Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical ensign wasp genus Decevania (Hymenoptera: Evaniidae) Author Kawada, Ricardo Author Azevedo, Celso O. text Zootaxa 2007 1496 1 30 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.177039 260fdeb8-2094-491b-94d4-89ee7a450d2a 1175-5326 177039 Decevania nigra Kawada sp. nov. (Figs. 68–74) MALE. Description: Head, mesosoma, metasoma and posterior leg blacks; mandible, palpi, anterior and median legs dark castaneous; wings subhyaline and ocelli opaque. Head: Punctate (Fig. 68). Mandible with two apical teeth. Eye large, nearly circular, HE 1.41 x WE (Fig. 69). Malar space polished or politus (Fig. 68). Face above of clypeus with developed protuberance (Fig. 69). Gena flat in frontal view, narrow in lateral view, WG 1.00 x WTO, genal carina incomplete or interrupted (Fig. 69). Lateral of vertex angularly convex in frontal view (Fig. 68). Ocellus large, DAO 1.20 x WTO; ocellar triangle raised in frontal view (Fig. 68). Anterior ocellus not aligned in dorsal view of head. Clypeus pinched (Fig. 68). Occipital area narrow (Fig. 69). Subocullar groove with conspicuous carina (Fig. 68). Toruli polished around them (Fig. 69). Antenna inserted at above level of midline of eye (Fig. 68). Antennal segments evenly wide; pubescence appressed, without some setae outstanding; scape short, scape LS 0.58 x HE; flagellomere I long, LF 1.50 x LP (Fig. 70). Mesosoma: Thorax impunctate dorsally, slightly raised (Fig. 74). Pronotum wide in lateral view, LPR 0.60 x WTO, with conspicuous fovea in anterior corner. Mosonotum aligned (Fig. 74). Mesoscutum wide, anterior depression with short scrobiculate, lateral carina complete; notaulus with elongated punctures, straight (Fig. 72). Lateral scutellar region umbilicated; posterior region of scutellum convex in profile (Fig. 74). Median region of scutellar groove with large fovea. Metanotum conspicuous medially. Propodeum deeply areolate; median region of dorsal propodeum areolate; posterior region convex in profile; small ridge posterolaterad of insertion of petiole large (Fig. 74). Mesepimeron weakly scrobiculate. Mesepisternum wide; anterior region wholly areolate; posterior margin irregularly areolate; upper region evenly areolate; lower region foveolate, lower region with many foveae, anterior area of lower region with fovea irregularly sparse; central region concave (Fig. 73). Metapleuron areolate-umbilicate; metepimeron bulging. Distal region of metafemur not dilated. Tarsal claw with two teeth. Basitarsal projection of hind leg long, with blunt apex. Wing LFW 3.15 x LM. Basal cell setose. Stigmal vein wide, WST 0.17 x LST, apex of posterior margin convex (Fig. 71). 1R1 vein expanded distally. Stigmal + 1R1 long (Fig. 71). Stigmal + 1R1 LST 7.20 x WTO. Set of M+CU, 1CUa, 1CUb and 2CU veins sinuous. Metasoma : Petiole long, polished dorsally, LPE 0.83 x LST. Material examined. HOLOTYPE . Male. PERU , Paq. Nac. Passo Yahee Ioga Chemillon, Concog of Huabealamla, Biol. Station Huaqpel, 1050 m , 10,18582°S 75,57920°W , Malaise ( CNCI ). Comments. D. nigra sp. nov. differs from the others species by having head punctate and semicircular laterally; eye subrounded; subocular groove with conspicuous carina; genal carina incomplete; stigmal vein wide, convex in ventral edge; 1R1 vein expanded distally; petiole levigate dorsally and body almost black. FIGURE 68–74 : D. nigra sp. nov. 68. head in frontal view; 69. head in lateral view; 70. antennal segments 1–6; 71. stigmal and 1R1 vein; 72. mesoscutum in dorsal view; 73. pronotum and mesepisternum in lateral view; 74. dorsal region of mesosoma in profile. Scale bar = 200µ Distribution. Peru . Etymology. The name refers to the body mostly black.