Resurrection of the Pronotocrepini Knight, with Revisions of the Nearctic Genera Orectoderus Uhler, Pronotocrepis Knight, and Teleorhinus Uhler, and Comments on the Palearctic Ethelastia Reuter (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae) Author Wyniger, Denise text American Museum Novitates 2010 2010-12-10 2010 3703 1 68 journal article 7921 10.1206/3703.2 90096587-f239-4a8e-96a6-f7a2e92dc30d 0003-0082 4565685 Orectoderus montanus Knight Figures 3 , 5 , 6 , 11 ; map 2; tables 1, 2 Orectoderus montanus Knight, 1968a: 315 (new species, description); Kelton, 1980: 289 (diagnosis, host, distribution, map). Orectoderus utahensis Knight, 1968a: 315 (new species, description); Polhemus, 1994: 131 (distribution, host). NEW SYNONYMY. Orectoderus salicis Knight, 1968a: 316 (new species, description, host); Polhemus, 1994: 131 (distribution, host). NEW SYNONYMY. Orectoderus cockerelli Knight, 1968a: 317 (new species, description); Polhemus, 1994: 130 (distribution, host). NEW SYNONYMY. TYPE MATERIAL (EXAMINED): Orectoderus montanus : HOLOTYPE : Male : [ USA : Wyoming : Park Co. ] Yellowstone National Park [ 44.76667°N 110.23333°W ] 08 Aug 1927 , H.H. Knight ( AMNH _ PBI 00068975 ) ( USNM ) . PARATYPE : [ USA ] Wyoming : Park Co. : Yellowstone National Park [ 44.76667°N 110.23333°W ] 20 Jul 1920 25 Jul 1920 [ 1925 in original description], A.A. Nichol , 1♂ (00096918) ( AMNH ) . Orectoderus utahensis : HOLOTYPE : Male : [ USA : Utah : Wasatch Co. ] Heber [ 40.50689°N 111.41323°W ] 1928, C.J.D. Brown ( AMNH _ PBI 00069136 ) ( USNM ) . PARATYPE : [ USA : Colorado ] 4 miles S of Grand Mesa , 09 Jul 1938 , R. Bauer , 1♂ (00096193) ( AMNH ) . Orectoderus salicis : HOLOTYPE : Male : [ USA : Colorado : Clear Creek Co. ] Berthoud Pass [ 39.79805°N 105.77777°W ] 3452 m , 17 Jul 1964 , H.H. Knight ( AMNH _ PBI 00069135 ) ( USNM ) . PARATYPES : [ USA : Colorado : Clear Creek Co. ] Berthoud Pass [ 39.79805°N 105.77777°W ] 3452 m , 17 Jul 1964 , H.H. Knight , 1♂ (00096919) ( AMNH ) . Orectoderus cockerelli : HOLOTYPE : Male: [ USA : Colorado : Teller Co. ] Florissant [ 38.94555°N 105.28916°W ], Jul 1916 , T.D.A. Cockerell, Potentilla fruticosa (Rosaceae) (AMNH_PBI 00068981) (USNM). DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by greyish aspect of pronotum (fig. 3), golden, shiny pubescent setae on pronotum and wide and strongly sclerotized vesica (fig. 5); most similar to O. longicollis in vesica and pronotum shape and pronotal vestiture, distinguished by its brown clavus and pale band parallel to claval suture; female with large sclerotized rings, pointed apically (fig. 11). In general aspect, vesica and vestiture similar to montanus , but distinguished by leπ paramere with long seta on inner surface of anterior process (fig. 6), and vesica with denticulate lobe, in lateral view, straight (fig. 5, arrow). REDESCRIPTION: Male: Total length 5.45–6.71, length apex clypeus-cuneus