 5. — Distribution map of Satureja L. species in Iran: A , S. macrantha C.A.Mey. ; B , S. macrosiphonoa (Coss.) Maire ; C , S. sahendica Bornm. ; D , S. mutica Fisch. & C.A.Mey. ( circle ), S. longiflora Boiss. & Hausskn. ( square ). SPECIMEN EXAMINED . — Turkey Adıyaman , Yazıbaşı village ; alt. 2000 m ; 30.IX.2001 ; K.KietIk F.S. 1027 (Herbarium of Balıkesir University) [image!] . NOTES Satureja boissieri was reported from Iran in Flora Iranica ( Rechinger 1982 ) from a single locality in North of Iran, Golestan Province , 14 km E Chaman Bid. Later, this species was also reported from Iran in Flora of Iran ( Jamzad 2012 ) based on three specimens collected from the same area as well as Golestan Province , Tang-e Rah to Tang-e Gol and Gilan Province , Amlash, Blourdakan, Khasildasht. Satureja boissieri is morphologically close to S. mutica in the characteristics of the flowers such as the color of corolla and the size of calyx but the former species markedly can be identified by its terminal inflorescence. By the exploring of this species in North and NE of Iran and with the study of herbarium materials deposited in TUH , IRAN , and MIR , we do not confirm the occurrence of S. boissieri in Iran, and therefore, it is excluded from the flora of Iran. The specimens from Khasildasht, Tang-e Gol and Chaman Bid are all belong to Satureja mutica . We conclude that its report from Iran was a misidentification for S. mutica .