A taxonomic revision of Thai Fernandoa Welw. ex Seem. (Bignoniaceae) Author Ngernsaengsaruay, Chatchai https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7131-976X Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand fsciccn@ku.ac.th Author Meeprom, Nattanon https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4193-7062 Biodiversity Center, Kasetsart University (BDCKU), Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand Author Boonthasak, Weereesa Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand Author Attasook, Yanatshara Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand Author Thunthawanich, Raweewan Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand text PhytoKeys 2023 2023-11-22 235 249 270 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.235.112839 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.235.112839 1314-2003-235-249 4C22DB9279165E0BB4E8F10ACDD720EB 2. Fernandoa collignonii (Dop) Steenis, Blumea 23(1): 136. 1976; Santisuk & J. E. Vidal in J.-F. Leroy, Fl. Cambodge Laos Vietnam 22: 42. t. 5, fig. 5-8. 1985; Santisuk in Smitinand & K. Larsen, Fl. Thailand 5(1): 48. fig. 20. 1987. Figs 4 , 5 Spathodeopsis collignoniiSpathodeopsis collignonii Dop, Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., Ser. 2, 2: 152. 1930. Type . Vietnam , Tonkin, Hoa Binh , Jul 1929 , Collignon s.n. ( holotype , P [P00609742, photo seen]) . Description. Trees, 5-12 (-20) m tall; bark irregularly cracked, corky, grey to greyish-brown; young branches glabrous. Leaves decussate; petioles 3.5-9 cm long; rachises 8.5-17.5 cm long, terete, channelled above; petioles and rachises sparsely hairy or glabrous; leaflets 7-9, opposite, laminas elliptic, elliptic-oblong, oblong or ovate, 6-17 x 2.5-7 cm, apex acuminate or caudate, base oblique, cuneate or obtuse, margin entire, chartaceous, glabrous on both surfaces, except small hairy domatia in the axil of lateral veins below, with a few scattered glands below, midrib and lateral veins raised below, lateral veins 4-10 pairs, curving and connected in loops near the margin, veinlets reticulate, the lowest pair smaller than the upper pair of leaflets, not reduced to foliaceous pseudostipules; petiolules very short or up to 4 mm long. Inflorescence a thyrse, 10-21 cm; peduncles 2-4 cm long; rachises 3.5-10 cm long; peduncles, axes and pedicels sparsely hairy or glabrous. Flowers : calyx thick, persistent, in flower buds 5-ribbed at least in the upper half, glabrous on both sides (sparse hairs outside in flower buds), tubular-campanulate, 2-3.5 x 1.5-2 cm, 2-3-lobed, unequal, apex acute (the posterior side with 2-3 lobes, halfway or more split towards the anterior base); corolla creamy white to pale yellow, glabrous on both sides, corolla tube curved, constricted between basal tube and upper tube, basal tube short cylindrical, widened towards the base, c. 2 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide at base, upper tube widened towards the mouth, infundibuliform-campanulate, 4-4.5 cm long, 3.5-4 cm wide at mouth, bilabiate, 5-lobed, upper lobes 2 and lower lobes 3, subequal or unequal, lobes suborbicular or broadly obovate, 2-2.5 x 2-2.6 cm, apex rounded, crisped; stamens 4, didynamous, subexserted, longer pair c. 5 cm long, shorter pair c. 3 cm long, filaments arcuate, glabrous, anthers c. 6 mm long; staminode 1, needle-like, 5-6 mm long; disc annular, surrounding the base of ovary, c. 7 mm in diam.; ovary cylindrical, with 6 longitudinal ridges, glabrous, style slender, c. 4 cm long, glabrous, stigma 2-lobed. Fruits cylindrical, 33-70 x 3-6.5 cm, green turning brown when dry, straight to slightly arcuate, with 6 prominent longitudinal ridges, glabrous, septum 3-4 mm thick, 1.8-2.5 cm wide. Seeds flat, rather rectangular with a lateral hyaline-membranous wing, 4-4.5 x 1-1.8 cm. Figure 4. Fernandoa collignonii A branch, leaves, inflorescence and flowers [ La-ongsri , Tatiya & Satatha 1662 (QBG)] B flower C corolla [ Srisanga , Maknoi , Panyachan & Tatiya 2884 (QBG)]. Photos: Pattarin Nunthamontree. Figure 5. Holotype of Fernandoa collignonii , Collignon s.n. P [P00609742] from Hoa Binh, Tonkin, Vietnam, with immature fruits. Photo: Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN), Paris, France http://coldb.mnhn.fr/catalognumber/mnhn/p/p00609742. Distribution. Vietnam, Laos, Thailand. Distribution in Thailand. Northern: Nan. (Fig. 3 ). Habitat and ecology. It is found in dry evergreen forest, limestone hills, lower montane rain forest, at elevations of 400-800 m a.m.s.l. Phenology. Flowering April to July; fruiting July to December. Conservation