fracture 3.82– 5.00, width across pronotum1.23–1.48. COLORATION: Clavus brown with narrow pale band parallel to claval suture (fig. 3); corium brown with pale band parallel to claval suture usually ending just right before or slightly reaching apex of clavus. SURFACE AND VESTITURE: General aspect rugose, pubescent and faintly shiny; pronotum and scutellum faintly shiny; dorsal surface and pronotum bearing fine, pale reclining setae shorter than diameter of first antennal segment. STRUCTURE: Labium reaching to mesocoxa. GENITALIA: Secondary gonopore with large denticulate lobe, in lateral view, straight (fig. 5); anterior process of leπ paramere bearing distinct long seta on inner surface (fig. 6). Female: Total length 4.62–5.63, width across pronotum 0.91–1.09. COLORATION: Head, pronotum, mesoscutum, scutellum and hemelytra greyish brown (fig. 3). SURFACE AND VESTITURE: General aspect dull; head and pronotum dull; pronotum clothed with fine, pale setae. STRUCTURE: Second antennal segment just slightly inflated distally (fig. 3). GENITALIA: Sclerotized rings of dorsal labiate plate large, elongate, and pointed apically; posterior wall with bifurcate interramal sclerites, almost straight medially (fig. 11). HOSTS: Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Asteraceae) , Symphoricarpos sp. ( Caprifoliaceae ), and Potentilla fruticosa (Rosaceae) . DISTRIBUTION: Canada : Alberta , Saskatchewan . United States : Colorado , Idaho , Montana , Nevada , North Dakota , Utah , and Wyoming (map 2). DISCUSSION: The shape of the pronotum among specimens of Orectoderus montanus is slightly variable, but always more or less dis- MAP 2. Distribution of Orectoderus montanus . tinctly campanulate with the outer distal margin concave. Examination of the holotype and paratype of O. utahensis , holotype and paratype of O. salicis Knight , and the holotype of O. cockerelli (the only known specimen) suggests that these nominal species are the same as montanus . Their general aspect, vestiture, and second antennal segment do not show any differences, and I am therefore treating the first three as junior synonyms of the last, new synonymy. O. montanus , O. cockerelli , O. salicis , and O. utahensis were described in the same publication ( Knight, 1968a ). The last three species have not been discussed subsequently, whereas O. montanus was redescribed by Kelton (1980) . For this reason, maintaining nomenclatorial stability, O. montanus is chosen here as senior synonym. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: CANADA : Alberta: Clarinda , 49.09566°N 111.74316°W , 960 m , 15 May 1952 , L.A. Konotopetz , 1♀ (00059622) ( AMNH ) . 3♂ (00072872–00072873, 00123239) ( CNC ) . Cowley , 49.56666°N 114.06666°W , 18 Jun 1952 , L.A. Konotopetz , 2♂ (00123237, 00123238), 2♀ (00072868, 00072869) ( CNC ) ; 18 Jun 1952 , A.R. Brooks , 1♂ (00072870) ( CNC ) . Frank , 49.6°N 114.4°W , 18 Jun 1952 , L.A. Konotopetz , 1♂ (00072885) ( CNC ) . Irvine , 49.95°N 110.26666°W , 11 Jun 1952 , L.A. Konotopetz , 1♂ (00072246) ( CNC ) ; 11 Jun 1952 , A.R. Brooks , 1♀ (00059315) ( AMNH ) . 