Revision of the maculate species of the Anthracus annamensis group from the East Palaearctic and Oriental Regions. Part 2. A redescription of Anthracus nesophilus (ANDREWES, 1936) and six new species from Nepal, India and SE Asia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Harpalini, Stenolophina) Author Jaeger, Bernd text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2015 2015-12-30 47 2 1361 1396 journal article 55535 10.5281/zenodo.5193661 c2346a92-3813-4b3d-b139-f3b149b50f4a 0253-116X 5193661 Anthracus anichtchenkoi nov.sp. ( Figs 10-12 , 42-49 , 81 ) Type material: Holotype : ( MNB ) labelled "N INDIA , Uttarakhand , / 22.-23.IV 2012 , 8km NW / Jaspur , lake shore, / 29°21'10,54''N , 78°48'30,99''E , / A. Anichtchenko leg." and "HOLOTYPE ♂ / Anthracus / anichtchenkoi spec. nov. / des. B. Jaeger 2015". [red label] Paratypes : 2♂♂ , 1♀ ( cANI , cJAE ) with same data as the holotype . 1♂ ( BMNH ) labelled " Sarda , / Bengal. / F.W.C. ", " H.G. Champion Coll. / B.M. 1953-156" and "Acupalpus / spec. / annamensis group / det. B. Jaeger 2010" . 1♂ ( NME ) labelled " NEPAL , Prov. Bheri / Nepalgunj , Hotel Batika , 28°02,59'N / 81°36,56'E , 230m NN/ LF, 13.VII.1999 / leg. A. Weigel " . 1♀ ( NME ) labelled " NEPAL , Prov. Bheri / Nepalgunj , Hotel Batika , 28°02,59'N / 81°36,56'E , 230m NN/ 18.VI.1999 , LF / leg. M. Hartmann ". All paratypes additionally with my label: "PARATYPE ♂ or ♀ / Anthracus / anichtchenkoi spec. nov. / des. B. Jaeger 2015 " [red label]. Etymology: The species is dedicated to Alexandr Anichtchenko, Daugavpils , Latvia , specialist on Lebiinae and other Carabids, who collected the holotype and a part of the paratypes of the new species. Description: General appearance as figured ( Fig 10 ). Body length 3.1-3.7 mm (HT 3.4); width 1.2-1.7 mm . Shiny, pronotum weakly, elytra moderately iridescent. Head and pronotum paler to darker yellowish brown (HT and PT from Jaspur) or reddish yellow (PT from Nepalgunj), with clypeus, labrum and mandibles somewhat paler (inner margin and apices blackish). Elytra darker to paler reddish yellow or yellowish brown, with each elytron having a more or less distinct dark or blackish brown central macula, expanding laterally to interval 5-7 in and leaving the first interval, as well as basal, lateral and apical part reddish yellow or yellowish brown. Legs, palpi and first two antennomeres pale yellowish brown, antennomeres 3-11 moderately infuscated. Ventral surface mainly reddish brown, proepisterna sometimes somewhat darker, and abdominal sternite 4-6 sometimes somewhat paler in central part. Head ( Figs 10-12 ) including eyes 0.81-0.86 times as wide as pronotum, with eyes rather large and distinctly prominent (head 1.63-1.72 times as wide as head between eyes). Labrum almost rectilinear at apical margin, sometimes weakly sloped down to the right side. Mandibles medium sized, left mandible rather sharp at apex, not thickened or truncate. Antennae 2.54-2.55 times as long as pronotum and 0.90-0.91 times as long as elytra. Microsculpture on labrum distinct and almost isodiametric, on clypeus isodiametric to weakly transverse, on frons and anterior half of vertex almost lacking or with traces of very lightly impressed isodiametric meshes, and on posterior half of vertex with lightly impressed isodiametric meshes, becoming weakly transverse in front of pronotal apical margin. Pronotum ( Figs 10-12 ) 1.30-1.32 times as wide as long, 1.17-1.23 times as wide as head, widest in second quarter, lateral seta inserted at beginning of second quarter. Apical margin almost rectilinear or only faintly emarginated, anterior angles narrowly rounded at tips, not or very weakly projecting forward. Sides convex in anterior half, rectilinearly narrowed to posterior angles, which are obtuse and rather widely rounded. Basal margin almost straight or weakly arcuate medially and oblique to posterior angles. Lateral furrows moderately wide anteriorly, becoming weakly widened at posterior third, where they are fused with the baso-lateral impressions. The latter medium sized and somewhat oblique, distinctly delimited from the pronotal disc and median part of base, fused with basal and lateral margins. Anterior transverse impression obsolete, rarely suggested. Microsculpture on disc with fine, moderately to lightly impressed, moderately to strongly transverse meshes, at baso-lateral impressions and lateral furrows with distinctly impressed, weakly transverse to almost isodiametric meshes. Elytra ( Fig. 10 ) with sides slightly to moderately widened posteriorly, widest just at or slightly posterior to middle, 1.54-1.63 times as long as wide, 2.61-2.85 times as long and 1.29-1.40 times as wide as pronotum. Elytral striae distinctly impressed and impunctate, intervals rather flat, becoming somewhat narrowed and very weakly convex at apex. Microsculpture on scutellum and around basal pore with isodiametric meshes, on elytral intervals only with traces of very lightly impressed transverse lines. Metepisterna long and narrowed posteriad, at inner margin about 1.5 times longer than wide at basal margin. Prosternum medially with at least 4 and in front of apical margin with 4 medium long setae (often broken and then insertion points difficult to observe). Prosternal process with at least 1 distinct seta. Protarsomeres and mesotarsomeres as in A. nesophilus . Median lobe of aedeagus ( Figs 42-49 ) similar to that of A. nesophilus , but markedly smaller, less distinctly curved in central part, and internal sac with a vertical group of 12- 15 medium sized teeth, with the first two teeth in apical part usually somewhat shifted to the right side (seen from Figs 46-49 ). Comparisons and remarks: Anthracus anichtchenkoi nov.sp. is closely related to A. nesophilus and A. philippinensis . It differs from the former by the smaller median lobe of the aedeagus, with different internal structures (the group of teeth is arranged more central, with number of teeth more numerous and the two apical teeth shifted to right side). Externally it can be separated from A. nesophilus by the larger, more prominent eyes (HW/HWbE 1.63-1.72 in A. anichtchenkoi and 1.58-1.63 in A. nesophilus ) and other correlated indices (HW/PW), the not or less emarginated pronotal apical margin, and often also by flatter elytral intervals. From A. philippinensis it can be distinguished by the internal structures of the aedeagus, which consist of smaller, more numerous, not very closely arranged teeth with first two apical teeth usually shifted to right side. Externally A. anichtchenkoi differs from philippinensis also by larger, more distinctly produced eyes (HW/HWbE 1.63-1.72 in A. anichtchenkoi and 1.57-1.63 in A. philippinensis ) and related body proportions (e.g. HW/PW). From A. skalei JAEGER, 2015 , A. weigeli JAEGER, 2015 and two undescribed taxa closely related to A. annamensis (BATES) and A. biplagiatus (BOHEMAN) , which belong to other species complexes but occur also in northern India and/or Nepal , partly sympatrically, A. anichtchenkoi differs by the peculiar shape of the apical plateau of the aedeagus and the different internal structures ( Figs. 42-49 , 74-79 , and JAEGER 2015: 343 ).