Systematic revision of Neotropical Achalcus and a related new genus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae, Achalcinae) with comments on their phylogeny, ecology and zoogeography Author Pollet, Marc text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2005 2005-01-31 143 1 27 73 journal article 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2004.00141.x 0024-4082 5431996 ACHALCUS LOEW, 1857 Achalcus Loew, 1857: 30 Type species: Porphyrops flavicollis Meigen, 1824: 56 Achalcus flavicollis (Meigen, 1824) as designated by Robinson (1970: 22) Head. Uppermost postoculars usually darker than lower ones (exc. A. costaricensis , A. tibialis ). Arista usually longer than first three antennal joints. Thorax and abdomen. Five dc (synapomorphy). No small additional setae between posthumeral, presutural and first two dc bristles. Abdomen with five pubescent segments (synapomorphy). Hypopygium ( Figs 1 , 2 ). Hypandrium simple, without spines on apex; aedeagus simple, at most with subapical dorsal bend; ventral (not dorsal, as in Pollet & Cumming, 1998 ) epandrial lobe slender with three epandrial setae on shaft (synapomorphy); midventral bristle of surstylus usually without or with only minute apical flag. Legs. Tibia I with one, two or without dorsal bristles. Tibia II with two ad bristles (exc. niger ). Femur III mostly with strong preapical ad bristle, usually inserted at middle of anterior face. Figure 1. Achalcus flavicollis (Meigen) (male). Hypopygium. AE, aedeagus; CC, cercus; DEP, dorsal process of epandrium; EL, epandrial lobe; ES, epandrial setae; HP, hypandrium; PGO, postgonites; ST, surstylus; VEP, ventral process of epandrium. A