Late Silurian to earliest Devonian vertebrate biostratigraphy of the Birch Creek II section, Roberts Mountains, Nevada, U. S. A. Author Burrow, Carole Jan Author Murphy, Michael Author Turner, Susan text PaleoBios 2023 2023-06-06 40 4 1 32 journal article 10.5070/P940454153 0031-0298 10913559 58312615-0833-432E-BF5D-3DFFBF361AAA LANARKIA TRAQUAIR, 1898 Type species Lanarkia horrida Traquair, 1898 . ? LANARKIA SP. ( FIG. 7C ; TABLE 1 ; SUPPL. 1, FIG. 11) Referred specimens and Remarks —At least two possible scales from BC II section: one from level 458.67’ ( 139.8 m ), one from level 527.25’ ( 160.7 m ) ( Fig. 7C ). Lanarkia species are known mainly from earlier Silurian rocks in Scotland , mainland Europe, and arctic Russia , as well as in arctic Canada ( Märss et al. 2007 ). The scale from 527.25’ is most like those called Thelodus traquairi by Gross (1967) , originally “ Lanarkia costata ” of Gross, 1947 , from the north German Beyrichienkalk (Bey. 1, early Přidolí) and ones from Poland (late Přidolí; Gross 1947 , Märss 1997 ), which have been referred to Lanarkia ( Märss et al. 2007 ) .