3♂ (00072874– 00072875, 00123241) ( CNC ) ; 11 Jun 1952 , L.A. Konotopetz , 4♂ (00072876–00072879) ( CNC ) . Kananaskis Hwy , 50.91555°N 115.14166°W , 25 Jul 1973 , L.A. Kelton , 3♂ (00072249, 00072901, 00123235) ( CNC ) . Kananaskis Rd. , 50.91555°N 115.14166°W , 20 Jul 1975 , L.A. Kelton , 4♂ (00072897–00072900) ( CNC ) ; 21 Jul 1974 , L.A. Kelton , 1♂ (00072896) ( CNC ) ; 27 Jul 1974 , L.A. Kelton , 1♂ (00123232) ( CNC ) . Lethbridge , 49.7°N 112.83333°W , 05 Jun 1930 , J.H. Pepper , 1♂ (00072905) ( CNC ) ; 17 Jul 1949 , L.K. Peterson , 1♂ ( UASM ) . Livingstone Falls , Livingstone River , 50.10138°N 114.44166°W , 17 Jul 1964 , H.B. Leech , 1♀ (00077695) ( AMNH ) . Medicine Hat , 50.03333°N 110.68333°W , unknown, 2♂ (00072894, 00072895) ( CNC ) ; 15 Jun 1930 , J.H. Pepper , 3♂ (00072890–00072892) ( CNC ) ; 14 Jun 1930 , J.H. Pepper , 4♂ (00072888–00072889, 00123233–00123234) ( CNC ) . Milk River , 49.13333°N 112.08333°W , 16 Jun 1952 , A.R. Brooks , 1♂ (00072902) ( CNC ) . Morrin , 51.66666°N 112.76666°W , 27 Jun 1939 , P.J.G. Rock , 1♂ (00072871) ( CNC ) . Pincher , 49.48333°N 113.95°W , 09 Jul 1941 , R.W. Salt , 1♂ (00072906) ( CNC ) . Spring Point , 59.43333°N 109.73333°W , 18 Jun 1952 , L.A. Konotopetz , 2♂ (00072886, 00072887) ( CNC ) . Walsh , 49.95°N 110.03333°W , 28 May 1952 , A.R. Brooks , 2♂ (00072880, 00072881) ( CNC ) ; 28 May 1952 , L.A. Konotopetz , 2♂ (00072247, 00072248) ( CNC ) . Waterton Lakes National Park , 49.05°N 113.9°W , 04 Jul 1923 , J. McDunnough , 1♂ (00096202) ( AMNH ) ; 04 Jun 1970 06 Jun 1970 , L.A. Kelton , 2♂ (00072903, 00072904) ( CNC ) . Waterton Park , 49.05°N 113.91666°W , 04 Jul 1970 06 Jul 1970 , L.A. Kelton , 1♂ (00123236) ( CNC ) . Saskatchewan : Great Sand Hills , 50.5°N 109.08333°W , 04 Jul 1952 , A.R. Brooks , 1♂ (00072893) ( CNC ) . USA : Colorado : Clear Creek Co. : Echo L. 10, Mount Evans , 39.65832°N 105.60333°W , 183 m , 13 Jul 1961 , J R. Stainer , 5♂ (00072590–00072594), 3♀ (00072595–00072597) ( CNC ) ; 19 Jul 1961 , J.R. Stainer , 7♂ (00072598–00072604) ( CNC ) ; 26 Jul 1961 , J.R. Stainer , 6♂ (00072605–00072610), 4♀ (00072611–00072614) ( CNC ) ; 26 Jul 1961 , B.H. Poole , 2♂ (00072615, 00072616), 1♀ (00072617) ( CNC ) ; 12 Jul 1961 , W.R.M. Mason , 1♀ (00072618) ( CNC ) ; 20 Jul 1961 , B.H. Poole , 2♂ (00072619, 00072620) ( CNC ) . Mount Evans , 39.58056°N 105.59167°W , 3658 m , 14 Aug 1982 , J.T. Polhemus , 2♂ (00059318, 00096201), 2♀ (00096895, 00096896) ( AMNH ) . 21♂ (00063807– 00063827) ( JTP ) ; 14 Aug 1982 , J.T. and D.A. Polhemus , 2♂ (00063796, 00063797) ( JTP ) ; 19 Jul 1980 , J.T. Polhemus , 1♂ (00096038), 1♀ (00096893) ( AMNH ) . 