Taxonomic Monograph Of The Endemic Millipede Assassin Bug Fauna Of Madagascar (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae) Author Forthman, Michael Author Chłond, Dominik Author Weirauch, Christiane text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2016 2016-04-15 2016 400 1 1 journal article 10.1206/amnb-928-00-01.1 0003-0090 5379124 9EA1481F-3BE6-40B0-8293-99502194F32B Tanindrazanus andohahela , new species Plates 2, 6, 9; map 7 DIAGNOSIS: Males recognized among other species in this genus by the longer labial segment II relative to III and slightly incrassate forefemur. This species is similar to T . bemaraha , but the shorter labial segment III and lack of anterolateral protuberances on the anterior pronotal lobe distinguish T . andohahela from T . bemaraha . This species is also similar to T . notatus , but differs from it by the slightly incrassate forefemur and lack of black markings on the hind legs. DESCRIPTION: Medium body size (length: 11.10 mm , holotype ; 10.34–11.10 mm ). COLOR- ATION: Orange with antennal segments III–IV and basal half of V dark brown, hemelytron MAP 8. Localities of Tanindrazanus brunneus , T . basally (except corium) brown, and antennal seg- marginatus , T. nigripes , T . tenebricus , and T . ment V apically and VI white. VESTITURE: As in vohiparara . generic description. STRUCTURE: HEAD: Ven- versely striated; pronotal transverse furrow trally with shallow anteromedial depression; continuous; forefemur slightly incrassate; tarsoclypeal apex dorsally elevated relative to labrum meres I and II combined subequal to III; hemely- (pl. 13G, H); postclypeus with shallow, broad tron surpassing abdominal apex. ABDOMEN: Apex medial longitudinal depression to middle of rounded; dorsal laterotergite II not expanded; interocular area (pl. 13B); synthlipsis about 1.5 intersegmental sutures carinulate between stertimes width of eye; interocular sulcus near hind nites II–VI and laterally between VI and VII; margin of eye (pl. 13B); postocular narrow in dor- pygophore process subtriangular in lateral view sal view (pl. 13A); ocelli large, separated by less (pl. 20H, I); BPE as long as basal plate; area of than diameter of ocellus, located on distinct endosomal struts–DPS fusion elongate subquadmedian tubercle (pl. 13H); eye about one-fourth rate (pl. 21G). of head length, not reaching dorsal and ventral ETYMOLOGY: The species epithet is a noun in head surfaces; pedicel about one-third longer than apposition and is named after the type locality, scape; labial segment III shorter than II. THORAX: Parc National d’Andohahela, Madagascar . Anterior pronotal lobe without distinct anterolat- DISTRIBUTION: Antananarivo , Mahajanga , eral projections; posterior pronotal lobe trans- and Toliara provinces (map 7). 72 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO . 400