A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Deretaphrus Newman, 1842 (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea: Bothrideridae)
Lord, Nathan P.
Department of Biology, 401 WIDB, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602, U. S. A.
McHugh, Joseph V.
Department of Entomology, University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602, U. S. A.
The Coleopterists Bulletin
mo 12
journal article
Deretaphrus alveolatus
Carter and Zeck, 1937
Figs. 58
Deretaphrus alveolatus
Carter and Zeck, 1937: 201
Heinze 1943: 119
This species can be readily distinguished from congeners by the large, shallow, closely set punctures of the pronotal disc, giving a net-like appearance. It most closely resembles
D. antennatus
new species
. Both species have small setae that arise from punctures on the head and pronotum as well as a similar pronotal sculpturing. In
D. alveolatus
, the dorsal surface of the head is flat, the punctures on the pronotal disc are round and much more shallow, and the antennal club segments are more rounded and less angulate. The carination of the elytral interstitial intervals is similar to that of other Western Australian
, but this species is easily separated by the sculpture of the pronotum.
7.6 mm
. Width 2.0 mm. Body elongate, parallel, dark red; dorsal surface glabrous, matte to slightly shiny; ventral surface moderately shiny, glabrous except for minute setae that arise from punctures.
: In dorsal view, slightly narrowed anteriorly, apex flat; without laterally expanded supra-ocular ridges; eyes completely visible from above; punctures small and dense except sparse along posterior margin; each puncture with 1 small seta arising from center. Frontoclypeal suture distinct, arcuate, slightly sinuate medially. Anterior margin of clypeus broadly arcuate. Submentum shape similar to
Fig. 48
; narrowly separated from subgenal braces, without paired setose pits; anterior margin sinuate, strongly produced anteroventrally over oral cavity, mentum completely concealed. Antennal groove welldeveloped, impunctate internally. Antenna appearing glabrous except under high magnification, segments 3–8 with a single transverse row of minute setae, antennal club segments with minute, sparse setae. Antennal club distinctly asymmetrical, leading edge of club segments much more inflated than trailing edge. Dorsal surface (external face) of mandible without median setose groove.
Fig. 58
): Pronotum elongate, tapering only slightly towards base, widest near anterior margin, distinctly wider than head; dorsal surface convex, slightly depressed along midline, more strongly deflexed near anterior angles; anterior margin arcuate; anterior angles rounded; base slightly narrower than elytral bases; posterior margin weakly sinuate; posterior angles without small denticle; lateral margin with incomplete carina, forming a distinct raised border in dorsal view. Pronotal disc with very large, shallow, round punctures, each with a small seta arising from center; punctures very dense, closely set, nearly confluent, giving an alveolate pattern. Pronotal median longitudinal depression present, extremely weak and shallow, ending in anterior 1/3; depression slightly more impressed near base. Hypomeron more sparsely punctate than pronotal disc, punctures large and shallow; lateral walls nearly vertical. Prosternum flat medially, strongly deflexed at lateral margin. Tergosternal suture slightly sinuate, located on lateral wall of prothorax.
Figs. 84–85
): Elytron slightly flattened dorsally; interstitial intervals 3–9 raised for entire length, shiny; raised even intervals not as long as odd, ending before apex; odd raised intervals nearly extending to apical margin; interval 3 raised towards apex; interval 4 raised for apical half. Basal elytral margin with intervals 3 and 5 each ending in a knob-like protuberance; protuberance on elytral interval 5 merges with finger-like callosity on elytral shoulder.
: Tibia with short, sparse setae; inner face of tibia with 2 fringes of short, thick setae. Tarsus sparsely setose except for two pockets of dense setae on the ventral surface near apex of tarsomeres 1–3.
: Ventrite V simple, punctures becoming smaller and denser near apex.
: Phallobase as in
Fig. 141
. Tegmen consisting of paired, subtriangular plates at middle; plates narrowly touching medially. Basal piece with short anterolateral struts; struts slightly curved anteriorly. Parameres moderately short, elongate, distinctly separated and individually articulated to phallobase, internal lateral margins arcuate; paramere sparsely setose with short setae at apical margin; dorsal surface of paramere with short subtriangular process; process thickest at base, narrowing apically, slightly shorter than half the length of the paramere, apex slightly swollen; processes narrowly separated, parallel medially. Penis similar to
Fig. 169
; short, moderately thick, slightly curved; apex narrowed and pointed; base slightly expanded, bearing short, paired anterior struts. Penis bicolored, lighter in basal 1/3.
: Cue,
Western Australia
. Known only from the
locality (
Fig. 173
Not known.
Carter and Zeck (1937) described this species from a single specimen.
Western Australia
Type Material Examined.
H O L O T Y P E (
Figs. 185–186
) (
, point-mounted) label data: “Cue,
W.A. H.W. Brown
[red label] //
Deretaphrus alveolatus Cart
: [in Carter’ s hand] //
S. Aust. Museum
specimen [orange label]” [
SAMA 282
, examined]. This type was removed from the original card-mount and was point-mounted. The original card-mount, abdomen [glued to a card, bearing a
symbol], and genitalia [in glycerin in genitalia vial] are pinned beneath the specimen