4♂ (00063803–00063806) ( JTP ) . Mount Evans , 39.58859°N 105.64333°W , 4267 m , 25 Jul 1961 , B.H. Poole , 1♂ (00072621), 2♀ (00072622, 00072623) ( CNC ) ; 04 Jul 1961 , C.H. Mann , 1♂ (00072631), 1♀ (00072625) ( CNC ) ; 29 Jul 1961 , C.H. Mann , 1♀ (00072626) ( CNC ) ; 03 Aug 1961 , B.H. Poole , 1♂ (00072632) ( CNC ) . Mount Goliath Natural Area , 39.63833°N 105.59444°W , 3414 m , 21 Aug 1986 , R.T. Schuh and J.T. Polhemus , 1♂ (00096927) Potentilla fruticosa L. ( Rosaceae ), 3♂ (00059320, 00096035–00096036), 21♀ (00058500, 00059317, 00096703– 00096706, 00096897–00096911) ( AMNH ) ; 21 Aug 1982 , D.A. and J.T. Polhemus , 2♂ (00096929, 00096930), 1♀ (00096707) ( AMNH ) . 1♂ (00063798), 1♀ (00063799) ( JTP ) . 1♀ (00092949) ( TAMU ) ; 14 Aug 1982 , D.A. and J.T. Polhemus , 1♀ (00096894) ( AMNH ) . 1♂ (00063802) ( JTP ) ; 08 Aug 1983 , D.A. and J.T. Polhemus , 1♀ (00092950) ( TAMU ) . Timberline, II , Mt. Evans , 39.58859°N 105.64333°W , 183 m , 21 Jul 1961 , J.R. Stainer , 1♂ (00072624) ( CNC ) ; 11 Jul 1961 , J.R. Stainer , 2♂ (00072627, 00072628), 1♀ (00072629) ( CNC ) ; 11 Jul 1961 , S.M. Clark , 1♂ (00072630) ( CNC ) . below Goliath Peak , 39.73574°N 105.52289°W , 3414 m , 21 Aug 1986 , D.A. and J.T. Polhemus , Potentilla fruticosa (Rosaceae) , 1♂ (00063487), 2♀ (00063488, 00063489) ( JTP ) ; 08 Aug 1982 , D.A. and J.T. Polhemus , 1♂ (00063800), 1♀ (00063801) ( JTP ) ; 08 Aug 1983 , D.A. and J.T. Polhemus , 1♀ (00092759) ( TAMU ) . Eagle Co. : Vail , 39.64028°N 106.37361°W , 2591 m , 23 Jun 1986 , J.T. Polhemus , Symphoricarpos sp. ( Caprifoliaceae ), 4♂ (00063786–00063789), 7♀ (00063492, 00063790–00063795) ( JTP ) . La Plata Co. : Durango , Junction Creek Road, 37.28763°N 107.87562°W , 09 Jul 1968 , E.C. Becker , 2♂ (00072560, 00072561) ( CNC ) . La Plata , San Juan National Forest , 37.39722°N 108.0625°W , 2591 m , 19 Jul 1968 21 Jul 1968 , L.A. Kelton , 1♂ (00072562) ( CNC ) . Larimer Co. : Fall River Pass, 40.44027°N 105.75472°W , 488 m , 12 Aug 1948 , H.G. & D. Townes , 1♂ (00069375), 1♀ (00068952) ( USNM ) . Fall River Rd, Rocky Mountains National Park , 40.40445°N 105.62513°W , 2896 m , 16 Aug 1968 18 Aug 1968 , L.A. Kelton , 2♂ (00072668, 00072669), 2♀ (00072670, 00072671) ( CNC ) . Mesa Co. : 4 miles S of Grand Mesa , 09 Jul 1938 , U. Lanham , 2♂ (00068905, 00068906) ( USNM ) . Montrose Co. : 2 mi S Columbine Pass , 38.38822°N 108.38056°W , 05 Jul 1980 , J.T. and D.A. Polhemus , 5♂ (00063777–00063781), 3♀ (00063782–00063784) ( JTP ) . Sum- mit Co. : Loveland Pass W slope, 39.66361°N 105.87861°W , 3002 m , 08 Aug 1961 , B.H. Poole , 4♂ (00072556–00072559) ( CNC ) . Teller Co. : Florissant , 38.94555°N 105.28916°W , 29 Jul 1941 , Wm. Buren , 1♂ (00068908) ( USNM ) . Weld Co. : Brainard Lake , Roosevelt National Forest , 40.05111°N 104.9825°W , 3139 m , 02 Aug 1968 , L.A. Kelton , Potentilla sp. ( Rosaceae ), 17♂ (00072633–00072649), 18♀ (00072650– 00072667) ( CNC ) . Keenesburg , Sandshill , 40.10833°N 104.51944°W , 11 Jun 1961 , B.H. Poole , 2♂ (00072554, 00072555) ( CNC ) . Idaho : Unknown Co. : Henrys , 2134 m , 12 Jul 1936 , R.E. Miller , 1♂ (00068907) ( USNM ) . Montana : Chouteau Co. : Loma , 47.93666°N 110.50333°W , 785 m , 10 Jun 1959 , A.R. Gittins , 1♂ (00086613) ( UID ) . Gallatin Co. : 55 miles S Bozeman , 44.88°N 111.05°W , 11 Jul 1973 , Oman and Musgrave , 1♂ (00076084) ( ORSU ) . 