Oriental macropterous leaf-mimic pygmy grasshoppers-genera Oxyphyllum and Paraphyllum (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) and their taxonomic assignment
Skejo, Josip
Gupta, Sunil Kumar
Chandra, Kailash
Panhwar, Waheed Ali
Franjević, Damjan
journal article
Re-description of
Paraphyllum antennatum
(Photos of
from ANSP and specimens from CJT available in high resolution in OSF). http://
General appearance and coloration.
Large, bright and smooth species of high pronotal crest. Cryptic in coloration—usually specimens have color similar to their surroundings. Pronotal crest, hind femora, and tegmina usually have bright greenish, brownish or orange tints. Parts of head and legs are darker in coloration.
In frontal view
. Eyes elongated, ovoid, Vertex as wide as an eye, concave between eyes. Eyes together with lateral carinae above level of vertex. Frontal costa long, bifurcation of frontal costa between the eyes (in the middle), paired (lateral) ocelli on each side of the facial carinae, on the lower third of the compound eye height, for about half of their diameter below the bifurcation. Scutellum wide, with weakly diverging carinae, in its widest part as wide as antennal groove. Dorsal margin of antennal groove below the lower margin of the compound eyes, on each side of scutellum. Antennae long and smooth, more than 3 times longer than fore femur, 16-segmented: 1
scapus, 2
pedicel, 3
to 14
very elongated segments (from 6 to 14 times as long as wide) of flagellum, apical 15
and 16
reduced, small and short.
In lateral view
. Eyes globular, strongly projected above the level of vertex and pronotal discus (except of course for its raised median carina), occipital area extremely short. Vertex and frontal costa not visible in lateral view because of strongly projected eyes. Facial carinae and scutellum projected forward, as well as antennal grooves. Palpi robust (not flattened) and hairy.
In dorsal view
. Anterior margin of the vertex not projected before the eyes, medial carina distinct, elevated in anterior half, vanishing towards anterior margin of pronotum. Fossulae shallow. Angle between transverse and lateral carinae of the vertex obtuse, resembling right angle (= L shaped carinae). It is however obtuse because of lateral carina elevation towards the supraocular lobe.
In frontal view.
Lateral lobes directed downwards and slightly sidewards, projected outwards slightly more than humeral angles. Pronotal discus roof like, elevation of the each side goes towards median carina in 45° angle. The highest part of pronotum (not counting compressed median carina) about two eye diameters above the level of discus (humeral angles). Median carina higher than height of rest of the body. Pronotal apex acute.
In lateral view.
Frontal margin of the pronotum projected before the head. Median carina compressed and strongly elevated, giving the organism folliaceous, leaf or fungus like appearance. Compressed median carina full of net-like chitinous structures resembling leaf venation. Dorsal margin of the median carina finely tuberculated and weakly undulated. Prozonal and other carinae absent. Thick parts of pronotum visible in the place of promedial projection and on the basis on median carina between the shoulders. Rest of pronotum finely granulated and without projection. Three sulci present on the paranotal part of prozona. Lateral lobes directed downwards and sidewards, with truncated apex. Ventral and tegminal sinuses triangular and deep, ventral deeper than tegminal. Infrascapular area narrow and long, running from the basis of tegmina to the mid of the hind femur length. Lateral area fused with dorsum (pronotal discus) and internal lateral carina weak. Pronotum reaching tip of the hind tibia where extended (macropronotal, macropterous specimens) or reaching the tip of the hind knee (brachypronotal, brachypterous specimens).
In dorsal view.
Anterior margin of the pronotum projected above the whole vertex and before the head, not covering eyes. Except for median, no distinct carinae of the pronotum. General appearance robust for flying genus, rather wide, widely rounded humeral angles. Median carina tuberculated, weakly sulcate, from ¾ of its length towards the apex carinated. Pronotal apex rounded.
. Tegmina elongate, oval, with narrow and rounded apex, almost as long as mid femur and wider than the femur. Alae dark and elongated, visibly exceeding pronotal apex (macropronotal, macropterous specimens) or reaching the apex (brachypronotal, brachypterous specimens).
Fore legs
. Femur elongated, carinated above, with wavy and finely toothed dorsal carina. Tibia rectangular in cross section and with straight margins. On the ventral inner margin of hid tibia there are 5 to 6 spines (and more transparent, spine-like hairs), while on the ventral outer margin just two (or three) apical. Dorsal margins are apparently spineless. Tibia dark with bright right in the middle. Proximal tarsal segment very short, distal elongated and with claws.
Mid legs.
Femur elongated, carinated above, with wavy and finely toothed dorsal carina. Tibia rectangular in cross section and with straight margins. On the ventral inner margin of hid tibia there are 5 to 6 spines (and more transparent, spine-like hairs), while on the ventral outer margin three. Dorsal margins spineless. Tibia dark with bright right in the middle. Proximal tarsal segment very short, distal elongated and with claws.
Hind legs
. Femur elongated, carinated above. Dorsal carina finely granulated. Antegenicular tooth triangular, genicular tooth smaller. Surface of the femur finely granulated, at least 6 to 7 low transverse ridges visible on external area. Hind tibia dark, with a pale ring close to the hind knee. On the connection of femur and tibia there are four large spines—two on the each side of the tarsus, and two below the tarsus. On the inner dorsal margin of tibia there are six triangular spines, while on the outer 7 to 9. Proximal tarsal segment longer than distal. Mid tarsal segment short. Pulvili heteromorphic—proximal small (triangular, spine like, low), second longer (as high as the first and with angular apex), third largest (longest and slightly higher than previous two, also angular).
. Female ovipositor short and robust, dorsal valves with 9 teeth (including apical) enlarging towards the apex. Ventral valves with 7 or 8 teeth (with apical), enlarging towards apex. Female subgenital plate square shaped, with dark triangular projection at the apex. Cerci conical and hairy. Male subgenital plate elongated and conical.