status. Endangered (EN) ( Santisuk et al. 2006 ; Chamchumroon et al. 2017 ). This species is known only from Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand), and has a small extent of occurrence (EOO of 14,250.11 km2) and area of occupancy (AOO of 20 km2). In Thailand it is known only from Northern Thailand, Nan Province, and has a small extent of occurrence (EOO of 1,378.75 km2) and area of occupancy (AOO of 16 km2). It is appropriate to consider its status as Endangered [EN B2ab(ii, iv)]. Etymology. The specific epithet of Fernandoa collignonii honours L. Collignon, the collector of the type specimen. Vernacular name. Khae dok lueang (แคดอกเหลือง) (Nan) [ Niyomdham & Puudjaa 7677 (BKF)]; Khae hang khang san (แคหางค่างสั้น) (Northern); Dinh thoi (Tonkin); Dinh, Dinh vang, Dinh collignon (Vietnam). Uses. No data recorded in Thailand. In Vietnam, Tonkin, Hoa Binh, the specimen Poilane 13012 (P [P02862885]) noted that its timber is good for all purposes, not being attacked by termites. Notes. In addition to the key to the species, Fernandoa collignonii differs from F. adenophylla in its petioles 3.5-9 cm long (vs very short or up to 1.5 cm long because the lowest pair of leaflets near the base of petiole much reduced, resembling foliaceous pseudostipules), rachises terete (vs 4-angular), petioles and rachises sparsely hairy or glabrous (vs densely stellate and dendroid tomentose), the longest leaflets up to 17 cm (vs the longest terminal leaflets up to 46.5 cm and lateral leaflets up to 33 cm), leaflets chartaceous, with a few scattered glands below (vs subcoriaceous, with scattered glands on both surfaces). Santisuk (1987) reported that the height of this species ranges from 5-12 m tall, but the specimens Srisanga et al. 2884 (QBG), La-ongsri et al. 1662 (QBG), and La-ongsri et al. 1869 (QBG) collected from Nan Province mentioned 20 m tall. Poilane 13012 (P [P02862885]) collected from Vietnam was recorded to have trunk diameter to 1 m. The flowers were mentioned by the specimens from Vietnam, Evrard 515 (L [L2815229]) to be reddish orange (rouge ochre), and Poilane 6055 (L [L2815228]) described them as white, but were recorded here as creamy white to pale yellow in this study. Santisuk (1973 , 1974 ) reported that this species is known only from Nan Province, noted as Mae Sanian, Winit 1788 (BK, BKF, K). In addition, Tham Sakoen National Park and Pha Chang, Ban Yot, Yot Subdistrict, Song Khwae District, and Phu Huat, Sakat Subdistrict, Pua District were new localities recorded in this study. Santisuk (1987) reported that this species is uncommon in evergreen forests. In addition, the specimen Srisanga et al. 2884 (QBG) was collected in dry evergreen forest, at elevation of 800 m a.m.s.l., the specimen La-ongsri & Romkham 1311 (QBG) in limestone forest, and the specimen Niyomdham & Puudjaa 7677 (BKF) in hill evergreen forest (= lower montane rain forest), at elevation of 800 m a.m.s.l. (see habitat). Additional specimens examined. Thailand . Northern : Nan [ Sanian Subdistrict (noted Mae Sanian ), in evergreen forest, 420 m alt., fr., 5 Aug 1926 , Winit 1788 (BK, BKF, K) ( Santisuk 1973 , 1974 ); Phu Huat, Sakat Subdistrict, Pua District , in hill evergreen forest, 800 m alt., fl., 19 May 2006 , Niyomdham & Puudjaa 7677 (BKF); Tham Sakoen National Park , Yot Subdistrict, Song Khwae District , in dry evergreen forest, 800 m alt., fl., 12 May 2006 , Srisanga et al. 2884 (QBG); Tham Sakoen National Park , Yot Subdistrict, Song Khwae District , in limestone forest, noted that fruits were green, 16 Dec 2010 , La-ongsri & Romkham 1311 (QBG); Pha Chang, Ban Yot, Yot Subdistrict, Song Khwae District , in evergreen forest, 441 m alt., fl., 12 May 2011 , La-ongsri , Tatiya & Satatha 1662 (QBG); Tham Sakoen National Park , near stream in evergreen forest, 600 m alt., fr., 27 Jul 2011 , La-ongsri et al. 1869 (QBG)] . Vietnam [ Tonkin, Hoa Binh, 27 Aug 1926 , Poilane 13012 (P [P02862885]); Tonkin, Hoa Binh, fl., s.d., Brillet 11 collected from the type locality (K [K000779292], P [P02862889]); Ninh Binh Province , Cuc Phuong National Park , noted with fruits, 16 Nov 2001 , Cuong 1548 (L [L3730433]); Annam , Nha Trang , noted that flowers white, 24 Apr 1923 , Poilane 6055 (L [L2815228]); Foret sur le Song Cao de Song Trang a Binh Loi , pres Nha Trang , fl., 16 Jul 1921 , Evrard 515 (L [L2815229]); Ninh Thuan Province , Ninh Hai District , Nui Chua National Park , fr., 16 Jan 2010 , Soejarto et al. DDS14712 (P [P03387600, P03387601])]; LAOS [ Xieng Khouang , 8 Nov 1920 . Poilane 2309 (BKF, L [L3730861], P [P02862887]); s.d., Spire 228 (P [P02862886])] .