63 miles S of Bozeman , 44.81°N 111.09°W , 11 Jul 1973 , Oman and Musgrave , 2♂ (00076083, 00076190), 3♀ (00076087, 00076125, 00076185) ( ORSU ) . Gallatin Canyon , 45.43916°N 111.23138°W , 1652 m , 31 Jul 1954 , R.C. Froeschner , 1♂ (00096208) ( AMNH ) . West Yellowstone , 44.66215°N 111.1041°W , 2031 m , 03 Aug 1950 , R.R. Dreisbach and R.K. Schwab , 1♂ (00127355) ( MSU ) . Madison Co. : 15 mi S of Virginia City , West Fork Camp , 45.07703°N 111.94528°W , 23 Jul 1982 , S.E. Cummings , 1♂ (00086842) ( UNHP ) . Park Co. : Colter Campground , 2 mi E Cooke City on Rt 212, 45.01667°N 109.89242°W , 2438 m , 11 Aug 1986 , Schuh , Schwartz , and Stonedahl , 1♂ (00096926) ( AMNH ) . Teton Co. : 25 mi N of Choteau , 48.12°N 112.36°W , 30 Jun 1955 , R.C. Froeschner , 3♂ (00096203–00096205) ( AMNH ) . 4 mi N of Choteau , 47.85°N 112.23°W , 30 Jun 1955 , R.C. Froeschner , 2♂ (00096206, 00096207) ( AMNH ) . Choteau , 47.81333°N 112.18138°W , 1164 m , 28 Jun 1955 , R.C. Froeschner , 2♂ (00096209, 00096210) ( AMNH ) . Wheatland Co. : 8 mi N Harlowton , 46.551°N 109.77°W , 01 Jul 1955 , R.C. Froeschner , 1♂ (00096211) ( AMNH ) . Nevada : Clark Co. : Top of Las Vegas Range , 36.57139°N 115.03556°W , 28 Jun 1902 , N.M., 2♂ (00076934, 00076935) ( CUIC ) . North Dakota : Slope Co. : 4 mi N of Marmath , 46.31666°N 103.83333°E , 26 Jun 2000 , T.J. Henry , Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Asteraceae) , 1♂ (00177734), 1♀ (00177735) ( USNM ) . Stark Co. : 127 R Ave. 4 mi N of 48 R St. SW [ 9 mi S of South Heart ], 46.73333°N 103.01666°W , 27 Jun 2000 , T.J. Henry , 1♂ (00177736), 2♀ (00177737, 00177738) ( USNM ) . Utah : Utah Co. : American Fork Canyon , 40.37694°N 111.795°W , 25 Jul 1973 , G.F. Knowlton , 1♂ (00075469) ( USU ) . North Fork Provo Canyon , 40.36467°N 111.55658°W , Vasco Tanner , 1♂ (00096200) ( AMNH ) . Wyoming : Campbell Co. : Wyodak Plant Station , Gillette , 44.292°N 105.5°W , 24 May 1977 , D. Molnar , 1♂ (00096928) ( AMNH ) . Niobrara Co. : Lusk , 42.7625°N 104.45167°W , 21 May 1950 , Esselbaugh , 6♂ (00096029–00096033, 00096925) ( AMNH ) . Park Co. : Canyon Village , Yellowstone Natl. Park , 44.76667°N 109.465°W , 21 Jul 1971 , G.C. Steyskal , 1♂ (00068983) ( USNM ) ; 12 Aug 1918 , A.L. Melander , 1♂ (00068909) ( USNM ) . Yellowstone National Park , 44.76667°N 110.23333°W , 20 Jul 1920 25 Jul 1920 , A.A. Nichol , 1♂ (00069374) ( USNM ) . Teton Co. : Grand Teton National Park , 43.83333°N 110.7°W , 07 Aug 1972 , L.A. Kelton , 2♂ (00072907, 00072908) ( CNC ) . Teton Pass , 43.4975°N 110.95444°W , 06 Aug 1972 , L.A. Kelton , 1♀ (00072909) ( CNC ) .